Wednesday, April 30, 2008

- Pineapple and Bromelain

- Pineapple and Bromelain:

"Pineapples look good! Pineapples taste good! Pineapples do you good!

Boost your natural health with pineapple containing bromelain, which has excellent anti-inflammatory qualities.

Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains. Because of its anti-inflammatory effect it is useful in soothing muscles which are sore due to inflammation, and is said to be helpful in relieving rheumatoid arthritis. Fresh pineapple may also relieve indigestion, because the bromelain breaks down the amino acids bonded in proteins.

Because of its high vitamin C content, fresh pineapple can help to protect the body from free radicals. Many people take vitamin C to protect them from, or lessen the severity of colds and related afflictions.

It has been said that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, but this is certainly not true of fresh pineapples. They do not require added sugar because they are delicious on their own. Furthermore, it seems that the heat used in the canning process, considerably reduces the bromelain content, so stick to fresh pineapples."


natural health