Monday, June 11, 2007

Natural Health Diets And Supermarkets

You would think that in affluent western countries people would benefit from a naturally healthy diet. Unfortunately, that is frequently not the case, and there are many individuals who are obese and anything but naturally healthy.

To a large extent, we are what we eat and you cannot be naturally healthy from a deficient diet. So what does a healthy diet comprise of?

Fruit and vegetables are available in abundance, and they are the pillar stones of a naturally healthy diet. However, they are not always as they seem, and what was once considered to be natural may no longer be so, as more and more agrochemicals are included in farming methods. The term that is increasingly used to indicate that food has been grown naturally is organic. To be classed as organic, fruit and vegetables should have been grown in a natural way, and be free from chemical additives. Food produced without unwanted chemicals will more readily assist those requiring natural health, sustained by a natural diet.

Naturally healthy food is the raw material from which the body obtains various nutrients, and vitamins, necessary to its healthy existence. Supermarkets are modern phenomenons that provide what people want to buy! They have more recently concentrated on providing healthy wholesome food, as well as convenience alternatives.

Western governments have become alarmed at the general level of obesity, and it's detrimental effect on natural health. They have produced guidelines to facilitate naturally healthy eating, and to alert people to the dangers of becoming overweight from poor dietary consideration. Are the supermarkets listening?

To some extent the supermarkets have taken this advice on board. They can only sell what people want to buy, but as government campaigns get the message across, they respond with more natural health products, in support of natural health diets. They have to do so to remain competitive, and hopefully the upward spiral of demand for natural health food will continue.

Supermarkets are enormous businesses, with colossal turnover, that employ many thousands of staff. As well as economic considerations they have a social responsibility, that can perhaps best manifest itself by aiming to improve natural health on a national scale.


natural health