Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Any of the aromatherapy essential oils, may either be utilised individually, or blended with others. Mixtures of aromatherapy essential oils, may create results that are considered more advantageous than individual oils, but of course it depends on the condition being treated. Prior to starting applying aromatherapy essential oils, there are significant issues that you need to completely understand.

A wide variety of aromatherapy essential oils have their own distinctive properties. Depending on the plant source from which they were produced they may be anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibiotic, or anti-viral, or a combination of any of these. Essential oils may be utilized as sedatives or tonics, to promote relaxation, or improve general health, or a particular condition. It is here that aromatherapy fits in well, through the application of its essential oils. They could just as well be called natural oils as they are precious resources of our wonderful planet.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Aromatherapy essential oils come from various natural sources, including those from herbs like sage, coriander, and fennel, from fruits including orange, grapefruit, and lemon, and from flowers such as lavender, jasmine, and roses. Innumerable other sources of aromatherapy essential oils, exist to reconstruct that astonishing sense of comfort, associated with the more pleasing characteristics of our extraordinary world. Whilst the primary target of aromatherapy is the sense of smell, it is also beneficially administered by way of the skin, by adding a few drops to the bath water, but it should not be applied directly to the skin. Likewise, caution is required for its use in compresses, which should only be as recommended by a qualified expert.


natural health

Monday, September 07, 2009

Fantastic - Aromatherapy

Fantastic, wonderful, marvelous, have all been used to express the therapeutic advantages of aromatherapy. Whilst there has been some mystery if not confusion, about it, aromatherapy is a name that is self-explanatory. It simply implies using aromas, or scents to use another word, for treatment of a range of conditions. Please don't take that to signify that you require to be unwell to reap the benefits of aromatherapy, because it is a therapy that you may just use for relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy, helps to keep us healthy in our minds and bodies. Essential oils are removed from plants and include leaves, fruits, flowers, barks, roots, and stalks. People are becoming increasingly aware of the desirability of a natural health way of life, and surely nothing could be as natural as taking a good measure of nature, through using aromatherapy?

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Despite the fact that distillation is the most popular method used to remove essential oils, there are several other methods. The extraction of aromatherapy essential oils, may be time consuming and expensive. Furthermore, it needs a high level of skill to ensure that the oils aren't spoiled, and of no use. Incredibly it requires in excess of 220 pounds of rose petals, to produce just 4 to 5 teaspoonsful of aromatherapy essential oil, and there is no doubt it is a wearisome, tedious process which is best undertaken by professionals.

The massive quantity of plant matter necessary, to create a very small vial of aromatherapy essential oil, means it isn't cheap to buy.. Nevertheless, that is what makes it particularly successful. Bear in mind that aromatherapy essential oils are highly concentrated, and only a few drops per session are sufficient, to have the required effect.

The principal goal of aromatherapy essential oils is the “olfaction”. If aromatherapy essential oils are breathed in, the scent stimulates the cells in the olfactory nerves, resulting in an impulse that is transmitted to the emotional part of the brain, known as the “limbic system.” The limbic system is linked to other areas of the brain, to do with memory, breathing, and blood circulation, and is related to the endocrine glands, that control hormonal balance in the body.


natural health

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Allergy Testing and Allergy Treatment

When it is suitable, skin testing is preferred to blood testing, as it is more specific, simpler to perform, and costs less. However, your doctor will know what is best suited to your disorder.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site.

Physicians, who are specialists in treating allergic disorders, undertake intensive training. In the USA a minimum of nine years is needed to become an allergist immunologist. It is reassuring to know that real improvements in medical procedures have been introduced by allergists. They include fast acting epinephrine tablets, and improved techniques for treating wasp stings.

If immunotherapy is thought to be a suitable treatment, it could either reduce the severity of an allergy or cure it altogether. It involves injecting gradually increased doses, of the allergen, known to be causing the symptoms. There have been good results in dealing with various ailments, including hay fever.

A variety of drugs are available to alleviate the symptoms of allergy which include, hydrocortisone and theophlene. Some preparations are obtainable over the counter, but it is always wise to find out from your medical practitioner, what is suitable for your own condition.

It's difficult to assess precisely the reason why some individuals get allergies, when others are more fortunate. It may be that there is a hereditary factor with some allergies. It seems clear that the incidence of allergies is on the increase, which may beto be related to the environment, and it is fortunate that allergy information and allergy advice are freely obtainable.

When you think about it some offices are now airless, with windows that opened being replaced by air conditioning. However, the quality of the outside air, particularly in urban conurbations, is dubious. On a global basis, rain forests are disappearing, whilst high powered lorries and cars are everywhere. Add the development of the emerging nations, and you have a recipe for global warming.

