Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cherry Juice - Cheery News

It has been reported that one glass of cherry juice contains more antioxidants than over 20 portions of fruit and vegetables. It is well known that antioxidants offset free radicals, which if left unchecked can lead to serious diseases, including cardiovascular problems, cancer and also lead to premature aging. In fact, it was established in a recent television documentary, that people who live the longest, frequently take antioxidants to the extent of 6000, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) units per day.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.

It seems that all cherries are not equal and do not have the same effect. Maximum benefits are obtained from Montmorency tart cherries that are grown in the United States. The cherries common to other countries, including the UK, are not nearly so rich in antioxidants as the US variety, which isn't to say that they are not a useful dietary aid. However, they contain only about a fifth of the antioxidants found in the Montmorency cherry juice, which is available from health food stores in other countries, under the name of CherryActive.

Tart cherries, which are otherwise known as sour, red cherries, or pie cherries are renowned as ingredients in delicious desserts. If Montmorency cherry juice is as good for you as recent studies suggest, it seems that it could be so uplifting as to be called 'cheery' juice! There is so much written about diets and supplements these days and some of it is hard to swallow! That does not apply to Montmorency tart cherries that seem to be readily available in a most palatable form. Some people feel guilty about following a main meal with a dessert, but recent research into tart cherries may have let them off the hook!


natural health