Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Flax Seed Oil and Antioxidant Lignans

Flax Seed Oil and Antioxidant Lignans

Flax seed oil is otherwise known as linseed oil, which has served to protect countless cricket bats, against the onslaught of fast bowlers and the like.  However, in its flax seed oil guise, it is available as a supplement that is useful for health purposes, not least amongst which, is as an antioxidant free radical buster.

You might consider that if flaxseed oil is good enough to protect cricket bats, it's good enough to protect you from free radicals, although they are more like brickbats when they attack our cellular systems!

So, What Is Flax Seed Oil

Flax seed oil, as you might have guessed is obtained from flax seeds, that have long been used as a herbal preparation for digestive and other ailments.  But flax seed oil is also believed to contain large amounts vitamins, minerals, beneficial fats, and lignans.  It is the lignans, as highly effective antioxidants, that are considered to be so useful in controlling free radicals.  Therefore, flaxseed oil is helpful in neutralizing free radicals that are such a health hazard if allowed to get out of control.

Flaxseed Oil Antioxidant Lignans

The lignans in flaxseed oil are antioxidant molecules that are able to counter free radicals.  In fact flaxseed oil is the richest source of these beneficial antioxidant lignans, which assist with other health problems, as well as free radicals.

Used as an antioxidant the lignans in flaxseed oil are effective in preventing cellular damage.  Studies have shown that flaxseed oil has several times the lignans content, of other grains and vegetables.  But remember that as well as being a rich source of the antioxidant lignans, flaxseed oil can provide other health benefits.

We seem to live in an age when so much health advice is handed out, by government departments and suchlike, that you might wonder if people have forgotten how to take care of themselves.  Rest assured that there are many who have not, who appreciate the availability of health products such as flax seed oil, and happily enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Anti Aging Antioxidants

Anti Aging Antioxidants
Anti Aging Antioxidants and Free Radicals

Studies have shown that cells have a limited number of cell divisions in a person's life span before they lose their capacity to the aging process, but it appears that whereas free radicals can hasten progression, antiaging antioxidants can slow it down. (antiaging, sometimes spelled anti aging, or anti-aging)

Researchers suggest that by the time a person reaches the age of 20, the majority of body cells have used up about 50% of the cell divisions that were initially available. Therefore by the age of 40, cells may be limited to 30 per cent of their original capacity to divide. This provides a brief understanding of the physical changes that occur, not only internally but also externally as the body reacts to the aging process. But what effect do anti aging antioxidants have?

As aging continues cells will finally exhaust their naturally allocated cell divisions, and the end result is death. It is a predictable consequence of the aging process and there is no way of completely stopping it. However, there is an antioxidant antiaging way to slow it down. Researchers have discovered the means to provide new expectations, through rejuvenating and extending the lifespan of cells, with antiaging antioxidants.

Do Free Radicals Cause Aging?

There have been numerous studies concentrated on finding an answer to aging. Free radicals have been implicated as a large part of the problem, with antiaging antioxidants emerging as something of an antidote. The studies seem to demonstrate that the greater the number of free radicals in your body, the quicker the aging process proceeds.

You are probably aware that free radicals are, unstable oxygen atoms that occur after a natural bodily process known as oxidation. Free radicals are not always harmful, and in some circumstances they can be beneficial. Health issues arise when surplus free radicals that are not controlled with anti aging antioxidants, do not discriminate between healthy and harmful molecules, and “attack” healthy cells. Massive cellular, and tissue damage, can result, leading to serious diseases, and hastening the aging process.

Natural Supply of Anti Aging Antioxidants

In their persistent endeavor to find a way of slowing down the aging process, researchers have discovered anti aging antioxidants. These are substances that counter free radicals and prevent them from doing harm to cell tissue. Our bodies are unable to produce the anti aging antioxidants, but fortunately Mother Nature is a good provider. Therefore, we are able to rely on plants to supply most of the anti aging antioxidants we need.

