Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack Obama Undeterred By Dog Allergies

Barack Obama, the President elect of the United States has said that one of his first priorities will be to obtain a puppy for his daughters. He went on to say, that he would have to carefully choose an appropriate breed, as one of his girls is allergic to dogs.

There are many people who are allergic to pets, and it has been estimated that about one in six are allergic to dogs and cats. Allergies are associated with many other animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and some farm animals, although not to the same extent. It doesn't mean that people who are allergic to dogs should never take one as a pet, because they don't all suffer to the same extent. Similarly some dogs produce more allergens than others, which is why choosing a suitable breed is important.

Because pets are so popular, there are many shops and books and other places, where a vast amount of information can be obtained on many issues, including guidance for those who are allergic to dogs. There are also lots of vets who cater for domestic pets, and who are qualified to advise on allergy related issues. They could be consulted on such matters as hypoallergenic dog breeds, and the best way of minimizing any potential hazard. If the allergy problem of a particular person was severe, they would probably advise against them keeping a dog. But where allergy symptoms are relatively mild they may recommend sensible precautions.

Animals are a part of growing up for millions of children, and there is little doubt that in there own way they can be therapeutic as well as reliable and lovable. Because they require a certain amount of exercise, dogs also induce their owners to take long and short walks, which would not be the same without their faithful friend. They almost become a part of the family, and there are many who would miss out that word 'almost'. So we can only hope that Barack Obama and his family derive as much joy from their new puppy, as other dog lovers all over the world.