Sunday, July 15, 2007

Soothe Sore Throats

A sore throat frequently signals the onset of colds or flu but they are not the only causes.

You do not have to smoke for your throat to be affected by tobacco fumes, but fortunately health authorities have become alert to the dangers of inhaling other people's smoke. Smoking in public places is now banned in many countries and has almost become public health enemy number one!

Some unfortunate people are more prone to sore throats than others. They should seek a job where the atmosphere is free from fumes, which might be a pretty tall order. It is much easier said than done, because with the increase in traffic, petrol and diesel fumes are almost everywhere.

Air conditioning, considered a boon by many, can be quite the opposite for others, whose throats become sore from the dry atmosphere, that starts them coughing and wheezing. Your throat might be considered as your first line of defense, and if it gets sore it's trying to tell you something is amiss. Either the first signs of an impending infection or simply that the atmosphere is contaminated with pollutants.

Fortunately there are various herbs, which are useful in treating sore throats, including:

Echinacea, Garlic, Sage, Liquorice, Thyme,
Marshmallow, Rosemary, Bilberry

Beneficial herbs can be used in a variety of ways, such as in tinctures, teas or as a gargle. A spoonful of honey can make the medicine go down, and can be added to any of the preparations.

As mentioned sore throats can indicate that a cold or flu is coming on. In other instances their cause might be fairly obvious, but if they become persistent or prolonged, something more serious might be the cause, and a visit to the doctor is recommended.


natural health

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Natural Health - Prostate Gland

Although prostate problems occur frequently in older men, it is possible that a natural health lifestyle may assist as a preventative measure. Unfortunately, many men are unaware about what the prostate gland actually does.

The prostate gland produces fluids present in semen. It is located under the bladder, and although only about the size of a pea at birth, it develops to become the size of a small plum in young adults.

A natural health lifestyle is thought to reduce the risk of getting prostate related problems. There are some foods that are beneficial, including tomatoes and pumpkin seeds. Therefore, it is a good idea to find out from your dietician, or from reading natural health magazines, which other foods are helpful in this respect.

There are many sedentary workers, whose jobs require them to sit down all day, working with computers or whatever. Too much sitting can exert pressure on the prostate gland. If you follow a natural health lifestyle, you will be aware of the benefit and enjoyment that getting plenty of outdoor exercise can bring.

If you have a sit down job it is good practice to get up and walk about as much as possible at break times. Enlightened managements are aware that regular breaks from VDU's are necessary. So if you use these breaks wisely you will not only rest your eyes, but also take the pressure off your prostate.

Drinking sufficient water is not everybody's cup of tea! However, it is vital to promoting your natural health. How much is sufficient is the subject of conflicting recommendations. Between one and two litres per day is what you should aim for. That equates to between six and eight glasses, and is easily manageable if spread over the course of a day. It will be a great help to cleansing and detoxifying your system. Some people with urinary problems, including those associated with the prostate, tend to drink less than they should, but that may only exacerbate their condition.

It is rather odd that prostate health is denied the publicity it deserves, but a natural health lifestyle should make you less likely to become afflicted. You will be aware of the best way of remaining healthy, from reading natural health books and magazines, and heeding their advice.

Please remember that prostate problems are a serious complaint requiring medical attention. So if they do arise despite your precautions, consult a doctor without delay.


natural health

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Natural Health Medicine - Common Colds

The winter season is the time when common colds are most prevalent, although summer colds can be just as distressing. People get wet, or cold, start shivering and a lurking virus is ready to strike. However, many people strengthen their defences by taking natural health medicine, to boost their immune systems, knowing that prevention is better than cure.

They find that natural health medicine not only increases their resistance to infectious colds, but if they do succumb, they are not as severely infected. The viruses don't seem to take as much of a hold as they do with those who are run down, and have not taken preventative action.

The distress of common colds and related infections is bad enough, without the side effects that chemical concoctions can induce. This is why natural health medicine is much preferred, because it is generally free of side effects. It is derived from natural herbs and plants that assist in protecting you in a more gentle way.

If you include natural health medicine, as a part of your natural health lifestyle, you should not need to resort to chemical preparations to cure your cold. In fact you are less likely to catch a cold in the first place.

Some people seem especially prone to common colds and associated afflictions. It can be a repetitive misery, but the cycle could quite easily be broken with natural health medicine. It must be worth a try!


natural health

Monday, July 02, 2007

Natural Health - Eye Care

In the modern world, both at work and at play, your eyes are bombarded with artificial light. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider natural health eye care, to offset the considerable eyestrain, that can result from the effects of batteries of fluorescent lights.

So, what can natural health eye care offer tired eyes, to reduce the consequences of artificial light? There are herbs, which are thought to be beneficial. For instance, you could lie down for a short period, and cover each eye with a warm chamomile, elderflower, or fennel teabag.

It might not be a good idea to do this in the office, as colleagues might consider such behaviour rather odd, if not downright indulgent, if carried out in the staff room or rest area. You never know though, it could catch on because sometimes, if you think about it, accepted behaviour is the oddest! Your eyes are just about the best double act there is, and will serve you well with your due consideration to natural health eye care.

There are other herbs that you might find useful in administering natural health eye care. They include, decoctions of marigold and marshmallow, for bathing your eyes. Your herbalist or natural health supplier will be able to advise you about suitable preparations. There is nothing more precious to you than your eyes, and it is always advisable to seek qualified advice, and to make regular appointments to see your optician. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the effect of artificial lighting, that come under the umbrella of natural health eye care.


natural health