Saturday, March 09, 2013

Heart Healthy Vegetarians

Heart Healthy Vegetarians

Every Vegetarian Is Significant

As a potential vegetarian, you might question whether it really matters if you stop eating meat or not. You could ask yourself what difference one additional vegetarian could possibly make.

Of course it is true that a single vegetarian wont make big statistical difference to meat eaters at large. But individual vegetarians can do much to help themselves, and hundreds of animals over the period of a human lifetime. Remember also that we are all individuals, but we cease to be so when we unite. So if a modest percentage of us, were to unite as heart healthy vegetarians, the favourable impact on our world could be colossal.

Heart Healthy Vegetarian

Heart disease is considered to be the number one cause of death in the USA and other countries where meat is an essential part of the staple diet. Heart healthy vegetarians stand a much better chance of  being excluded from these awful statistics.

Meat, eggs, and dairy products, are major sources of cholesterol, and they are linked to the high incidence of coronary heart disease, prevalent in western countries. EarthSave have suggested that a heart healthy vegetarian has only a 25% chance of suffering a heart attack compared to non-vegetarians. Vegans fair even better, with only a 10% chance, using the same criteria. More and more people are realizing that they have a better chance of avoiding premature death when they become heart healthy vegetarians.

More Vegetarian Health Benefits

The health benefits of becoming a vegetarian are not restricted to preventing heart disease, desirable as that may be. You would not be exposed to so may preservatives, like those found in meat, and which are linked to some forms of cancer. Nor would you be in danger from the various hormones, included in some animal feeds, that can interfere with your own hormonal processes. Furthermore, you would not ingest so much lactose, which has been linked to digestive problems.

Think About The Animals

There is more to becoming a healthy vegetarian than the very substantial benefits to your own wellbeing. There is also the question of cruelty to animals to consider. Vegetarians are aware that it is not just chickens, but many other animals as well, that are condemned to a dismal existence in factory farming. The statistics can be alarming. It has been suggested that the average American consumes over 2.700 land animals in their lifetime. So, by becoming a healthy vegetarian, you are not only helping yourself to a much better life, but opting out of practices, which to say the very least are cruel to animals.

There are also good alternatives to drinking milk and eating eggs. It seems apparent that becoming a vegetarian is embarking upon a more natural course, with major health advantages, and consideration for other living things. It is a great concept, and one that seems to have few disadvantages, except, perhaps, overcoming the inertia of getting started! Just think again about the benefits of becoming a heart healthy vegetarian, and the only question left to answer will be why you didn't do it sooner.