Friday, March 06, 2009

Food Allergy

A food allergy occurs when the body's immune system reacts to a food that is wrongly considered to be invasive and produces specific antibodies to deal with the perceived attack. This initiates a sort of chain reaction, because the next time a person eats a similar sort of food, the immune system produces chemicals in a misguided attempt to deal with the problem. The allergic reaction to these chemicals produces a variety of disorders ranging from breathing difficulties, to loss of consciousness, and even death from a condition known as anaphylaxis.

The most common foods that trigger allergic reactions are eggs, wheat, milk, peanuts, some other nuts, soy, fish and shellfish. However, some people are affected by other foods. Whatever the cause, once identified, that particular food or foods, must be avoided at all costs.

Because food allergy is a potentially serious condition, medical advice should always be sought to determine the best way of dealing with the problem. A doctor will be able to assist in identifying particular foods that the patient should avoid, as well as being able to assist with other dietary recommendations. It is unfortunate that some of the triggers or allergens as they are otherwise known, are among the foods that are the most nutritious. There are estimated to be around 11 million allergy sufferers in the USA alone, so medical practitioners are well prepared to advise.

Fortunately many people outgrow their allergies, but for others they are a lifelong threat. It is to be hoped that there will be a breakthrough eventually, and that research will improve or eliminate allergy related health problems. In the meantime food allergy sufferers can enjoy a fairly normal existence, as long as their condition is properly managed, by strict avoidance of foods that are associated with their problem.


natural health

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Olbas Oil

Olbas oil is considered to be very good for relieving nasal congestion and associated disorders. However, there are some people who use Olbas oil, and are unsure of its ingredients, who have requested information with regard to what it actually contains.

Olbas oil is a mixture of eucalyptus, peppermint, cajuput, juniper, wintergreen, clove and menthol, so it is not difficult to realize why it is so highly regarded. All of the ingredients are useful for alleviating problems, when people feel unwell, with cold and flu type symptoms. Combined together, as the ingredients are in Olbas oil, they soon have people feeling better.

The normal method to benefit from Olbas oil is to put a few drops into a bowl of fresh boiled wated and inhale the fumes. Many find it advantageous to cover their head with a towel to concentrate the vapours directly to the nasal cavities. Because, the water has been heated to the extent of creating steam to carry the vapours, it is necessary to proceed with caution. If the bowl or other container was displaced, then scalding could result. Therefore, this sort of treatment is not recommended for children.

Nasal congestion is a condition that should normally clear up within a few days, especially if Olbas oil is used to help it on its way. If it persists, it may be necessary to seek the advice of a physician to determine that there is not a more serious problem giving rise to the ailment.


natural health

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Children's Coughs and Colds

It has been reported, that some over the counter medicines for children's coughs and colds, may do more harm than good. Perhaps the trouble is due in part to a lack of understanding about what natural health is all about. There are so many natural substances that are able to assist in alleviating common problems.

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If children, adults for that matter, develop coughs and colds, there are various natural substances that can assist. For instance:


All you need to do is to soak a teaspoon of liquorish root in a cup of water for a few minutes, strain the liquid, and drink it down whilst still hot. There is nothing harmful in this concoction but it has soothed coughs for generations.

Lemon and Olive Oil

The use of lemons in any sort of cold cure is almost obligatory! A mixture of lemon juice and olive oil, sipped as required, has proved to be soothing to the extent of making cold related illnesses more bearable.

Onions and Honey

Honey is another natural ingredient, that can be used to advantage in soothing coughs and colds. Mixing honey with onions is not quite so well known. However, onions chopped and covered with honey, and then left to stand overnight produce a worthwhile addition to the natural apothecary. A teaspoon or two as required has often proved to be beneficial.


Mustard baths are a folk remedy that may not be as popular now as they once were. But a spoonful of mustard added to a warm bath for children, or a hot bath for adults, has proved its worth in dealing with cold related illnesses. Alternatively there are many people who use mustard as a remedial footbath.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

So, do not think that there are no mild alternatives to soothing children's coughs and colds. After all, there is no absolute cure for common coughs and colds, but there are certainly natural ways of making the symptoms more tolerable.


natural health