Monday, July 14, 2008

Natural Health - Super Green Tea Diet

Historically, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung is credited with having been the first person to discover the many benefits of green tea. Legend has it that when he was boiling some water, leaves from an adjacent plant dropped into his pot. The result was the highly respected herbal drink, known as green tea that is now internationally recognized.

Green tea was highly regarded in Asia for thousands of years before Westerners became fully aware of its benefits. Eventually they did so and Natures Bounty, who are America's biggest manufacturer of quality vitamins and related health goods, produced Super Green Tea Diet. They claim that Super Green Tree Diet can assist with boosting energy, and also promoting weight loss when combined with the right diet and suitable exercise.

It is claimed that a Super Green Tea Diet capsule facilitates workout and diet. It seems that Super Green Tea Diet can help to burn calories by promoting sugar and fat metabolism. Research shows that the catechin polyphenols, present in Super Green Tea Diet, supplements interact with other antioxidants in the process of thermogenesis, which is related to the burning of body-fat and increasing metabolism.

To read the complete article, and many other interesting articles concerning natural health matters, Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health