Saturday, September 05, 2009

Allergy Testing and Allergy Treatment

When it is suitable, skin testing is preferred to blood testing, as it is more specific, simpler to perform, and costs less. However, your doctor will know what is best suited to your disorder.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site.

Physicians, who are specialists in treating allergic disorders, undertake intensive training. In the USA a minimum of nine years is needed to become an allergist immunologist. It is reassuring to know that real improvements in medical procedures have been introduced by allergists. They include fast acting epinephrine tablets, and improved techniques for treating wasp stings.

If immunotherapy is thought to be a suitable treatment, it could either reduce the severity of an allergy or cure it altogether. It involves injecting gradually increased doses, of the allergen, known to be causing the symptoms. There have been good results in dealing with various ailments, including hay fever.

A variety of drugs are available to alleviate the symptoms of allergy which include, hydrocortisone and theophlene. Some preparations are obtainable over the counter, but it is always wise to find out from your medical practitioner, what is suitable for your own condition.

It's difficult to assess precisely the reason why some individuals get allergies, when others are more fortunate. It may be that there is a hereditary factor with some allergies. It seems clear that the incidence of allergies is on the increase, which may beto be related to the environment, and it is fortunate that allergy information and allergy advice are freely obtainable.

When you think about it some offices are now airless, with windows that opened being replaced by air conditioning. However, the quality of the outside air, particularly in urban conurbations, is dubious. On a global basis, rain forests are disappearing, whilst high powered lorries and cars are everywhere. Add the development of the emerging nations, and you have a recipe for global warming.

Some of the Chinese immigrants suffer from hay fever, several years after moving to the United States. More recently, there has been a lot of publicity about industrial contamination in Beijing, and other places. Probably the time could soon be here, when the citizens of Chinese cities will get their own, local grown sort of hay fever!


natural health