Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Any of the aromatherapy essential oils, may either be utilised individually, or blended with others. Mixtures of aromatherapy essential oils, may create results that are considered more advantageous than individual oils, but of course it depends on the condition being treated. Prior to starting applying aromatherapy essential oils, there are significant issues that you need to completely understand.

A wide variety of aromatherapy essential oils have their own distinctive properties. Depending on the plant source from which they were produced they may be anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibiotic, or anti-viral, or a combination of any of these. Essential oils may be utilized as sedatives or tonics, to promote relaxation, or improve general health, or a particular condition. It is here that aromatherapy fits in well, through the application of its essential oils. They could just as well be called natural oils as they are precious resources of our wonderful planet.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Aromatherapy essential oils come from various natural sources, including those from herbs like sage, coriander, and fennel, from fruits including orange, grapefruit, and lemon, and from flowers such as lavender, jasmine, and roses. Innumerable other sources of aromatherapy essential oils, exist to reconstruct that astonishing sense of comfort, associated with the more pleasing characteristics of our extraordinary world. Whilst the primary target of aromatherapy is the sense of smell, it is also beneficially administered by way of the skin, by adding a few drops to the bath water, but it should not be applied directly to the skin. Likewise, caution is required for its use in compresses, which should only be as recommended by a qualified expert.


natural health

Monday, September 07, 2009

Fantastic - Aromatherapy

Fantastic, wonderful, marvelous, have all been used to express the therapeutic advantages of aromatherapy. Whilst there has been some mystery if not confusion, about it, aromatherapy is a name that is self-explanatory. It simply implies using aromas, or scents to use another word, for treatment of a range of conditions. Please don't take that to signify that you require to be unwell to reap the benefits of aromatherapy, because it is a therapy that you may just use for relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy, helps to keep us healthy in our minds and bodies. Essential oils are removed from plants and include leaves, fruits, flowers, barks, roots, and stalks. People are becoming increasingly aware of the desirability of a natural health way of life, and surely nothing could be as natural as taking a good measure of nature, through using aromatherapy?

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Despite the fact that distillation is the most popular method used to remove essential oils, there are several other methods. The extraction of aromatherapy essential oils, may be time consuming and expensive. Furthermore, it needs a high level of skill to ensure that the oils aren't spoiled, and of no use. Incredibly it requires in excess of 220 pounds of rose petals, to produce just 4 to 5 teaspoonsful of aromatherapy essential oil, and there is no doubt it is a wearisome, tedious process which is best undertaken by professionals.

The massive quantity of plant matter necessary, to create a very small vial of aromatherapy essential oil, means it isn't cheap to buy.. Nevertheless, that is what makes it particularly successful. Bear in mind that aromatherapy essential oils are highly concentrated, and only a few drops per session are sufficient, to have the required effect.

The principal goal of aromatherapy essential oils is the “olfaction”. If aromatherapy essential oils are breathed in, the scent stimulates the cells in the olfactory nerves, resulting in an impulse that is transmitted to the emotional part of the brain, known as the “limbic system.” The limbic system is linked to other areas of the brain, to do with memory, breathing, and blood circulation, and is related to the endocrine glands, that control hormonal balance in the body.


natural health

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Allergy Testing and Allergy Treatment

When it is suitable, skin testing is preferred to blood testing, as it is more specific, simpler to perform, and costs less. However, your doctor will know what is best suited to your disorder.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site.

Physicians, who are specialists in treating allergic disorders, undertake intensive training. In the USA a minimum of nine years is needed to become an allergist immunologist. It is reassuring to know that real improvements in medical procedures have been introduced by allergists. They include fast acting epinephrine tablets, and improved techniques for treating wasp stings.

If immunotherapy is thought to be a suitable treatment, it could either reduce the severity of an allergy or cure it altogether. It involves injecting gradually increased doses, of the allergen, known to be causing the symptoms. There have been good results in dealing with various ailments, including hay fever.

A variety of drugs are available to alleviate the symptoms of allergy which include, hydrocortisone and theophlene. Some preparations are obtainable over the counter, but it is always wise to find out from your medical practitioner, what is suitable for your own condition.

It's difficult to assess precisely the reason why some individuals get allergies, when others are more fortunate. It may be that there is a hereditary factor with some allergies. It seems clear that the incidence of allergies is on the increase, which may beto be related to the environment, and it is fortunate that allergy information and allergy advice are freely obtainable.

When you think about it some offices are now airless, with windows that opened being replaced by air conditioning. However, the quality of the outside air, particularly in urban conurbations, is dubious. On a global basis, rain forests are disappearing, whilst high powered lorries and cars are everywhere. Add the development of the emerging nations, and you have a recipe for global warming.

Some of the Chinese immigrants suffer from hay fever, several years after moving to the United States. More recently, there has been a lot of publicity about industrial contamination in Beijing, and other places. Probably the time could soon be here, when the citizens of Chinese cities will get their own, local grown sort of hay fever!


natural health

Friday, September 04, 2009

Why Do Allergies Arise?

Allergies arise, when an individual is sensitized to a known substance, that provokes an allergic reaction. These substances are called allergens, or triggers, because they cause an overreaction in the body's immune system. There are naturally occurring allergens, such as pollens, environmental substances, like chemicals, and the foods that we eat, mostly proteins, amongst numerous types of food.

The four different avenues in which allergens can enter our bodies:

Inhalation - as with pollen and dust mites.
Eating - as with some foods.
Absorption - via the skin, as with some chemicals and plants.
Injection - some people are allergic to drugs, such as penicillin

When an allergic person encounters allergens, for the first time, the symptoms don't occur, but the defense mechanism is sensitized. Consider it, as getting ready to resist allergens, that it mistakenly assumes to be aggressors, intent on doing harm to our bodies.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Having become hypersensitive to a specific substance, the next time the immune system experiences the same type of allergen; it automatically mass-produces antibodies to cope with the perceived threat. The antibodies bind with the allergens, and as they circulate throughout the body, they react with other cells. Then substances, including histamine, create inflammation, that is a common allergy symptom. Allergies differ in many people, and the symptoms range from something as mild as a runny nose, to anaphylaxis, which is sometimes fatal.

Fortunately there is no shortage of allergy advice or allergy information.


natural health