Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can Antioxidant Elderberries Defer the Aging Process?

Elderberries are very commonly found in English hedgerows but are they properly named. The elderberry is rich in a compound known as known as anthocyanin, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants assist in combating afflictions associated with an excess of free radicals, including a range of degenerative diseases, and may even defer the aging process. Therefore, might the elderberry more properly be considered as the youngerberry? That certainly is food for thought!

English hedgerows also play host to blackberries, which along with many other berries are rich in antioxidants. But the wild blackberry has always been more popular than the elderberry, possibly because it is more amenable to making pies and jams.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.

Elderberries are good for making wines and cordials, and it seems a pity that they are not held in higher regard, and often left to whither and die. Elders frequently grow into quite sturdy trees and are still extremely plentiful. Blackberries, on the other hand are not as profuse as they once were, simply because many hedgerows have succumbed to modern farming methods. That is not to say that they have disappeared but they do not seem to be as plentiful as elderberries.

Red wine has been publicized as being a useful antioxidant, and if that is true there is no reason why wine made from the elderberry, which is also known as the English grape, should be less so. The process of making the wine is not difficult, and using elderberries follows similar procedures to making other fruit wines, about which many good books are available. As with any alcoholic drink the trick is not to overdo it, but if elderberry wine, or cordial is packed with antioxidants, it seems a very pleasant way of taking a little natural medicine.


natural health

Monday, October 27, 2008

Antioxidant Rich Purple Tomatoes - Issues

Purple tomatoes, rich in antioxidants, have been developed at the John Innes Center in the UK. As these are genetically modified products they may not be welcomed by the natural health fraternity.

It is suggested that one purple tomato is as rich in antioxidants as a spoonful of cranberries. That may be so, but why then not stick with the cranberries, or similar fruits that have not been genetically modified?

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Seemingly, the argument postulated by those who are pro genetically modified food, is that many people do not eat the a recommended minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day, to assist in maintaining good health. However, most of those who are interested in natural health do make sure that they consume at least the recommended minimums. Moreover, as far as it is possible they determine that their intake is from natural sources.

Other critics, who relate genetic modification to factory farming, are not happy about these developments. It is a controversial subject, but one about which everybody should have the right to make up our own minds. Consumers should always be given a choice, with clear labelling, specifying whether food had been genetically modified being a legal requirement.


natural health

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Free radicals are unstable molecules. that seek to make up for their imbalance by 'stealing' electrons from stable molecules which in turn causes them to become unstable. If this process becomes excessive serious health implications may result from a sort of chain reaction. Remember, it is an excess of free radicals that are a health hazard because a limited amount are required to assist with normal body processes.

Excess free radicals are a significant cause of degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables contains antioxidants that are able to assist in preventing such afflictions. Fortunately, antioxidants seem to be all good, with no downside, which is one of the reasons so much emphasis is attached to including five portions of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet. More than five portions is better still, and in normal circumstances will increase the intake of antioxidants.

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Insofar as antioxidants are concerned fruit and vegetables are what to aim for, but some contain far more antioxidants than others. Berry fruits have gained an excellent reputation, with blueberries and tart cherries, for example, being near the top in antioxidant content. However, we all have our food likes and dislikes, and there is no need to impose blueberries on those who don't like them, as there are so many delicious fruit and vegetable alternatives.

The deadly diseases associated with free radicals are more likely to occur if people smoke than if they don't. Smoking and other pollutants will increase free radical damage, which is another good reason for smokers to stop. However, there are many other poisonous aspects of tobacco smoking, with free radical damage being but one of the many health hazards associated with this insidious pastime.


natural health

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Become a Vegetarian Gradually

There is no need to become a vegetarian overnight! As admirable as that might be, old habits die hard, and for those who wish to introduce themselves to a new and better way of life, an all or nothing approach is not the best way forward.

As with anything else worthwhile, becoming a vegetarian is better undertaken as part of a plan. For instance regular meat eaters usually partake of a mix of red meat and white meat. Therefore, a sensible approach would be to cut out red meat first for a predefined period, before moving on to chicken and the like. There are so many wonderful vegetarian dishes, and lots of books and magazines with a myriad of recipes. Stopping gradually affords the opportunity to experiment with your vegetarian diet to see what you actually like.

Please Click Here to visit the Vegetarianism Online Web Site.

