Friday, October 27, 2006

Eye Strain - Screen Your Requirements!

Many people spend a great deal of time in the glare of artificial lighting. Shops and offices have batteries of fluorescent strip lighting, with resultant eye strain, particularly for those who work long hours under such conditions.

This situation is, unfortunately, compounded for those whose work requires the constant use of computers and associated monitors. It not only affects office workers, but many others, such as supermarket checkout operators. They are required to work under exaggerated artificial lighting, whilst checking screens and labels, for prices and related information.

So, what can be done to ease tired eyes and protect them from the bombardment of workplace glare? For a start you could try to find a more natural environment at break times. If at all possible and weather permitting, try to get outdoors. This may not be possible for short break periods, although those who fancy a smoke seem to manage it, counterproductive as that may be! The longer lunchtime period may provide a better opportunity to get outside and give your eyes a natural break.

Some herbs are considered to be beneficial for soothing tired eyes. For instance you could lie down for a few minutes, with a warm elderflower, fennel or chamomile teabag over each eye. You may have to wait until you get home to do this, as some fellow workers may consider such behaviour rather odd in the staff room, notwithstanding that it is sometimes the accepted behaviour that is the oddest!

There are other herbs which you may find useful, including decoctions of marshmallow and marigold for bathing the eyes. Your herbalist supplier or health shop should be able to give advice on suitable preparations. Your eyes are so precious that it is always advisable to seek qualified advice, and to regularly consult your optician. Nevertheless, there are steps that can be taken to minimise the effect of artificial lighting and VDU's.

It is comforting to relax at home when our days work is over. However, we should guard against compounding our eye strain with too much television. That really would amount to more of the same, and not be the rest your eyes are crying out for!


natural health