Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The term vegetarianism covers vegetarians and vegans, and is something about which you might seek a greater understanding. It may be that you have heard about vegetarians, vegans, semi vegetarians, and ovo lacto vegetarians, and been unsure about the differences.

Vegetarianism is a general term covering people who do not eat meat, poultry or seafood. This overall term includes vegans, and other types of vegetarians, that may be further sub-divided.

Vegetarianism - Sub-divisions

Semi-vegetarian is a term that is used to describe people who, strictly speaking, are not vegetarians, because they include some meat in their diets. They may eat meat occasionally, when dining out, or refrain from consuming red meat, whilst including poultry and fish in their meals.

Ovo vegetarians are not as strict as vegans because they do eat eggs, although their vegetarianism is similar to that of vegans in other respects. They consider that free range, or the organic variety of eggs, are produced without the cruelty associated with eggs from battery hens, which is a form of factory farming.

Lacto vegetarians as a group are almost as stringent as vegans with the exception that they do use milk.

Vegan is the term used to describe the strictest form of vegetarianism. Vegans wholly prohibit all animal products in their diets, and some go even further to the extent of excluding honey and yeast. They may consolidate their beliefs, by avoiding clothing such as leather that is made from animal products, and go as far as ruling out the use of silk.

Vegetarianism Is a Way of Life

There is a great deal to consider in choosing what kind of vegetarian to become. Vegetarianism is a natural way of life, but as we have shown there are choices, and we hope that the information we have provided will assist you in deciding what is right for you.


natural health

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Best Antioxidants

It seems that purple berries are recognized as being amongst the best antioxidants.  But, wait a minute; we were always told that blueberries were number one!

It's a bit like asking who your favorite film star is, but even more of a question of taste!  However, some studies now suggest that black currant, elderberry, and chokeberry, lumped together as purple berries, are the best antioxidants in town.

Current thinking seems to be that the darker the color of the berries, the higher they climb in the best antioxidant ratings.  Research is now supporting the color theory, and that purple berries may be 50% higher in best antioxidants content, than some lighter varieties.  So it does appear that they might not just be lighter in color, but lighter in content as well!
Some researchers are predicting that purple berries will become more commercial, as they become better known as being amongst the best antioxidants.  They believe they will be used more extensively in health drinks, health foods, and supplements as demand increases.

It is not only purple berries that are emerging as best antioxidants, because beans, artichokes, and Russet potatoes, are also gaining recognition.  Beans have always been associated with natural health, hence the adage - full of beans.  However, it was not necessarily thought that full of beans also meant, being full of the best antioxidants, but it's worth a thought.

A recent study involved testing over 100 foods to find the best antioxidants.  The foods included, fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts and spices.  Purple berries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries, ranked highest in the fruits, whilst beans and artichokes were confirmed as the best antioxidants, in the vegetable classes.

All of the studies concerning the best antioxidants are interesting, but all you really need to remember to benefit your natural health is to choose wisely, and get the 5 - 9 recommended daily helpings of fruit and vegetables.


natural health

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The Journey to Wild Divine

For many people the post Christmas period is a bit stark and cold and it’s easy to become stressed out waiting for the Spring to arrive and bring better weather.

Deepak Chopra's Secrets of MeditationReaders of this blog will know that there is absolutely no need to get stressed out, as Winter blues can easily be countered, by an investment in  biofeedback technology.  Many people, from the very young upwards, will have received computer type games for Christmas along with the means to play them.  Some of them are very good and some of them are not so good and may even be harmful to the younger element.  As mentioned in a previous blog there are excellent, educational, and therapeutic alternatives in the form of computer assisted biofeedback programs, such as the Journey to Wild Divine.

What could be better than the opportunity to improve your health with signals from your own body controlling your computer with immediate feedback?  This is what a biofeedback program can do and it can have lasting results by training your body to react differently to various situations that may previously have been stressful.  This is quite a different to many games, with intense action or violent scenarios, that can be harmful and have become a worry to many parents.  Of course they don’t want to deny their children the opportunity to enjoy using a computer as many of their peers do, but there is a more responsible way than buying material that may be harmful and addictive.

So why not Click Here or click on any of the images to take The Journey to Wild Divine and view for yourself what is on offer.  It would be difficult to fail to be impressed with the programs and the associated IOM biofeedback technology.  In fact The Journey to Wild Divine  is the name of the first classic  program and is endorsed by non other than Dr Deepak Chopra who suggests that:

"The Journey to Wild Divine allows you to get in intimate touch with the innermost core of your being."

There are many other testimonials on the Wild divine web site, a small selection of which are included below:

A very special product

Posted by Chris Netherlands
The Journey to Wild Divine is a very special product you've never seen before. It's a game beyond ... Enjoy and win by relaxing, not by skills of your thumb and not by aggression. Listen to the music, watch the colourful movies, go for the relaxing challenges!

I love Journey to Wild Divine

Posted by Sherri
At first it was a fun internet game even though I had never interactive computer games. After the fun, the rewards were tremendous as far as relaxation and a feeling of spirituality. From that, I purchased other Wild Divine products and have found them to be even more meditative and helpful in my efforts to be more aware of my stress responses. Thank you, Wild Divine.