Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rain Water and Allergy

There is nothing quite so refreshing as rain, and although it can be a bit of a nuisance at times, it is more often a blessing, and not in disguise, and not just for allergy sufferers. Rain is wonderful for reducing dust and pollens in the air. It is invigorating not just because it helps so many things to grow, but also because it freshens everything to the extent that many airborne allergens are neutralized.

It may be that where there is no rain there is only desert, and that allergens can't exist where there are no pollens, but don't bet on it. There are many allergens, other than pollen allergens that are just waiting to attack those who are susceptible. Just about the most essential of the modern worlds requirements, is oil, which paradoxically is also just about the worlds biggest pollutant. Unfortunately, oil and other airborne gasses are not only pollutants, but they produce allergens, ready to strike down those whose immune systems have been compromised.

Rain is not just a cleanser but also the source of the greatest human necessity, which is water. Without water everything dries up withers, and dies. Of course water is not just a necessity to sufferers of allergies but to all living things. How often do you hear people say, 'Oh it's raining again', when that rain is the very essence of their existence.

So, let us all be thankful for rain. Of course, when the heavens occasionally open and apply too much, disasters can occur. But there are far more disasters caused by a lack of rain than too much. All over the world people are grateful for rain. For allergy sufferers, there is perhaps nothing that is quite so refreshing and healing, as when a shower of rain cleanses the atmosphere, to make the seemingly simple process of breathing the life sustaining force that nature intended.


natural health

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Herbal Remedies for Headaches

There are not many people who can say that they never had a headache. Headaches are not only a distressing nuisance but big business as well because there are so many commercial products, sold in millions every day. There are many environmental and stress related factors that can induce what might be termed a simple headache. However, if people suffer from persistent headaches for no obvious reason a complication may be responsible, and medical advice should be sought without delay.

For simple or everyday headaches it is not necessarily the best idea to start pill popping as soon as they occur. Indeed it may be better to consider whether there is a more natural approach. Of course, the best way to eliminate the problem would be to remove the cause, but if it is work or environmentally related, that may not be possible. Therefore, an alternative approach could be to try natural herbal remedies, which many people have found successful in treating their own headaches.

A visit to your local herbal or health shop may be beneficial. Aspirin, which is one of the main headache cures, was originally derived from willow bark. Mixed with other herbal extracts such as peppermint or chamomile, willow bark may bring about the relief you are seeking. Be sure to obtain the advice of an adviser from your supplier, because it is possible to overdose on herbs as well as over the counter medicines. If in doubt ask, and make sure that anything you take is safe. Ready-made preparations, from reputable suppliers, offer the best solution to those who are not experts themselves.

Different types of herbs have been found to be useful for different kinds of headache. For instance many have found peppermint to be useful for migraines, and it is generally considered to be particularly safe. Primrose supplements contain phenylalanine that may be useful for treating work and stress induced headaches. Feverfew has proved its worth for ages past, as have other herbal remedies that your health adviser may be able to recommend.

Some people derive benefit from essential oils, finding that the aroma from the likes of lavender, or tea tree oil to be therapeutic. It is not difficult to imagine such treatment works after a hard day in the office or factory. A few drops of your favorite oil, added to your bath water, may refresh and invigorate your headache away!

Just remember that there are herbal alternatives to many over the counter drugs. That is not to say that natural products can't have side effects. They can, and that is why it is so necessary to get qualified advice before taking anything you are unsure about.


natural health