Sunday, June 29, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba Herb

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba Herb

Ginkgo Biloba Herb

The ginkgo biloba herb is obtained from ginkgo trees. Geological research considers that the tree has existed for 150-200 million years. Chinese monks nourished the tree and ensured its availability up to the present day. Ginkgo biloba herb is revered in China and has been administered to treat numerous afflictions for a thousand years or more. The herb was introduced to Europe in the 18th century. At this time, ginkgo biloba herb is a commonly used drug in Germany and France.

Due to ginkgo biloba herb’s popularity, it attracted considerable interest amongst science specialists who subjected it to much research. In this respect, more than 300 studies have been conducted on the herb in the last 30 years to test its remedial capacity.

Ginkgo biloba herb is used in China to treat lung congestion, vertigo, asthma, and a number of neurological and circulation conditions. Ginkgo biloba herb contains two groups of substances: flavonoids and terpene lactones. Terpene lactones contain ginkgolides A, B and C, bilobaide, quercetin and kaempferol. Research suggests that Ginkgolides can control asthma, anaphylactic shock and allergic inflammation.

Furthermore ginkgo biloba herb increases blood flow to the brain and in all blood vessels. Also oxygen levels in the brain, which make up 20% of the body’s oxygen, increase in the process.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba - Memory

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba - Memory

Ginkgo Biloba Can Improve Memory

Ginkgo biloba has many uses and one of its most significant advantages is improving the memory either short or long term.

Ginkgo biloba for memory has been used in different areas of the world for many thousands of years. As a living fossil, the oldest tree in the world is a source of medicinal herbs as well. Extensive use of ginkgo biloba commenced in China about 5,000 years ago. It seems that people over the age of 50 are increasingly using ginkgo biloba for memory.

There is commonly held notion that taking ginkgo biloba for memory can counter memory lapses and even restore it.

Ginkgo biloba contains flavenoids and terpenoids considered useful for memory related problems. These two significant constituents of ginkgo biloba for memory are considered to have favorable effect on the brain. This is why ginkgo biloba is known as a brain tonic. Flavenoids can control free radicals that if unchecked can result in premature aging and dementia.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Friday, June 27, 2008

Natural Health - Chinese Green Tea

Natural Health - Chinese Green Tea

Chinese Green Tea and Heart Health

Chinese green tea is believed to stimulate blood flow throughout the body. Also, because it contains caffeine the drink is thought to stimulate the heart and facilitate blood flow through the blood vessels. Additionally the Chinese green tea is considered to assist thought processes and mental clarity.

Polyphenols, which are a naturally occurring antioxidant in Chinese green tea, are believed to combat the ravaging and injurious effect of free radicals. So the tea helps to preserve well-being, and boost resistance to a number of ailments. You will not only feel better, but also look better because Chinese green tea can help preserve the skin and maintain bright eyes.

Drink Chinese Green Tea and Live Longer!

It is thought that Chinese green tea not only assists with general health but also with longevity, and it would be difficult to argue that if you look after yourself, you are likely to live longer too.

Although there has been some skepticism regarding the benefits of Chinese green tea, it has been difficult to dismiss the claims of serious researches, which have tended to support its disease prevention capacity.

Please Click Here to visit my Website and read the full article.


natural health

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Eucalyptus

Herbal Remedies - Eucalyptus

The eucalyptus tree is found in Australia and Tasmania, but is renowned worldwide. It has leathery leaves, containing glands that secrete its uniquely flavoured oil. Eucalyptus trees soon grow to great heights, reaching 300 feet. Although they produce timber they are much more famous for their aromatic oil, which has medicinal, industrial and aromatic applications.

Eucalyptus oil has disinfectant and antiseptic properties, which combined with its unique aroma, make it particularly suitable as an inhalant for respiratory infections. It is a popular, soothing self treatment for coughs, colds, influenza, bronchitis, sinusitis, and related conditions. Eucalyptus oil is frequently used with steam, in a large bowl, to use as an inhalant, by an inflicted person, who uses a towel over the head, to direct the vapours to the nasal passages. Eucalyptus oil is a natural product, and seems to provide considerable benefit, if used for long enough periods of 15 minutes or so per session.

Eucalyptus is not limited to the alleviation of reparatory disorders but has many other medicinal attributes. These include anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic qualities, useful in the treatment of rheumatism, skin ulcers, urinary infections and wounds.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Bilberry

Herbal Remedies - Bilberry

The reputation of the bilberry, as a healing herb, was reinforced by the Royal Air Force bomber pilots, during the second world war. They found that there night vision was improved if the food they ate, prior to their night bombing raid contained bilberries. Afterwards tests seemed to show that bilberry is a good antioxidant, that can protect cells in the eyes and elsewhere, from free radicals.

Researchers, encouraged by the RAF pilots claims, investigated further. They found compounds known as anthocyanosides, which are thought to improve blood flow to blood the eyes. Such compounds, found in bilberries also help with collagen, that aids healthy connective tissue.

Bilberries have been used by European herbalists for a thousand years or more, as a treatment for numerous ailments, including kidney stones, diarrhoea, and urinary tract infections. Bilberries also contain tannins, useful for treating sore throats, and mouth conditions.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Monday, June 09, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - Evening Primrose Oil

Herbal Remedies - Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose originated in North America, but was introduced into Europe in the 17th century. Because the wild primrose only opens its yellow petals in the evening, it is apparent why it is known as the evening primrose. The less common alternative name of evening star is due to the petals emitting phosphorescent light at night.

