Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Benefits Of Natural Health Healing

In this modern society, where everything moves at an ever-increasing pace, it is important to remember that we must still take care of our bodies. If we fail to eat right, we will become overweight. If we fail to sleep enough, we might experience neurological complications and suffer from a lack of clarity.

The practice of natural health has evolved specifically in response to the increased pace of everyday life. Natural health presupposes that we are better of healing and maintaining our bodies with long-term, healthy regiments, rather than dozens of fractured, quick-fix plans.

Adopting a natural health lifestyle can give your body that chance it needs to function at its best.

Natural health healing is an important part of a natural health lifestyle. Most people do not realize it, but the majority of chemical medicines we take bombard our bodies at the same time they work to fight disease.

Natural health healing is actually a large group of different practices. Some include various body detox methods, which will help you to expel all of the toxins you have accumulated in fat cells over the years.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Natural Health Medicine

Natural health medicine is made from natural ingredients that help to eliminate disease and regulate your body's functions without bombarding it with chemicals.

These ingredients work in harmony with your immune system, providing it with all the help it will need to function as its best.

Natural health medicine has hardly any side effects; and it has been in use in countries like China for many generations.

The western world is known for depending on its chemical health medicines, which have many side effects; however, as technology brings the world closer, we are better able to realize what other cultures have to offer.

That is why so many people are now realizing that there are many other options to choose from, which may or may not be more effective than the chemical health medicine.

Natural health medicine is also good in that it helps improve how your immune system functions, so that your body can continue to maintain its daily functions.

Natural health medicine also helps you heal and recover faster, so that you do not lie in bed ill while the rest of the world passes you by. By taking care of your body through natural health medicine, you are indeed taking a step to ensure that the common cold or flu does not run you down.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Natural Health Training

Natural health training will teach you how to harness those vital energy boosts that are essential for starting the process of feeling good about yourself. It is a common fact that when people start to exercise, they do feel a lot better about themselves.

A person who has a good self-image and inner happiness will be more likely to have a healthy immune system and life a longer, healthier longer life; however, natural health training includes more than just exercising. Natural health training also includes adopting a proper diet and taking supplements.

Weight loss is another key component of natural health. If you are overweight, adopting a natural health lifestyle should help your body achieve a weight closer to your ideal.

With the help of natural health training, you will begin to understand what is best for your body in a holistic sense. You will then be able to lose the weight faster and prevent any future weight gain because you will learn how to maintain your weight.

If you want to constantly enjoy life, then you need to know how to make natural health training a part of your life.

With natural health training, you also get the added bonus of increasing levels of energy. You will feel better and sleep so much better, too.


natural health

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Natural Health for Women

Obviously, the anatomy of the human body is different for both men and women; however, most people see evidence for this in the actual physical appearance of the body. This is certainly the most distinguishable difference, but there are many other different internal factors as well, such as the regulation of hormonal secretions and the type of secretions; in addition, women are more prone to certain diseases than men.

If you decide to take natural health approach as a woman, you will need to address these differences in the regimen you design. You might know that it is important to eat low-fat foods, unrefined foods that do not contain preservatives, but do you know what vitamins and nutrients women are more likely to lack? Do you know why not addressing those needs can significantly decrease your performance at work or at home?

You know from experience that a poor health regimen will manifest itself in everything you do. It will show on your skin and in your eyes. You will lack energy and it will show. Your body will reveal your lifestyle.

One excellent place to find free information about natural women's health is the Internet. There are a number of websites that offer a significant amount of information on natural health regimens that could greatly improve your quality of life.

That is why so many women are thinking about changing their lifestyles to focus on a more natural approach to health. That will help them deal with all the other issues other than having to worry about whether or not they are taking care of their bodies. This is the best proactive treatment you can give your body.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Natural Health Spas and Stress Relief

Why are health spas so relaxing? Is it because you are getting covered in mud? Or is it because you don't have to worry about anything else when you are seemingly a million miles away from all your troubles?

Whatever the reason, it must be something good because so many people make trips to health spas every year and they nearly always have positive feedback to give to their family and friends.

With so many natural health spas claiming to offer you the treatment of a lifetime, it can be tough to find the company that is telling the truth about their services.