Some of the Chinese immigrants suffer from hay fever, several years after moving to the United States. More recently, there has been a lot of publicity about industrial contamination in Beijing, and other places. Probably the time could soon be here, when the citizens of Chinese cities will get their own, local grown sort of hay fever!


natural health

Friday, September 04, 2009

Why Do Allergies Arise?

Allergies arise, when an individual is sensitized to a known substance, that provokes an allergic reaction. These substances are called allergens, or triggers, because they cause an overreaction in the body's immune system. There are naturally occurring allergens, such as pollens, environmental substances, like chemicals, and the foods that we eat, mostly proteins, amongst numerous types of food.

The four different avenues in which allergens can enter our bodies:

Inhalation - as with pollen and dust mites.
Eating - as with some foods.
Absorption - via the skin, as with some chemicals and plants.
Injection - some people are allergic to drugs, such as penicillin

When an allergic person encounters allergens, for the first time, the symptoms don't occur, but the defense mechanism is sensitized. Consider it, as getting ready to resist allergens, that it mistakenly assumes to be aggressors, intent on doing harm to our bodies.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Having become hypersensitive to a specific substance, the next time the immune system experiences the same type of allergen; it automatically mass-produces antibodies to cope with the perceived threat. The antibodies bind with the allergens, and as they circulate throughout the body, they react with other cells. Then substances, including histamine, create inflammation, that is a common allergy symptom. Allergies differ in many people, and the symptoms range from something as mild as a runny nose, to anaphylaxis, which is sometimes fatal.

Fortunately there is no shortage of allergy advice or allergy information.


natural health

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Avoid Swine Flu - Naturally

Although swine flu has now been classified as a pandemic, there is no need to panic. The disease has spread throughout the world, but in most instances it has been in a relatively mild form. Unfortunately, there have been some deaths, but for the most part those affected have satisfactorily recovered, or are recovering.

Of course people are concerned because this is the first pandemic that has affected the world for many years. So, you may ask whether there is anything you can do to protect yourself, naturally. Fortunately, there are natural health steps you can take, to reduce the chances of swine flu affecting yourself, or your family. If you look after your immune system, it will do its best to protect you, or at least minimise the affect of an infection.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

You may ask how it is possible to strengthen your immune system? All you really need to do is to keep as healthy as possible. That will require a healthy diet, sufficient exercise, and not getting too stressed out or fatigued. There are many people who already live a naturally healthy existence, but for the others, it should not be difficult to take a few simple steps to protect themselves.

Fruit and vegetables are relatively inexpensive, and unless you are already eating sufficient, you should increase your intake. In the summer particularly, there are fruit and vegetables in season, which are often the subject of special offers at the supermarkets. Many towns are noted for their outdoor markets, where prices are often lower than in the shops. It is not difficult to improve your diet, and many people who have done so, have realized what they have been missing.

It is essential to get sufficient exercise, which really means as much as you can enjoyably cope with. Some people engage in adventurous and even dangerous sports. That is OK for them, but if you are not so inclined brisk daily walks, may be a sensible alternative. If work gets in the way, you could go for a walk at lunchtime, or if it's not too far walk to work, or get off the bus two stops earlier. There are so many ways and means to assist with staying healthy.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Stress is one of the major health hazards of the modern age. You may not be able to totally avoid it but you should try to ensure that you don't get too tired. Your immune system does not benefit from you being tired out; so do not make undue demands of yourself. The sleep requirements of different people vary considerably. You are the best judge of how much you require, and in the best position to ensure you get it.

Perhaps the best way forward is to use the swine flu scare as an excuse to become naturally healthier. Then if you don't catch it, and hopefully most people won't, you will benefit from the steps you have taken to remain as healthy as possible.


natural health

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rain Water and Allergy

There is nothing quite so refreshing as rain, and although it can be a bit of a nuisance at times, it is more often a blessing, and not in disguise, and not just for allergy sufferers. Rain is wonderful for reducing dust and pollens in the air. It is invigorating not just because it helps so many things to grow, but also because it freshens everything to the extent that many airborne allergens are neutralized.

It may be that where there is no rain there is only desert, and that allergens can't exist where there are no pollens, but don't bet on it. There are many allergens, other than pollen allergens that are just waiting to attack those who are susceptible. Just about the most essential of the modern worlds requirements, is oil, which paradoxically is also just about the worlds biggest pollutant. Unfortunately, oil and other airborne gasses are not only pollutants, but they produce allergens, ready to strike down those whose immune systems have been compromised.