The human race is not always fully appreciative of the balance that nature can restore in our lives. Fortunately, there is a wide range of fruit and vegetables available to assist with our need for anti aging antioxidants. They are all available free of prescription requirements. Therefore, you can prescribe as much as you require to meet your own requirements, although between 5 - 9 helpings per day is the recommended dose. It's as easy ABC, because all you need to remember is to have your daily intake of Apples, Broccoli, and Carrots, along with other fruits and vegetables.

It goes without saying that anti aging antioxidants will help to keep you young. It seems to be a win, win situation so it's almost criminal not to bother.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Easy as ABC

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Easy as ABC

It is good to know that antioxidants are easily available to maintain the balance, and deal with any excess of free radicals. It is as simple as ABC. Just think of Apples, Bananas, and Cauliflowers, because plenty of antioxidants are found inside the 5 - 9 fruit and vegetables, that you are always being advised to take in your food.

Consider 5 fruits and vegetables as a minimum, because you should realize, you will get better antioxidant protection against free radicals from 6 - 9 portions than 5! Just as many fruits and vegetables have an abundance of antioxidants, there are other foods that are unfavorable.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Are All Fats Bad?

A high fat diet can substantially increase free radical output, and it is generally accepted that saturated fat is responsible for free radical problems. But, the situation is complicated as not all fats are loaded with free radicals. A good place to start would be to strive to steer clear of saturated fats, including animal meat, and all fried foods. There are other fats, such as fish oils, which current researches suggest are actually helpful, but trans fats, frequently used in shop bought cakes, biscuits etc. are best left alone.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - The Environment

Unfortunately, our intake of free radicals is not solely from food, but also from environmental pollutants, such as factory emissions, cigarette smoke, and the like. You could not possibly avoid them all, but a good way to protect yourself, is by an applied knowledge of antioxidants. There are scrumptious fruits and vegetables, in plentiful supply, to help your cause, but you have to be certain that you are getting enough, by aiming for the top of the recommended consumption, of 9 helpings per day.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Watch Your Diet

Antioxidant food is vital to your healthy lifestyle, but if you need further safeguards you could consider vitamin supplements. You would normally get all your Vitamin C from your fruit and vegetable consumption, but it's good to take Vitamin E as well. Vitamin E is found in almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and green leafy vegetables. Of course the vitamins are particularly good if they are an integral part of the foods you eat. Supplements are obtainable, in various forms, but it is wise to discuss such requirements with a qualified advisor.

You will know from this brief article, that antioxidants will assist you to remain healthy, by counteracting free radicals. All you need is the determination to make certain there are sufficient antioxidants included in your diet. If you do not give appropriate consideration to your eating habits, you must accept the consequences. But, you know, that if free radicals are kept under control, the possibility of getting severely ill is much less.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Free Radicals And Antioxidants

Free Radicals And Antioxidants

Plenty of publicity has been related to free radicals and antioxidants, but do you know what they are and how they affect your wellbeing?

Another name for an unstable oxygen atom is a free radical. As you will remember, from your school days, an atom has a nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, around which electrons circulate. This is fine when the electrons are in pairs, but problems are present when an electron is not paired, as with unstable oxygen atoms. Then the free radicals steal electrons from normal, or stable body cells and set up a process called oxidation.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Oxidation

Antioxidants have been proven to limit the effect of oxidation in the body caused by free radicals, or to put it more succinctly, antioxidants defend you from free radical damage. Make no mistake about it that antioxidants shield you from several of the most severe diseases, including heart disease, cancer, strokes, arthritis, and many other conditions. Some people even believe that an adequate amount of antioxidants in their diets may delay the onset of old age!

You may fairly wonder just where the dreadful free radicals come from, but to be honest they might not be as terrible as you think. Free radicals may also assist the body to fight germs, so it is an excess of free radicals that causes health problems, and not the whole amount.