Some natural health spas will brag about their rewards and will tout them in every commercial; however, if you need any convincing about a health spa, then you must visit one to understand the relaxing atmosphere that they will offer you as soon as you enter the building.

If you have not yet done so, you should definitely consider scheduling an appointment with your local natural health spa. The small amount of money you spend on this unique treatment will pay for itself dozens of times over when you return to work more productive and relaxed.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Pineapple a Day - Keeps the Doctor Away!

Pineapples look good! Pineapples taste good! Pineapples do you good!

Boost your natural health with pineapple containing bromelain, which has excellent anti-inflammatory qualities.

Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains. Because of its anti-inflammatory effect it is useful in soothing muscles which are sore due to inflammation, and is said to be helpful in relieving rheumatoid arthritis. Fresh pineapple may also relieve indigestion, because the bromelain breaks down the amino acids bonded in proteins.

Because of its high vitamin C content, fresh pineapple can help to protect the body from free radicals. Many people take vitamin C to protect themselves from, or lessen the severity of colds and related afflictions.

It has been said that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, but this is certainly not true of fresh pineapples. They do not require added sugar because they are delicious on their own. Furthermore, it seems that the heat used in the canning process, considerably reduces the bromelain content, so stick to fresh pineapples.

Pineapples are almost universally available and they are not particularly expensive, because they are large enough to provide a treat for the whole family. So add them to your diet, either as whole fruit, or blended into a refreshing and rewarding drink. Pineapples are so tasty that you should not need any persuading, but if you do remember their high bromelain and vitamin content is a healthy bonus!

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Cider Vinegar and Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis you should consider including cider vinegar in your diet. There are reputable reports, that cider vinegar can dissolve the hard deposits from arthritic joints, and halt a worsening situation. If joints are actually worn away they can only be surgically replaced. However, if the condition has not reached that degree of severity, it is better to try to stop it in its tracks. Cider vinegar may well assist, especially when included as part of a natural health diet, and lifestyle.

Osteoarthritis is something that you will get to know about if you live long enough! It affects the majority of older citizens, often severely, interfering with their lives and mobility. Prevention is better than cure and there is little doubt that a natural health lifestyle will help.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a more serious condition. It is an inflammatory disease of the immune system and affects the whole body, although the joints are usually most seriously affected. The good news is that it can clear up on its own within a few weeks or months, never to return. The bad news is that it may persist for life, or go away during periods of remission, only to return later. It is unpredictable and its cause is not known. However, a healthy lifestyle can do much to protect your immune system. Whilst it is preferable to start early, it is rarely too late to bring about some improvement.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Common Sense Cures Common Colds!

There are so many viruses, responsible for causing colds and flu, that it is only common sense to endeavour to protect ourselves from the onslaught. Winter is the time when the common cold is most common, although it is obviously possible to be afflicted during the other seasons. Some people claim to have flu, when they are in fact suffering from a heavy cold, but the former is generally a more serious condition, sometimes with life threatening implications. Fortunately flu is not nearly so common, as common colds are, otherwise every year it would reach epidemic proportions! Some common sense ways to protect ourselves from colds may also help us also to be more resistant to influenza.

Exercise is vital to our general health. A slight change in our existing habits, such as walking to work, or when taking the children to school would be a good start. Whenever possible, take advantage of at least fine days to get some outdoor exercise. Many people consider themselves too busy to exercise but some minor adjustment to daily routines is nearly always possible. It should not interfere with a busy life but assist towards becoming healthier and more able.

Overtiredness is more likely to result from a lack of exercise than too much! When we are overtired we are more prone to illnesses including common colds and flu. So it is important to get sufficient rest and an adequate amount of sleep. Those who find it difficult to relax could try techniques such as meditation or yoga, which may also assist in bringing natural exercise into their lifestyles.

Diet is an important consideration, as what we eat and drink can either help our immune system to resist attacks, or reduce its effectiveness. Therefore, we should heed the advice so freely available with regard to healthy eating, and ensure that our intake of fruit and vegetables at least matches the recommended five portions per day. Many people believe that taking a multi-vitamin supplement assists them in their quest for a balanced diet. What is for sure is that there are many wholesome and delicious alternatives to so called fast food, that will fuel your requirement to remain as free as possible from common colds and related illnesses.

