Monday, September 22, 2008

Herbal Remedies Are Not A Quick Fix

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

Herbal treatment is not a quick fix or a magic bullet, but support for a natural health lifestyle. It is concerned with prevention as well as cure by creating a balance in natural health. Some herbal preparations assist with maintaining a balanced lifestyle, whilst others are most useful when imbalances do arise. In common with conventional medicine, expert guidance is vital, but it is accessible from a variety of sources including, personal consultation, libraries, natural health magazines, the Internet, quality newspapers and elsewhere.

Please click here, The New Straits Times Online to read a very interesting article.

"NO one would have expected a Mat Salleh to be one of the first to market Tongkat Ali in Malaysia, but that's what Benjamin Scott Drewe did.
More than 10 years ago, this Australian herbalist registered one of the first lines of Tongkat Ali products in Malaysia.

Drewe, who has lived in Malaysia for more than 20 years, says he's been attracted to the study of herbs since his teenage years.

'Growing up in an organic farm, it was easy to find my passion at an early age,' says Drewe, the managing director of Asia Botanicals.

'I take pride in building people's trust in herbs. Herbal remedies are based on scientific research.
'Things have changed since 'Grandma's days'. Today we use science and technology to show the mechanism of herbs.'"

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