Your local library will contain lots of books about vegetarians and vegetarianism. They are frequently written by devotees, who also advise on the nutritional benefits, as well as the tastiness of various foods. If you didn't know already, you will quickly learn that far from being boring, a vegetarian diet is interesting, and far more concerned with the true meaning of nature.

The Internet is a marvelous source of information for vegetarians as much as anybody else. The last time I typed in the word 'vegetarian' in the Google search box, there were over 46 million pages returned. That should be more than enough for a lifetime of research! Of course you can search for 'vegetarian diet', or some similar phrase, if you want to narrow the searches down to particular aspects of vegetarianism.

Strangely there are some people who think that a vegetarian diet will stifle their dining out possibilities. They couldn't be more wrong, as all good restaurants provide vegetarian alternatives, prepared by chefs who know what they are doing. There are some great specialist vegetarian restaurants, but they are a choice and not an absolute necessity.

There is every reason to become a vegetarian and no obvious disadvantages. Meat has been linked to various afflictions and ailments, and there is the plight of the poor animals, which have the right to a normal life expectancy. So please give vegetarianism a try, and you will soon realize that feeling better about yourself, and all living things, is a worthwhile bonus.


natural health

Food Allergies On The Increase In US Children

Recent reports confirm that the number of children suffering from food allergies in the US is increasing. There are a whopping 3 million kids affected which accounts for about 1:26 of the child population.

The number of children with Peanut allergy, which is one of the most common allergies, has doubled in recent years. It is not known why such significant increases have occurred but one reason may be that parents are more alert to allergy related problems.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Research suggests that between 2 and 3 percent of Americans will contract a milk allergy at some time in their lives and that a lower percentage will have a problem with eggs. It is fortunate that many young allergy sufferers do not carry the problem through to adulthood.

It has been discovered that children who have food allergies are more prone to other allergy related conditions, including respiratory problems, eczema and asthma. There has also been a dramatic increase in the number of children hospitalized with allergic disorders, with more than three times the number of cases reported in the last decade.

Reports are not clear about the reason for food allergy increases, but it is good to know that research is continuing, and that many parents have become better at recognizing the symptoms, that enables them to seek specialized advice.


natural health

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

De-stress With Aromatherapy

Stress related illnesses are a scourge of modern society and are responsible for many days absence from work. In fact stress is very difficult to avoid, and in a competitive world a small amount may even be necessary. However, when stress becomes excessive, it may become unbearable, and manifest itself in other physical and mental afflictions.

One excellent method of de-stressing is using aromatherapy, which relies on the use of essential oils. These oils are concentrated extracts from numerous plant sources, and as natural as a walk in the garden or through a pine forest. The aromatic oils are so convenient and transportable because a little goes a long way.

It is the easiest thing in the world, to sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils of aromatherapy, onto a tissue or inhaler, and then sit back and enjoy the vapors. This is a wonderful way to relax, and if you do it sufficiently often, it will recharge the batteries, that have become stressed out.

Stress is brought about in a variety of ways. It may mean that sufferers are not taking enough time to recover from their daily exertions. Close concentration as required by people who work on computers and the like, can drain the system. It is unwise not to inter-disperse periods of intense activity with periods of rest. It can become difficult to switch off, which is when aromatherapy can be so helpful.

If possible take your breaks some place where there is a little peace. Sit down with your tissue at the ready; add a few drops essential oil and drift away from the perils of continued and intense concentration. There are so many oils to choose from that your are sure to find one, or even a few, that are particularly suited to you. If you get used to doing this you will look forward to such times, which of itself will reduce workday stresses. Once you have identified your own favorites you will be surprised at how quickly they can help you to relax.

A relaxed worker is usually more efficient than a stressed worker, and it should not be long before you are thanking aromatherapy for helping you to balance and enjoy your days.


natural health

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Linda Lewis - UK's Sexiest Vegetarian

It has been reported that Linda Lewis, who had an enormous hit with Bleeding Love, amongst others, has pulled out of a big store promotion because of her vegetarian beliefs. It is always good when somebody is able to demonstrate the strength of their convictions, and when a star of Linda's standing does so it can but help the vegetarian cause.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Miss Lewis it against all form of animal cruelty, and a fine role model for vegetarianism.

An extract of the BBC article is shown below:

"X Factor winner Leona Lewis pulled out of opening the Harrods winter sale last year because of her vegetarian beliefs, it has emerged.