Keeping warm and dry, not only sounds more attractive than being cold and damp, but will assist in maintaining good health. Again a good measure of common sense is required as some ways of keeping warm are healthier than others. Some form of indoor heating is essential in winter, but it is not always a good idea to turn the central heating up! An extra layer of warm clothing, such as a woolly jumper, is preferable to a higher thermostat setting. Too much background heating can create an atmosphere in which common cold and other viruses seem to spread more rapidly. It's just a matter of common sense really!

Some of these basic suggestions may seem elementary. Common sense often is, but it is easy to slip into bad habits which leave us susceptible to common colds and other ailments. Simple lifestyle adjustments may assist not only in strengthening your resistance but in creating a happier and healthier existence.


natural health

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Essential Oils - The Natural Way To Health And Well Being

Essential Oils - The Natural Way To Health And Well Being
by: Sanji Gretta

Essential oils are the natural product of plant metabolism. They are considered the liquid immune system of the plant. Essential oils come from the stems, seeds, leaves, bark, roots, rinds, flower petals and grasses of plants.

When you buy essential oils don't be upset at the price. First off, they are well worth it. Secondly, when used properly it only takes a very small amount to accomplish the task. You'll also want to try to purchase organic essential oils. The more pure the essential oil the more potent it will be. All natural and chemical free should be the only type of essential oil you purchase. Other modifications and processing can alter the strength and the purity of the oil. Essential oils that are extra virgin or cold pressed are great ones to use.

Essential oils can be used for a variety of purposes. Aromatherapy, bath oils, medicinal uses, and massage are only a few of the typical uses for essential oils. For a natural, effective therapy, no matter what the purpose, there is most likely an essential oil available to suite your needs.

When thinking about aromatherapy essential oil there is a variety out there from which to make your choices. The purer an aromatherapy essential oil the more potent the therapeutic effects. There is a wide range of aromatherapy essential oils all with their own unique therapeutic qualities.

Here is some information help you decide to buy any essential oil. To start, your essential oils have to be diluted into base oils. Diluting will make the substance go further and last longer. Dilution of essential oils will not reduce the effects.

Massage therapy essential oils can just as well be used in baths. Since a nice warm bath can be a great way to unwind at the end of the day, what better way to relax than to include a product that will help in many more ways, from rejuvenating the spirit and the mind to conditioning the skin. It is important to note that oil will cause the surface of the tub to become very slick, so use caution when exiting the tub and be sure to wash the tub out thoroughly when finished to avoid an accident the next time you bathe.

As with any product it is always important to check the contents of the oils and purchase them from a reputable company where you have more assurance of the ingredients used. Particular medical condition may cause adverse reactions when using these oils. If you have high blood pressure, pregnancy, epilepsy, heart conditions, diabetes and more consult with a physician before use. Remember, it is a good rule of thumb to spend a little time doing your homework first rather than pay for it later with your health.

About The Author
Sanji Gretta has been practicing aromatherapy for quite a while. His latest website Aromatherapy Source is designed to give novice aromatherapy practitioners an introduction to the wonderful world of aromatherapy. Visit Aromatherapy Source Now:


natural health

Friday, October 27, 2006

Eye Strain - Screen Your Requirements!

Many people spend a great deal of time in the glare of artificial lighting. Shops and offices have batteries of fluorescent strip lighting, with resultant eye strain, particularly for those who work long hours under such conditions.

This situation is, unfortunately, compounded for those whose work requires the constant use of computers and associated monitors. It not only affects office workers, but many others, such as supermarket checkout operators. They are required to work under exaggerated artificial lighting, whilst checking screens and labels, for prices and related information.

So, what can be done to ease tired eyes and protect them from the bombardment of workplace glare? For a start you could try to find a more natural environment at break times. If at all possible and weather permitting, try to get outdoors. This may not be possible for short break periods, although those who fancy a smoke seem to manage it, counterproductive as that may be! The longer lunchtime period may provide a better opportunity to get outside and give your eyes a natural break.

Some herbs are considered to be beneficial for soothing tired eyes. For instance you could lie down for a few minutes, with a warm elderflower, fennel or chamomile teabag over each eye. You may have to wait until you get home to do this, as some fellow workers may consider such behaviour rather odd in the staff room, notwithstanding that it is sometimes the accepted behaviour that is the oddest!

