Thursday, February 05, 2009

Is Green Tea Dangerous?

Most people if asked the question "Is green tea dangerous" would answer with a resounding No! However, it should always be remembered that just because a product is natural does not necessarily mean that it is safe. Even if it is generally safe, it may not be safe for everybody.

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It is fairly well known that some natural preparations may have an adverse effect on prescription drugs. That is to say, that they may increase or decrease the potency of prescription drugs, designed for a particular purpose. It has been reported in the journal, Blood, that green tea can interfere with the drug bortezomib, which is marketed under the brand name Velcade. Velcade is mainly prescribed to treat multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer. It seems that green tea stops Velcade from reaching the cancer cells towards which it is targeted.

It had been thought that green tea would facilitate Velcade in reaching its target. The fact that it does not do so is a firm indication that herbal remedies are not suitable for everyone, and in some instances may be considered to be dangerous.

Of course green tea is a very popular beverage, and there are many people who would testify to its benefits. But as with some other natural preparations, freely available from health shops and other outlets, it is not appropriate for everyone. It just goes to emphasize, that people who have been prescribed medicines, should seek advice from their doctors before taking herbal type preparations as well.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

It is widely believed that herbal remedies promote good health, and there that are many people who would endorse their benefits. The last thing you want to do if you are ill is to take anything that worsens your condition. Therefore, those who self prescribe should not take 'over the counter remedies' together with those obtained from recognized medical sources. Just remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.


natural health

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Eat Your Way To Natural Health-Natural Health

It can be in your own best interests to enjoy a nibble! Snacking can be good for you as long as you choose wisely. There are so many delicious fruits that will not only allay the pangs of hunger between meals but will serve to enhance your natural health as well.

Eat Your Way To Natural Health-Natural Health

It is well known that an adequate amount of fruit and vegetables are required to maintain natural health, and between five and nine helpings per day are recommended. Foods known to have a high antioxidant content are particularly beneficial. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are known to damage cells, and if unchecked become a significant factor in causing a range of serious illnesses, including heart disease and cancer.

Fortunately foods such as citrus fruits, berry fruits, green vegetables and others are readily available to offset free radicals. It is neither possible nor desirable to avoid free radicals altogether. It is an excess of free radicals that creates health problems. Such excess is difficult to avoid unless you include foods in your diet that are known to counter the threat. Free radicals can result from a bad diet, including the many fast foods that so many people use for the sake of convenience, whilst ignoring the natural health consequences. There are also environmental pollutants, from sources that include industrial output, cigarette smoke, and car fumes.

Considering the extent to which free radicals are out to get you, it is only common sense to consider effective counter measures. Fruit and vegetables will go a long way towards protecting your natural health.

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