Saturday, December 09, 2006

Common Sense Cures Common Colds!

There are so many viruses, responsible for causing colds and flu, that it is only common sense to endeavour to protect ourselves from the onslaught. Winter is the time when the common cold is most common, although it is obviously possible to be afflicted during the other seasons. Some people claim to have flu, when they are in fact suffering from a heavy cold, but the former is generally a more serious condition, sometimes with life threatening implications. Fortunately flu is not nearly so common, as common colds are, otherwise every year it would reach epidemic proportions! Some common sense ways to protect ourselves from colds may also help us also to be more resistant to influenza.

Exercise is vital to our general health. A slight change in our existing habits, such as walking to work, or when taking the children to school would be a good start. Whenever possible, take advantage of at least fine days to get some outdoor exercise. Many people consider themselves too busy to exercise but some minor adjustment to daily routines is nearly always possible. It should not interfere with a busy life but assist towards becoming healthier and more able.

Overtiredness is more likely to result from a lack of exercise than too much! When we are overtired we are more prone to illnesses including common colds and flu. So it is important to get sufficient rest and an adequate amount of sleep. Those who find it difficult to relax could try techniques such as meditation or yoga, which may also assist in bringing natural exercise into their lifestyles.

Diet is an important consideration, as what we eat and drink can either help our immune system to resist attacks, or reduce its effectiveness. Therefore, we should heed the advice so freely available with regard to healthy eating, and ensure that our intake of fruit and vegetables at least matches the recommended five portions per day. Many people believe that taking a multi-vitamin supplement assists them in their quest for a balanced diet. What is for sure is that there are many wholesome and delicious alternatives to so called fast food, that will fuel your requirement to remain as free as possible from common colds and related illnesses.

Keeping warm and dry, not only sounds more attractive than being cold and damp, but will assist in maintaining good health. Again a good measure of common sense is required as some ways of keeping warm are healthier than others. Some form of indoor heating is essential in winter, but it is not always a good idea to turn the central heating up! An extra layer of warm clothing, such as a woolly jumper, is preferable to a higher thermostat setting. Too much background heating can create an atmosphere in which common cold and other viruses seem to spread more rapidly. It's just a matter of common sense really!

Some of these basic suggestions may seem elementary. Common sense often is, but it is easy to slip into bad habits which leave us susceptible to common colds and other ailments. Simple lifestyle adjustments may assist not only in strengthening your resistance but in creating a happier and healthier existence.


natural health