Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The term vegetarianism covers vegetarians and vegans, and is something about which you might seek a greater understanding. It may be that you have heard about vegetarians, vegans, semi vegetarians, and ovo lacto vegetarians, and been unsure about the differences.

Vegetarianism is a general term covering people who do not eat meat, poultry or seafood. This overall term includes vegans, and other types of vegetarians, that may be further sub-divided.

Vegetarianism - Sub-divisions

Semi-vegetarian is a term that is used to describe people who, strictly speaking, are not vegetarians, because they include some meat in their diets. They may eat meat occasionally, when dining out, or refrain from consuming red meat, whilst including poultry and fish in their meals.

Ovo vegetarians are not as strict as vegans because they do eat eggs, although their vegetarianism is similar to that of vegans in other respects. They consider that free range, or the organic variety of eggs, are produced without the cruelty associated with eggs from battery hens, which is a form of factory farming.

Lacto vegetarians as a group are almost as stringent as vegans with the exception that they do use milk.

Vegan is the term used to describe the strictest form of vegetarianism. Vegans wholly prohibit all animal products in their diets, and some go even further to the extent of excluding honey and yeast. They may consolidate their beliefs, by avoiding clothing such as leather that is made from animal products, and go as far as ruling out the use of silk.

Vegetarianism Is a Way of Life

There is a great deal to consider in choosing what kind of vegetarian to become. Vegetarianism is a natural way of life, but as we have shown there are choices, and we hope that the information we have provided will assist you in deciding what is right for you.


natural health