Thursday, September 18, 2008

Natural Health and Blackberries

One of the great joys, for families in late summer in Great Britain, is to go blackberrying. It may not be quite so popular as it once was, but that is a pity because blackberries are a wonderful source of natural health.

Blackberries are among the best sources of antioxidants of any fruits, and that alone makes a blackberry picking expedition more than just worthwhile. Moreover, these delicious berries are also rich in vitamin C, and about a half a cupful, provides the recommended daily requirement.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

On a blackberry picking expedition many of the plumpest berries are devoured before reaching the collection basket. They are so delicious that you hardly need to be told that they are doing you good. It's not sneaky to eat a few, because you would need to be strong willed, or even silly to resist the temptation. At peak times there are plenty for all, but perhaps less these days, when some hedgerows have given way to more expansive farming methods.

Of course blackberry picking is not restricted to simply picking, or eating the fruits. It involves a trip to the countryside, which might be nearer or farther depending on where you live. However, the opportunity of breathing in lungfuls of fresh air, whilst engaging in the supremely satisfying endeavour of gathering the fruits, is immensely rewarding.

You usually arrive home with far more blackberries than you have eaten. They are available for superb home made jams, or wonderful pies, either on their own, or mixed with other seasonal fruits such as apples. You will be reminded of your excursion to the bramble bushes for weeks to come, as jam is not called a preserve for nothing. Blackberry time exemplifies what natural health is all about. Fresh air, natural food, and outdoor exercise are basic ingredients of healthy living.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health