The 23-year-old, who is firmly against animal cruelty, cancelled her public appearance at the department store in London because it stocked animal fur.

Harrods said it was told she cancelled 'due to a scheduling clash'.

Lewis, who scored a huge hit with Bleeding Love, was recently voted the UK's sexiest vegetarian.

'I'm totally against animal cruelty,' she said at the time. 'I don't have clothes, shoes or bags made from any animal products.'

Various reports have suggested Lewis had been offered £1 million to attend the event."

Please Click Here to read the complete story Lewis axed Harrods event over fur.


natural health

Thursday, October 09, 2008

St John's Wort As Good As Prozac!

A recent report in the Daily Mail contains information about further research into the use of St John's Wort for treating depression. Extensive studies carried out at the Center for Complementary Medicine in Munich, found the herb to be as effective as Prozac.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

This is not the first time that researches into St John's Wort have substantiated its effectiveness in treating depression. Its popularity in the UK can be gauged from the two million people estimated to use it. It is very popular in other countries as well, including Germany, where it is commonly prescribed, by medical practitioners.

St John's Wort may effect the action of other medicines, and those who are taking anything prescribed by their doctors, are recommended to seek his advice before taking the herb. In fact it is always wise to discuss the matter with your doctor, in the first instance, to help you reach a decision with regard to whether it is right for you.

If you would like to learn more about St John's Wort , Please Click Here to read the complete story The Prozac in a plant.


natural health

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Allergies - Caesarean Babies

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

A recent report in the Philippine Daily Inquirer suggests that allergies are more likely to occur in children delivered by Caesarean section. At a time when around a quarter of all babies born worldwide, are by Caesarean section, mothers are being cautioned against this procedure, unless there are emergency or medical reasons.

The report goes into considerable detail about the reason why such children are more prone to allergies, explaining how their immune systems may be compromised.

It is widely understood that there are also significantly more risks to women, from Caesarean births, than normal deliveries. Therefore, this is a timely report that will be of interest to many women and their families.

Please Click Here to read the complete story Allergies Likely In Caesarian Babies.


natural health

Allergen Block Offers Hope to Millions

The month of September begins the fall, and starts the 'allergy season' off in earnest. At this time of the year millions of Americans are affected by allergens, such as plant pollens and mold spores.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

There is hope that this year might not prove so miserable for so many allergy sufferers. There is a new product, that has been invented by a New Jersey Engineer, who was motivated to help his allergy suffering daughter. Allergen Block, as the new product is known, has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration.

Allergen Block seemingly stops airborne allergens from progressing through the nasal passages. It is an over-the-counter product, developed without unpleasant side effects, that works using simple but proven scientific methods.

There is a fascinating report about Allergen Block, in the IndUS Business Journal, which also contains useful information about allergies in general.

Please Click Here to read the complete story Innovative Allergy Combatant.


natural health

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Food Allergy Sufferers

The number of people suffering from food allergies is increasing on a worldwide basis.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

There are so many people who have to be careful what they eat, as just one bite of something they are allergic to, could have serious implications and in the worst-case scenario, could be fatal.

The most common allergens are peanuts, other nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy and fish, but even some fruits and vegetables can trigger reactions in some people. Food additives may also be responsible for creating problems for others.

Of course people are not always aware that they may be allergic to a particular food, until after they become ill. Therefore, it is essential that sufferers find out as much as they can about their own allergy in particular and the whole subject of allergies in general.

There are many good sources of information about allergies. A recent article in the Canadian GlobeLife Health is informative and up to date.

Please Click Here to read the complete story New Rules Offer Security To Food Allergy Sufferers.


natural health

Major Cholesterol Survey

It is interesting to note that as the national cholesterol awareness month draws to a close. many Americans are making the effort to manage their own cholesterol levels.

A significant survey of over 10,000 Americans, has produced some interesting results. These included the number of times participants had their cholesterol levels checked.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Many of those taking part in the survey said that as well as taking their doctors advice they were also taking some form of action on their own. A substantial percentage were eating a low fat diet, whilst others were consuming recommended oat based products.

Herbal remedies, such as garlic, flax seed oil, fish oil were popular. A lower percentage were drinking red wine, but hopefully, not in too copious quantities!

It's good to find such encouraging results from a substantial and meaningful survey. The first line of defense, in protecting your natural health, must include looking after yourself.

Please Click Here to read the complete story 10,000 Americans in Cholesterol Health Check.


natural health