Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cider Vinegar and Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis you should consider including cider vinegar in your diet. There are reputable reports, that cider vinegar can dissolve the hard deposits from arthritic joints, and halt a worsening situation. If joints are actually worn away they can only be surgically replaced. However, if the condition has not reached that degree of severity, it is better to try to stop it in its tracks. Cider vinegar may well assist, especially when included as part of a natural health diet, and lifestyle.

Osteoarthritis is something that you will get to know about if you live long enough! It affects the majority of older citizens, often severely, interfering with their lives and mobility. Prevention is better than cure and there is little doubt that a natural health lifestyle will help.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a more serious condition. It is an inflammatory disease of the immune system and affects the whole body, although the joints are usually most seriously affected. The good news is that it can clear up on its own within a few weeks or months, never to return. The bad news is that it may persist for life, or go away during periods of remission, only to return later. It is unpredictable and its cause is not known. However, a healthy lifestyle can do much to protect your immune system. Whilst it is preferable to start early, it is rarely too late to bring about some improvement.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health