Friday, November 14, 2008

Chocolate Antioxidants

Chocolate can be good for you but choose wisely because the darker it is the more antioxidants will it contain. So as a rule of thumb, plain chocolate contains more antioxidants than milk chocolate and white chocolate contains hardly any.

Of course, even with dark chocolate, moderation is the key. However, that is true of most healthy foods. Just because they are rich in antioxidants doesn't mean that you should gorge yourself! Nevertheless, it is good to know that something as delicious as chocolate can actually do you good, when sweets in general are not so highly thought of.

Antioxidants are known to assist in preventing a range of serious diseases, so it is a good idea to include foods that contain them in a healthy diet. There are many berry fruits that are rich in antioxidants and again a similar rule seems to apply as with chocolate. Generally speaking the darker the color of the berry the more antioxidants they contain. So blueberries, blackberries and the like are ideal. They could perhaps be combined with a little grated dark chocolate to form the basis of an interesting sweet course!

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Try to choose dark chocolate that has a minimum of 40% cocoa bean content and you won't go far wrong. All too often some people consider sensible healthy diets to be dull and boring, but of course they couldn't be more wrong.

All chocolate lovers need to remember is that a small amount consumed on most days could do you good. Try to avoid the blended kinds, such as milk chocolate, and stick to the antioxidant rich darker varieties. Just don't forget that dark chocolate is the real thing that can be safely included in a naturally healthy diet.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blackcurrants offer Hope For Alzheimer's Disease

Continuing research in Scotland gives hope to Alzheimer's patients. Along with many other fruits, blackcurrants are rich in antioxidants, that are useful in helping to keep a range of serious illnesses at bay. It seems that darker colored fruits such as blackcurrants, blueberries, blackberries, bilberries, amongst others, are particularly beneficial.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

It is reported that the Scottish Crop Research Institute, who are internationally recognized for their expertise on blackcurrants, have been funded to the extent of one million Euros, in a joint project with Kuopio of Finland. Eventually they hope to produce a range of blackcurrant snacks, as a useful preventative and treatment for Alzheimer's. There researches are to be applauded, because any development that can assist towards alleviating the burden of this dreadful disease, will be internationally welcomed.

If you would like to read an interesting article concerning this issue please Click Here, 'The Herald - Web Issue 3304'.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack Obama Undeterred By Dog Allergies

Barack Obama, the President elect of the United States has said that one of his first priorities will be to obtain a puppy for his daughters. He went on to say, that he would have to carefully choose an appropriate breed, as one of his girls is allergic to dogs.

There are many people who are allergic to pets, and it has been estimated that about one in six are allergic to dogs and cats. Allergies are associated with many other animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and some farm animals, although not to the same extent. It doesn't mean that people who are allergic to dogs should never take one as a pet, because they don't all suffer to the same extent. Similarly some dogs produce more allergens than others, which is why choosing a suitable breed is important.

Because pets are so popular, there are many shops and books and other places, where a vast amount of information can be obtained on many issues, including guidance for those who are allergic to dogs. There are also lots of vets who cater for domestic pets, and who are qualified to advise on allergy related issues. They could be consulted on such matters as hypoallergenic dog breeds, and the best way of minimizing any potential hazard. If the allergy problem of a particular person was severe, they would probably advise against them keeping a dog. But where allergy symptoms are relatively mild they may recommend sensible precautions.

Animals are a part of growing up for millions of children, and there is little doubt that in there own way they can be therapeutic as well as reliable and lovable. Because they require a certain amount of exercise, dogs also induce their owners to take long and short walks, which would not be the same without their faithful friend. They almost become a part of the family, and there are many who would miss out that word 'almost'. So we can only hope that Barack Obama and his family derive as much joy from their new puppy, as other dog lovers all over the world.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Rosehip Tea and Syrup

Progressing into November sees a virtual avalanche of leaves falling from the trees, and lots of other plants beginning to look worse for wear as autumn takes a hold. However, there is still one burst of reddish color to be found in the hedgerows, belonging to rosehips that are a traditional source of nutrients, particularly vitamin C.

These days, fruit of all kinds is plentiful and it is not difficult to obtain sufficient vitamin C, often called the sunshine vitamin. In fact citrus fruits, such as oranges are obtainable all year round at reasonable prices, as are other fruits from many parts of the world. This has not always been the case, and during the Second World War when merchant vessels were in peril, supplies to the UK and other countries almost dried up. Some people were able to turn to the hedgerows, and seek out the rosehips that grew in profusion.

It has been reported that one cup of rosehips contains as much vitamin C as forty oranges. Therefore, it is not difficult to gauge its usefulness as a natural medicine, useful in warding of colds and flu, as well as assisting in building up immunity to other afflictions. Fortunately, the days when merchant vessels were threatened are long gone, and the increase in airfreight and travel has been a revolution. Many of the hedgerows remain, although some have succumbed to modern farming methods, and there are plenty of rosehips still to be found.

Rosehip syrup is more of a commercial proposition, and perhaps best left to the experts to concoct. However, rosehip tea is easy to make, and merely involves boiling a few of the hips in a little water and straining the liquid. It may be sweetened with honey, or cinnamon as has been used traditionally. It is necessary to strain the liquid and to remove the seeds and any hairs that may be present.

There was a time when children used to open rosehips and use the hairy seeds as a form of itching powder. They would pop it down the shirt or blouse of an unsuspecting friend, and take some delight in watching them scratch. It was all fairly innocent, but these days there would probably be health and safety implications attaching to such unusual forms of play.


natural health

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Relax With Lavender

It has been reported that there are more working days lost through stress related conditions than anything else. There are so many people, in so many occupations, who for one reason or another can't relax, or may suffer from sleep deprivation.

There are various ways of combating stress, but perhaps a gentler approach is more sensible than trying to fight it, and what could be more gentle than lavender? This aromatic plant has been used for ages past, and lavender has gained a sound reputation as an aid to relaxation and inducing sleep.

Please Click Here to visit the Aromatherapy Advice Web Site

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using aromatic herbs and plants therapeutically. Plants such as lavender are considered to induce a state of relaxation, craved by those who have become stressed out, often due to the pressures of modern life. Many people have to commute to work, by public transport, or by private car. At peak periods that is not only stressful, but also exceedingly demanding in terms of the extra time it requires.

By the time they arrive home some people are understandably agitated, which may lead to restlessness and difficulty in sleeping. When they arrive home, they could find that a warm bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil added to their bath water, assists in dispelling the cares of the day. It might just allow them to unwind sufficiently to enjoy the rest of the evening.

All too soon it is time to go to bed and recharge, to prepare for the labor of the following day. Some people sleep more readily than others, but there those who sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil onto a tissue and place that near to their pillow so that they may inhale the vapors as they drop off to sleep. Lavender essential oil is highly concentrated and it is not recommended that it be allowed to come into direct contact with the skin, or near the eyes. However, placed near your pillow it could just instill a feeling of well-being that is a useful precursor to a good nights sleep.

Lavender essential oil is readily available and it is not expensive. There are lots of people who would testify to its effectiveness, in helping to ease the burden of stress. A sensible amount of care is required, because direct application to the skin or ingestion could be harmful, but is quite unnecessary for relaxation purposes.


natural health