Monday, July 21, 2008

Smoking Is Not Natural

Continuing the theme, on our anti smoking month, it is true that smoking can damage your looks as well as causing serious internal diseases.

The following image, from the Want To Stop Smoking web site, suggests how quickly your good looks can deteriorate if you continue to smoke. Of course, the real health problems associated with smoking are a range of serious diseases, but there are many people who will be more inclined to want to stop smoking, if they are made aware of how it may affect their looks. It seems that it could virtually turn their lives upside down!

If you really want to stop smoking - you can. The Want To Stop Smoking web site is there to help you and you will find some helpful advice within the web pages from which an extract is printed below:

Methods to Stop Smoking

There all sorts of ways to stop smoking and they differ in success rates depending on the people involved. There are some who prefer to reduce the amount they smoke before they stop smoking completely, while others are adamant that "cold turkey" is the only successful route. Many smokers are helped with nicotine replacement products such as patches, lozenges, inhalers, and gum. Some of these aids may be available on prescription, depending on whereabouts in the world you live.

Additionally, there are lots of alternative methods to help you to stop smoking, such as aromatherapy to promote feelings of tranquility and peace, acupuncture (insertion of special needles into meridian centers of the body), meditation to induce feelings of calmness and peace, programs like Nicotine Anonymous (comparable to the better known and highly regarded Alcoholics Anonymous), and hypnotism to strengthen your resolve to stop smoking.

There are so many choices, that it is difficult to know the best method to suit you, which depends on several factors. If you think about it, you know yourself better than anybody. So consider what is the most difficult obstacle in your desire to stop smoking. It could be overcoming your emotional dependence on tobacco products. On the other hand it might be beating withdrawal symptoms, or just coming to terms with a bad habit that your are now determined to see off once and for all.

Please Click Here to visit the Want To Stop Smoking Web Site.


natural health

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Natural Health - Nothing Worse Than Smoking!

There is nothing more alien to a natural health lifestyle than smoking. However, there are many natural health enthusiasts who are ex smokers. Similarly, there are those who may have friends or relatives who still smoke, but would like to stop to pursue a healthier life.

The 'Want To Stop Smoking' web site has lots of useful information for people, guess what, who want to stop smoking! The web site is continuously being expanded, and is a good source of information, as you can see from the following extract.

"Smoking Can Also Affect Your Looks

Is it possible that anybody can read this and not want to stop smoking? Well, you are not always aware about what is going on inside you, so what about the damage smoking can do externally - to your looks!

Smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles. This is because smoking decreases the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels of vitamin A. In fact smokers begin to look old before their time so consider the animated graphic and..............."

Readers of this blog who have family, friends, or acquaintances, who are trying to stop smoking, may wish to recommend the Want To Stop Smoking web site. Please be forewarned, that in some instances shock tactics have been used. Unfortunately, there are times when such an approach is necessary, because after all smoking really is a shocking habit, and one of the biggest health hazards around.

Please Click Here to visit the Want To Stop Smoking Web Site.


natural health

Monday, July 14, 2008

Natural Health - Super Green Tea Diet

Historically, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung is credited with having been the first person to discover the many benefits of green tea. Legend has it that when he was boiling some water, leaves from an adjacent plant dropped into his pot. The result was the highly respected herbal drink, known as green tea that is now internationally recognized.

Green tea was highly regarded in Asia for thousands of years before Westerners became fully aware of its benefits. Eventually they did so and Natures Bounty, who are America's biggest manufacturer of quality vitamins and related health goods, produced Super Green Tea Diet. They claim that Super Green Tree Diet can assist with boosting energy, and also promoting weight loss when combined with the right diet and suitable exercise.

It is claimed that a Super Green Tea Diet capsule facilitates workout and diet. It seems that Super Green Tea Diet can help to burn calories by promoting sugar and fat metabolism. Research shows that the catechin polyphenols, present in Super Green Tea Diet, supplements interact with other antioxidants in the process of thermogenesis, which is related to the burning of body-fat and increasing metabolism.

To read the complete article, and many other interesting articles concerning natural health matters, Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba

It is thought that using ginkgo biloba may provide considerable natural health benefits. It is acknowledged to be a herb with the medicinal capacity to treat various afflictions. The Chinese have used ginkgo biloba extracts for centuries to treat a range of health problems. They have used ginkgo biloba for treating lung congestion, asthma, to increase blood flow for general longevity. There are many other reported benefits of using the herb, and the Chinese, amongst others, believe healing is properly attributed to ginkgo biloba extract.

It has been reported that Germany recently approved the use of ginkgo biloba extracts for Alzheimer’s patients. This seems to confirm a widening of support on the advantages of ginkgo biloba, particularly as it has become popular in France as well. The popularity of ginkgo biloba in both these countries is mainly due to the treatment of memory related problems, anxiety, depression, headache and dizziness.

Ginkgo biloba is one of those herbs that are always in the news for one reason or another. There are several pages on the 'herbal remedies for all web site' providing lots of information about the herb. There is information about its origins, its uses, its international reputation and much more besides so Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


ginkgo biloba

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo biloba and ginseng

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo biloba and ginseng

Ginkgo biloba and ginseng are considered to be two of the most valuable herbs. They have been used for thousands of years particularly in China.

There are a number of similarities between ginkgo biloba and ginseng. Both have been used as medicinal herbs for thousands of years. They are both considered to be useful for improving the memory, and for the treatment of many bodily ailments. Ginkgo biloba and ginseng are internationally regarded for their medicinal value. It is believed that ginkgo biloba and ginseng may, improve mental and physical capacities, stimulate the central nervous system, and help the body to combat stress. Combining, ginkgo biloba and ginseng, has been found to be useful in assisting with memory loss especially when the condition is age related.

Both ginkgo biloba and ginseng have been widely used in Europe and Asia. They are of significant commercial value, and influence related industries because of their medicinal value. Although there are similarities, a number of noticeable differences are also recognized between ginkgo biloba and ginseng.

Panax ginseng and ginkgo biloba have been considered to be a panacea for illness, but unlike ginkgo biloba, ginseng is considered more of a preventative treatment."

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health