Sunday, September 17, 2006


As a pre-packaged food, to promote natural health, there can be nothing more satisfying than bananas. What is more, bananas are a source of instant energy. When tennis players are on court, playing an arduous match, it is bananas they turn to between games and sets, for a natural health boost.

Contrary to what some people think, bananas do not grow on trees. They are large plants or natural health providing herbs. Bananas are so versatile, and mix well with other fruits, as well as being delicious on their own. We are consistently being advised that we should eat five fruits and vegetables per day, and bananas fit in so well with this requirement.

Bananas health benefits include vitamins B6 and vitamin C, as well as being a natural health provider of fibre, magnesium, and potassium. There is little wonder that bananas are a favourite amongst sportsmen and women. The public at large find bananas are easy to digest to provide a natural health alternative snack to manufactured sweets.

Fortunately there are few people who are allergic to the ubiquitous bananas, which seem to be generally safe for infants as well as adults. Sometimes bananas are the first solid food introduced to a babies, to become established as part of their natural health diet. It seems that parents seldom need to ask their offspring if the would like a banana twice! Always assuming that there are any left when they have had their share!

So, if promoting your families natural health is on the agenda, as it most certainly should be, don't forget to include bananas which have so much to offer.


natural health