Monday, July 02, 2007

Natural Health - Eye Care

In the modern world, both at work and at play, your eyes are bombarded with artificial light. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider natural health eye care, to offset the considerable eyestrain, that can result from the effects of batteries of fluorescent lights.

So, what can natural health eye care offer tired eyes, to reduce the consequences of artificial light? There are herbs, which are thought to be beneficial. For instance, you could lie down for a short period, and cover each eye with a warm chamomile, elderflower, or fennel teabag.

It might not be a good idea to do this in the office, as colleagues might consider such behaviour rather odd, if not downright indulgent, if carried out in the staff room or rest area. You never know though, it could catch on because sometimes, if you think about it, accepted behaviour is the oddest! Your eyes are just about the best double act there is, and will serve you well with your due consideration to natural health eye care.

There are other herbs that you might find useful in administering natural health eye care. They include, decoctions of marigold and marshmallow, for bathing your eyes. Your herbalist or natural health supplier will be able to advise you about suitable preparations. There is nothing more precious to you than your eyes, and it is always advisable to seek qualified advice, and to make regular appointments to see your optician. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the effect of artificial lighting, that come under the umbrella of natural health eye care.


natural health