Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Free radicals are unstable molecules. that seek to make up for their imbalance by 'stealing' electrons from stable molecules which in turn causes them to become unstable. If this process becomes excessive serious health implications may result from a sort of chain reaction. Remember, it is an excess of free radicals that are a health hazard because a limited amount are required to assist with normal body processes.

Excess free radicals are a significant cause of degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables contains antioxidants that are able to assist in preventing such afflictions. Fortunately, antioxidants seem to be all good, with no downside, which is one of the reasons so much emphasis is attached to including five portions of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet. More than five portions is better still, and in normal circumstances will increase the intake of antioxidants.

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Insofar as antioxidants are concerned fruit and vegetables are what to aim for, but some contain far more antioxidants than others. Berry fruits have gained an excellent reputation, with blueberries and tart cherries, for example, being near the top in antioxidant content. However, we all have our food likes and dislikes, and there is no need to impose blueberries on those who don't like them, as there are so many delicious fruit and vegetable alternatives.

The deadly diseases associated with free radicals are more likely to occur if people smoke than if they don't. Smoking and other pollutants will increase free radical damage, which is another good reason for smokers to stop. However, there are many other poisonous aspects of tobacco smoking, with free radical damage being but one of the many health hazards associated with this insidious pastime.


natural health