Rain is not just a cleanser but also the source of the greatest human necessity, which is water. Without water everything dries up withers, and dies. Of course water is not just a necessity to sufferers of allergies but to all living things. How often do you hear people say, 'Oh it's raining again', when that rain is the very essence of their existence.

So, let us all be thankful for rain. Of course, when the heavens occasionally open and apply too much, disasters can occur. But there are far more disasters caused by a lack of rain than too much. All over the world people are grateful for rain. For allergy sufferers, there is perhaps nothing that is quite so refreshing and healing, as when a shower of rain cleanses the atmosphere, to make the seemingly simple process of breathing the life sustaining force that nature intended.


natural health

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Herbal Remedies for Headaches

There are not many people who can say that they never had a headache. Headaches are not only a distressing nuisance but big business as well because there are so many commercial products, sold in millions every day. There are many environmental and stress related factors that can induce what might be termed a simple headache. However, if people suffer from persistent headaches for no obvious reason a complication may be responsible, and medical advice should be sought without delay.

For simple or everyday headaches it is not necessarily the best idea to start pill popping as soon as they occur. Indeed it may be better to consider whether there is a more natural approach. Of course, the best way to eliminate the problem would be to remove the cause, but if it is work or environmentally related, that may not be possible. Therefore, an alternative approach could be to try natural herbal remedies, which many people have found successful in treating their own headaches.

A visit to your local herbal or health shop may be beneficial. Aspirin, which is one of the main headache cures, was originally derived from willow bark. Mixed with other herbal extracts such as peppermint or chamomile, willow bark may bring about the relief you are seeking. Be sure to obtain the advice of an adviser from your supplier, because it is possible to overdose on herbs as well as over the counter medicines. If in doubt ask, and make sure that anything you take is safe. Ready-made preparations, from reputable suppliers, offer the best solution to those who are not experts themselves.

Different types of herbs have been found to be useful for different kinds of headache. For instance many have found peppermint to be useful for migraines, and it is generally considered to be particularly safe. Primrose supplements contain phenylalanine that may be useful for treating work and stress induced headaches. Feverfew has proved its worth for ages past, as have other herbal remedies that your health adviser may be able to recommend.

Some people derive benefit from essential oils, finding that the aroma from the likes of lavender, or tea tree oil to be therapeutic. It is not difficult to imagine such treatment works after a hard day in the office or factory. A few drops of your favorite oil, added to your bath water, may refresh and invigorate your headache away!

Just remember that there are herbal alternatives to many over the counter drugs. That is not to say that natural products can't have side effects. They can, and that is why it is so necessary to get qualified advice before taking anything you are unsure about.


natural health

Friday, March 06, 2009

Food Allergy

A food allergy occurs when the body's immune system reacts to a food that is wrongly considered to be invasive and produces specific antibodies to deal with the perceived attack. This initiates a sort of chain reaction, because the next time a person eats a similar sort of food, the immune system produces chemicals in a misguided attempt to deal with the problem. The allergic reaction to these chemicals produces a variety of disorders ranging from breathing difficulties, to loss of consciousness, and even death from a condition known as anaphylaxis.

The most common foods that trigger allergic reactions are eggs, wheat, milk, peanuts, some other nuts, soy, fish and shellfish. However, some people are affected by other foods. Whatever the cause, once identified, that particular food or foods, must be avoided at all costs.

Because food allergy is a potentially serious condition, medical advice should always be sought to determine the best way of dealing with the problem. A doctor will be able to assist in identifying particular foods that the patient should avoid, as well as being able to assist with other dietary recommendations. It is unfortunate that some of the triggers or allergens as they are otherwise known, are among the foods that are the most nutritious. There are estimated to be around 11 million allergy sufferers in the USA alone, so medical practitioners are well prepared to advise.

Fortunately many people outgrow their allergies, but for others they are a lifelong threat. It is to be hoped that there will be a breakthrough eventually, and that research will improve or eliminate allergy related health problems. In the meantime food allergy sufferers can enjoy a fairly normal existence, as long as their condition is properly managed, by strict avoidance of foods that are associated with their problem.


natural health

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Olbas Oil

Olbas oil is considered to be very good for relieving nasal congestion and associated disorders. However, there are some people who use Olbas oil, and are unsure of its ingredients, who have requested information with regard to what it actually contains.

Olbas oil is a mixture of eucalyptus, peppermint, cajuput, juniper, wintergreen, clove and menthol, so it is not difficult to realize why it is so highly regarded. All of the ingredients are useful for alleviating problems, when people feel unwell, with cold and flu type symptoms. Combined together, as the ingredients are in Olbas oil, they soon have people feeling better.

