Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Easy as ABC

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Easy as ABC

It is good to know that antioxidants are easily available to maintain the balance, and deal with any excess of free radicals. It is as simple as ABC. Just think of Apples, Bananas, and Cauliflowers, because plenty of antioxidants are found inside the 5 - 9 fruit and vegetables, that you are always being advised to take in your food.

Consider 5 fruits and vegetables as a minimum, because you should realize, you will get better antioxidant protection against free radicals from 6 - 9 portions than 5! Just as many fruits and vegetables have an abundance of antioxidants, there are other foods that are unfavorable.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Are All Fats Bad?

A high fat diet can substantially increase free radical output, and it is generally accepted that saturated fat is responsible for free radical problems. But, the situation is complicated as not all fats are loaded with free radicals. A good place to start would be to strive to steer clear of saturated fats, including animal meat, and all fried foods. There are other fats, such as fish oils, which current researches suggest are actually helpful, but trans fats, frequently used in shop bought cakes, biscuits etc. are best left alone.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - The Environment

Unfortunately, our intake of free radicals is not solely from food, but also from environmental pollutants, such as factory emissions, cigarette smoke, and the like. You could not possibly avoid them all, but a good way to protect yourself, is by an applied knowledge of antioxidants. There are scrumptious fruits and vegetables, in plentiful supply, to help your cause, but you have to be certain that you are getting enough, by aiming for the top of the recommended consumption, of 9 helpings per day.

Free Radicals And Antioxidants - Watch Your Diet

Antioxidant food is vital to your healthy lifestyle, but if you need further safeguards you could consider vitamin supplements. You would normally get all your Vitamin C from your fruit and vegetable consumption, but it's good to take Vitamin E as well. Vitamin E is found in almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and green leafy vegetables. Of course the vitamins are particularly good if they are an integral part of the foods you eat. Supplements are obtainable, in various forms, but it is wise to discuss such requirements with a qualified advisor.

You will know from this brief article, that antioxidants will assist you to remain healthy, by counteracting free radicals. All you need is the determination to make certain there are sufficient antioxidants included in your diet. If you do not give appropriate consideration to your eating habits, you must accept the consequences. But, you know, that if free radicals are kept under control, the possibility of getting severely ill is much less.