Saturday, June 09, 2007

Can A Natural Health Lifestyle Assist ME? - Part 2

It is true that ME was at one time also known as 'yuppy flu'. That was because it frequently, but not always, affected high achievers or those aspiring to be so. It is possible that some high achievers push themselves over and beyond others with lower aspirations. In such circumstances, and particularly after a setback such as a severe viral infection can induce, it is not surprising that fatigue can set in, and become chronic. It surely would be less likely to do so, in those who undertake a natural health lifestyle, to build up their immune systems.

So, in the absence of an enlightened medical practitioner, how can people with ME help themselves? Strangely, there may be some obvious answers. If you are chronically fatigued it makes good sense to decide on how you can improve your well being, with a natural health lifestyle. Resting and relaxing are two of the ingredients, needed to offset severe tiredness. Unfortunately, they could be misconstrued as a waste of time by the relentlessly ambitious.

Resting does not usually mean taking to your bed, although it can mean just that in extreme circumstances. More generally it means proceeding calmly, unhurriedly, and at a sensible pace. For example, a natural health lifestyle could assist you to replace intense concentration, with calm consideration, that could help in achieving your objectives.

People suffering from ME, do not usually have the same intensity of symptoms all of the time. Not for 24 hours per day every day. Therefore, at such times as they feel somewhat better, they should avoid situations that will drive them back into the abyss of fatigue. This could involve doing something different, or something peaceful, or therapeutic, such as a natural health lifestyle could provide.