The normal method to benefit from Olbas oil is to put a few drops into a bowl of fresh boiled wated and inhale the fumes. Many find it advantageous to cover their head with a towel to concentrate the vapours directly to the nasal cavities. Because, the water has been heated to the extent of creating steam to carry the vapours, it is necessary to proceed with caution. If the bowl or other container was displaced, then scalding could result. Therefore, this sort of treatment is not recommended for children.

Nasal congestion is a condition that should normally clear up within a few days, especially if Olbas oil is used to help it on its way. If it persists, it may be necessary to seek the advice of a physician to determine that there is not a more serious problem giving rise to the ailment.


natural health

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Children's Coughs and Colds

It has been reported, that some over the counter medicines for children's coughs and colds, may do more harm than good. Perhaps the trouble is due in part to a lack of understanding about what natural health is all about. There are so many natural substances that are able to assist in alleviating common problems.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

If children, adults for that matter, develop coughs and colds, there are various natural substances that can assist. For instance:


All you need to do is to soak a teaspoon of liquorish root in a cup of water for a few minutes, strain the liquid, and drink it down whilst still hot. There is nothing harmful in this concoction but it has soothed coughs for generations.

Lemon and Olive Oil

The use of lemons in any sort of cold cure is almost obligatory! A mixture of lemon juice and olive oil, sipped as required, has proved to be soothing to the extent of making cold related illnesses more bearable.

Onions and Honey

Honey is another natural ingredient, that can be used to advantage in soothing coughs and colds. Mixing honey with onions is not quite so well known. However, onions chopped and covered with honey, and then left to stand overnight produce a worthwhile addition to the natural apothecary. A teaspoon or two as required has often proved to be beneficial.


Mustard baths are a folk remedy that may not be as popular now as they once were. But a spoonful of mustard added to a warm bath for children, or a hot bath for adults, has proved its worth in dealing with cold related illnesses. Alternatively there are many people who use mustard as a remedial footbath.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

So, do not think that there are no mild alternatives to soothing children's coughs and colds. After all, there is no absolute cure for common coughs and colds, but there are certainly natural ways of making the symptoms more tolerable.


natural health

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Is Green Tea Dangerous?

Most people if asked the question "Is green tea dangerous" would answer with a resounding No! However, it should always be remembered that just because a product is natural does not necessarily mean that it is safe. Even if it is generally safe, it may not be safe for everybody.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

It is fairly well known that some natural preparations may have an adverse effect on prescription drugs. That is to say, that they may increase or decrease the potency of prescription drugs, designed for a particular purpose. It has been reported in the journal, Blood, that green tea can interfere with the drug bortezomib, which is marketed under the brand name Velcade. Velcade is mainly prescribed to treat multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer. It seems that green tea stops Velcade from reaching the cancer cells towards which it is targeted.

It had been thought that green tea would facilitate Velcade in reaching its target. The fact that it does not do so is a firm indication that herbal remedies are not suitable for everyone, and in some instances may be considered to be dangerous.

Of course green tea is a very popular beverage, and there are many people who would testify to its benefits. But as with some other natural preparations, freely available from health shops and other outlets, it is not appropriate for everyone. It just goes to emphasize, that people who have been prescribed medicines, should seek advice from their doctors before taking herbal type preparations as well.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

It is widely believed that herbal remedies promote good health, and there that are many people who would endorse their benefits. The last thing you want to do if you are ill is to take anything that worsens your condition. Therefore, those who self prescribe should not take 'over the counter remedies' together with those obtained from recognized medical sources. Just remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.


natural health

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Eat Your Way To Natural Health-Natural Health

It can be in your own best interests to enjoy a nibble! Snacking can be good for you as long as you choose wisely. There are so many delicious fruits that will not only allay the pangs of hunger between meals but will serve to enhance your natural health as well.

Eat Your Way To Natural Health-Natural Health

It is well known that an adequate amount of fruit and vegetables are required to maintain natural health, and between five and nine helpings per day are recommended. Foods known to have a high antioxidant content are particularly beneficial. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are known to damage cells, and if unchecked become a significant factor in causing a range of serious illnesses, including heart disease and cancer.

Fortunately foods such as citrus fruits, berry fruits, green vegetables and others are readily available to offset free radicals. It is neither possible nor desirable to avoid free radicals altogether. It is an excess of free radicals that creates health problems. Such excess is difficult to avoid unless you include foods in your diet that are known to counter the threat. Free radicals can result from a bad diet, including the many fast foods that so many people use for the sake of convenience, whilst ignoring the natural health consequences. There are also environmental pollutants, from sources that include industrial output, cigarette smoke, and car fumes.

Considering the extent to which free radicals are out to get you, it is only common sense to consider effective counter measures. Fruit and vegetables will go a long way towards protecting your natural health.

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