Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sleep and Natural Health

Sleep deprivation can be a killer, so make sure you are getting your share, otherwise your health will suffer.

Coffee, tea, and even cocoa, contain caffeine and are not a good idea at bedtime. On the other hand, a nightcap containing tryptophan, such as milk, can assist in the production of hormones that encourage sleep. Try milk on its own, or mixed with other natural products, such as your favourite herb or honey.

It has been estimated that the average amount of sleep required for replenishing the mind and body is eight hours. Studies have shown that those who regularly have less than six hours sleep, have a higher mortality rate than those staying in bed longer. So either don't go to bed too late, or don't get up too early! Cultivate a routine around about eight hours sleep, as part of your natural health program.

The time to solve your problems is during your waking hours, when you are alert, so don't take them to bed with you. Don't just switch off the light when you go to bed, but switch off your brain as well. There are all sorts of ways that you can do this, such as meditating, or reading a chapter from an enjoyable book. The television news is not a good idea to go to bed on. If you go to bed with bad news on your mind, you will not rest. Disasters are bad for your health!

A comfortable night's sleep, in a comfortable bed, in a comfortable room is really all you need for a flying start the following day. So do not neglect your comfort zone. Include it as part of your natural health lifestyle and you will reap the benefits.


natural health sleep