Evening primrose oil has become well known for its anti-inflammatory and other healing properties. Its power is derived from its seed oil which contains gamma-linolenic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid.

Gamma-linolenic acid is not unique to evening primrose oil, but with 7-10 per cent fatty acid content, it is a major source. Because of this high content evening primrose has real health benefits, because when taken internally, gamma-linolenic acid is converted into prostaglandins, which help to assist body functions.

Evening primrose oil has been found to be extremely helpful for treating PMS and other menstruation problems, as well as endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts. Also its anti-inflammatory properties appear to help with other associated conditions including premenstrual breast problems.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - St John's Wort

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - St John's Wort

St John's Wort is sometimes known as a miracle herb because it is used for so many afflictions.

Traditional Chinese medical practitioners have used St John’s Wort for over 4000 years. It has more recently come into its own in the West as a treatment for mild to moderate depression. Some people take St John’s Wort as a natural alternative to Prozac, and in Germany, where St John’s Wort is an approved treatment, it outsells Prozac by about 10:1.

Until recently it was thought that the hypericin content of St John’s Wort was responsible for its antidepressant effect. However, more recent studies are inconclusive, and it is not known exactly how the herb works in alleviating depression. What is certain is that there are millions of people, all over the world who are taking St John’s Wort and reaping benefits. Because of the herbs popularity, research studies are widely available, and excellent books have been written with up to date information.

Researchers continue their endeavours to discover the secret of St John’s Wort, but to its many beneficiaries, why it works is not as important as that it does work! Moreover, it seems that although its therapeutic effects are best known in the West for treating depression, it is useful for many other conditions.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Natural Health - Natural Health Spa Relieves Stress

Natural Health - Natural Health Spa Relieves Stress

Because of their busy lifestyles many people feel a need to relieve stress, and what better way could they set about it than by visiting a natural health spa?

Fortunately, workers at whatever level they are employed are entitled to reasonable time off, by way of holidays. If they have a stressful occupation, they would be well advised to replace one or more of their routine holidays, with a stay at a natural health spa. This would relieve stress and rejuvenate them, so that they were properly refreshed before returning to work.

Many people have seen the benefit that a friend or colleague has derived from a visit to a natural health spa, to the extent that they have sought details so that they may book a visit for themselves. They have learned that natural health spas provide treatment to bring about complete relaxation, and relieve stress.

All the treatments available at a natural health spa are designed for your well-being. So that not just your physical body but your whole self benefits. Initially you may feel a little guilty at being looked after so well. But you should not think of yourself as being pampered, but as being involved in a program to relieve stress that has accumulated over a period. Think of it as a safety valve to let off steam, and reduce the pressure that can occur from living a busy life.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Natural Health Nutritional Supplements

Natural Health Nutritional Supplements

Natural health nutritional supplements are formulated to assist your body. There are times when we are all subject to additional pressure. If circumstances arise that place an extra burden on your body's resources, it is good to know that there are natural health nutritional supplements available to help you. They will enable you to cope with the extra load, and prevent you from becoming run down.

As a part of your natural defenses, your immune system will do its best to protect you from the unseen enemy, comprised of bacteria and viruses. If you can strengthen your support with natural health nutritional supplements so much the better. If minor illness is allowed to take hold, serious complications may arise. It is necessary to protect your vital organs, if they are to serve you well, by nipping minor illnesses in the bud before they develop into something worse.

Have you ever noticed that when you feel better, you also look better. Natural health nutritional supplements can help that inner radiance to shine through. If you feel under the weather it shows, not only in your appearance but in your performance as well.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Monday, June 02, 2008

Natural Health Institute

Natural Health Institute

A natural health institute can provide you with a break to restore your vitality. There are times when you need to get back on track, and a natural health institute may be just what the doctor ordered. It is more likely that you will have to do the ordering yourself, but your doctor could hardly disapprove if the outcome was an improvement in your health.

If you have become run down, for no discernible reason of your own, a complete change, such as a natural health institute can provide, may bring about a transformation. Sometimes it is not just necessary to get away, but to get away to somewhere totally different. A natural health institute could be the answer, not just as a change, but to completely change and rejuvenate you.

There are times when you can derive real benefit from professional assistance. The services provided by qualified staff at a natural health institute, are carefully chosen, to meet the requirements of their patrons. There will be instruction in relaxation techniques, and other methods to revitalize and rejuvenate the system.

There will be opportunities to find out about health foods, and professional assistance with a detox, if that is considered necessary. A healthy diet is vital to your well-being.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Natural Women's Health

Natural Women's Health

That women are different to men goes without saying! Some would say better than men, but that's an argument we don't want to get into here. More importantly we want to consider what natural women's health is.

Natural women's health is a way of life for women who want to remain healthy. It is obvious when you think about it, but many women do not seem to have the time, or the inclination to consider its implications. They have children to care for, meals to cook, houses to look after, and probably a husband as well!

Of course, in these enlightened times women are classed as equals, and they are not downtrodden as they once were. In some instances though, the equality might not be as meaningful as it sounds. Mothers are something that fathers cannot be, and children do rely on their mums for an awful lot. Therefore, natural women's health is not only important to the woman of the house, but to the whole family.

When women become pregnant they are feeding two, at least! So it is vital that natural women's health focuses on nutrition and healthy food. It is particularly important during this time, for both the mother and her unborn child, to receive the nutrients they need. If they do not then the happy event, may not be such a happy event. Mother and baby must come first.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


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