Sunday, July 15, 2007

Soothe Sore Throats

A sore throat frequently signals the onset of colds or flu but they are not the only causes.

You do not have to smoke for your throat to be affected by tobacco fumes, but fortunately health authorities have become alert to the dangers of inhaling other people's smoke. Smoking in public places is now banned in many countries and has almost become public health enemy number one!

Some unfortunate people are more prone to sore throats than others. They should seek a job where the atmosphere is free from fumes, which might be a pretty tall order. It is much easier said than done, because with the increase in traffic, petrol and diesel fumes are almost everywhere.

Air conditioning, considered a boon by many, can be quite the opposite for others, whose throats become sore from the dry atmosphere, that starts them coughing and wheezing. Your throat might be considered as your first line of defense, and if it gets sore it's trying to tell you something is amiss. Either the first signs of an impending infection or simply that the atmosphere is contaminated with pollutants.

Fortunately there are various herbs, which are useful in treating sore throats, including:

Echinacea, Garlic, Sage, Liquorice, Thyme,
Marshmallow, Rosemary, Bilberry

Beneficial herbs can be used in a variety of ways, such as in tinctures, teas or as a gargle. A spoonful of honey can make the medicine go down, and can be added to any of the preparations.

As mentioned sore throats can indicate that a cold or flu is coming on. In other instances their cause might be fairly obvious, but if they become persistent or prolonged, something more serious might be the cause, and a visit to the doctor is recommended.


natural health