Saturday, June 09, 2007

Can A Natural Health Lifestyle Assist ME? - Part 1

Why ME, is what anybody suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyetis, might ask themselves. After all ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as it is also known, can descend like a dark debilitating cloud, even upon those who previously enjoyed good health. It is possible that changing to a natural health lifestyle could assist.

The medical profession has not always been helpful, and even now, there are doctors who are reluctant to admit that ME exists. It is regrettable that, as yet, there are no tests to confirm a diagnosis, but in the absence of other causes, the symptoms are clearly indicative that something serious is amiss. Such symptoms include muscle joint pain, headaches, nausea, depression, an inability to concentrate, and physical depletion. In these circumstances, a natural health lifestyle may help guard against the continued onslaught that could result in those afflicted, becoming overwhelmed and chronically fatigued.

To understand how to recover from ME, you need to know what caused it, and you could then attempt to reverse the process, which could include adapting to a natural health lifestyle. It is not unusual for the symptoms to arise after a viral infection, such as influenza. In such cases it would seem that even after the virus has been eliminated and seen off, the body does not fully recover but remains in a state of depletion. Any further stress compounds the problem, and an array of symptoms results. These are not the normal problems that occur after an illness, but something much more pronounced that seems to continue indefinitely.

So what can you do? Therein lies a clue, because unless you are fortunate enough to have a doctor who recognises, and therefore has experience of dealing with ME, it must largely be a case of what you can do to help yourself. It seems that ME is a modern dis-ease, that may respond favourably to a natural health lifestyle.