Isn't it alarming, to think that people should require to be consistently reminded how to remain in good health? Whereas most people are inclined to do almost anything to protect their cars from oxidation, or rusting, they are unwilling to defend themselves, from free radical damage. For sure the car will quickly deteriorate if rusting is permitted to get worse, but our bodies will become "rusty" if free radicals are not stopped in their tracks. By all means tend to your car, but you should make your number one priority caring for yourself. A good place to start is consuming 5 - 9 fruit and vegetables per day, and seeking the advantages of the antioxidants they include.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Heart Healthy Vegetarians

Heart Healthy Vegetarians

Every Vegetarian Is Significant

As a potential vegetarian, you might question whether it really matters if you stop eating meat or not. You could ask yourself what difference one additional vegetarian could possibly make.

Of course it is true that a single vegetarian wont make big statistical difference to meat eaters at large. But individual vegetarians can do much to help themselves, and hundreds of animals over the period of a human lifetime. Remember also that we are all individuals, but we cease to be so when we unite. So if a modest percentage of us, were to unite as heart healthy vegetarians, the favourable impact on our world could be colossal.

Heart Healthy Vegetarian

Heart disease is considered to be the number one cause of death in the USA and other countries where meat is an essential part of the staple diet. Heart healthy vegetarians stand a much better chance of  being excluded from these awful statistics.

Meat, eggs, and dairy products, are major sources of cholesterol, and they are linked to the high incidence of coronary heart disease, prevalent in western countries. EarthSave have suggested that a heart healthy vegetarian has only a 25% chance of suffering a heart attack compared to non-vegetarians. Vegans fair even better, with only a 10% chance, using the same criteria. More and more people are realizing that they have a better chance of avoiding premature death when they become heart healthy vegetarians.

More Vegetarian Health Benefits

The health benefits of becoming a vegetarian are not restricted to preventing heart disease, desirable as that may be. You would not be exposed to so may preservatives, like those found in meat, and which are linked to some forms of cancer. Nor would you be in danger from the various hormones, included in some animal feeds, that can interfere with your own hormonal processes. Furthermore, you would not ingest so much lactose, which has been linked to digestive problems.

Think About The Animals

There is more to becoming a healthy vegetarian than the very substantial benefits to your own wellbeing. There is also the question of cruelty to animals to consider. Vegetarians are aware that it is not just chickens, but many other animals as well, that are condemned to a dismal existence in factory farming. The statistics can be alarming. It has been suggested that the average American consumes over 2.700 land animals in their lifetime. So, by becoming a healthy vegetarian, you are not only helping yourself to a much better life, but opting out of practices, which to say the very least are cruel to animals.

There are also good alternatives to drinking milk and eating eggs. It seems apparent that becoming a vegetarian is embarking upon a more natural course, with major health advantages, and consideration for other living things. It is a great concept, and one that seems to have few disadvantages, except, perhaps, overcoming the inertia of getting started! Just think again about the benefits of becoming a heart healthy vegetarian, and the only question left to answer will be why you didn't do it sooner.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Dying for a Smoke!

The Dying For A Smoke poem, may assist you to avoid being included, in frightening smoking related diseases statistics. If you want to stop smoking you can, and in the process free yourself form one of the greatest perils on earth.

If you really are dying for a smoke, just remember the Grim Reaper poem, in which he tries to welcome all those who say they are dying for a smoke. The escape route is to stop smoking.

The Grim Reaper Loves Smokers
Dying For A Smoke

Stop smoking NOW - You may have read
'Cos if you don't - You'll soon be dead.

That smoking kills - You can be sure
From this and that - There is no cure

You stumble on - With cough and wheeze
'Tis smoking - Caused your lung disease

Not me you say - My breathings good
Was that my heart - I heard a thud

Can't stop now - It is too late
There is no point - I know my fate

But just a mo' - 'Cause you know what
It's not too late - To stop the rot

There's patches, pills - Advice to take
The effort is - Just yours to make

It seemed quite hard - But your success
Improved your health - And nothing less

That smoking kills - You now agree
But say "I've stopped" - It won't get me

It may help to print the poem and keep it in your wallet or handbag. It doesn’t take up much room, but is available to warn you of smoking related diseases,  whenever you are tempted to light up! You are welcome to include the poem on your web site but a link back to the Natural Health web site would be appreciated.