There are other herbs which you may find useful, including decoctions of marshmallow and marigold for bathing the eyes. Your herbalist supplier or health shop should be able to give advice on suitable preparations. Your eyes are so precious that it is always advisable to seek qualified advice, and to regularly consult your optician. Nevertheless, there are steps that can be taken to minimise the effect of artificial lighting and VDU's.

It is comforting to relax at home when our days work is over. However, we should guard against compounding our eye strain with too much television. That really would amount to more of the same, and not be the rest your eyes are crying out for!


natural health

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Natural Health Insurance: 3 Proven Immune Boosters

Natural Health Insurance: 3 Proven Immune Boosters
by: Ryan Wilson

As important as it is to make sure you have 'normal' health coverage, it's even more important to increase the amount of 'natural' health insurance you have. After all, if you protect your body now you won't need to worry about paying a big doctor's bill later! One of the best ways to do this is by boosting your immune system and helping your body to fight off disease.

The following tips are some of the most effective methods for boosting your immune system naturally. Each one is absolutely proven to help protect you from a wide array of diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Incorporating them into your lifestyle is one of the easiest ways to 'buy' natural health insurance!

Eat Colorful Vegetables & Fruits

These extremely healthy foods should be the basis of your diet. Eating colorful veggies and fruits is a must if you want to stay healthy for life. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals that keep your body - and your immune system - strong and ready to fight off disease. Choose things like leafy greens, bright red tomatoes, orange grapefruits, yellow peppers, and plump blueberries. Remember, the more colorful your plate is the healthier you're going to be.

Get 8 Hours of Sleep

There is no longer any doubt that lack of sleep affects the immune system and leads to health problems. Several recent studies have shown that getting a good night's sleep can dramatically boost your immune response, while even one night of poor sleep can significantly suppress immune function. The immune system is constantly working, so when we sleep the body is able to 'reinforce' and strengthen it, most likely by producing powerful hormones. Most people need about 8 hours of sleep per night for optimal health so that's a good number to shoot for.

Exercise 6 Days a Week

Exercise is a powerful immune booster, not to mention a very important component of good overall health. Regular, moderate exercise has been shown to lower an individual's likelihood of getting sick. It also boosts natural energy levels while relieving stress at the same time. To top it all off, regular exercise makes it much easier to sleep at night! Just don't overdo it. Too much exercise can actually suppress the immune system. Try to get about 30 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, leaving one day for rest and recovery.

Well, there you go - 3 powerful and proven ways to boost your immune system and stay healthy. Each of the above are healthy habits which, over time, will provide you with an abundance of natural health insurance. If combined, you'll enjoy great health and wellbeing for a very long time!

About The Author
Ryan Wilson is a writer for, a guide to useful news & information about staying healthy. You can learn more at:


natural health

Friday, October 20, 2006

Natural Health-Body Detoxification: Is it Necessary?

Natural Health-Body Detoxification: Is it Necessary?
by: Nabil Khoury

Everyday, people are exposed to various toxins, which harm the body and cause serious diseases. These toxins can be internal toxins that are released in the body as a by-product of normal metabolic activity; or external toxins such as heavy metals (lead, aluminum etc), smoke, drugs (cocaine, steroids etc), food preservatives and additives, alcohol, chemicals, harmful organic compounds etc. The list is practically endless, which is why the process of body detoxification assumes vital proportions.

Body detoxification refers to the ability of the human body to rid itself of harmful toxins. The body performs the detoxification process through four main organs, which are:

* The Kidneys
* The Liver
* The Skin
* The Intestines

All toxins in your blood, whether internal or external, reach your liver before they reach any other part of the body. The liver then acts upon these toxins and removes them through the bile and kidneys. Some water soluble toxins may escape the liver detoxification, but these are then eliminated through the kidneys. Your skin too helps in the process of body detoxification by eliminating toxins through sweat and skin rashes.

Thus, the natural body detoxification process generally ensures that all the toxins are removed from the body. However, in recent times, natural body detoxification processes may not be very efficient in removing all the harmful toxins from the body, due to several reasons such as:

* Sluggish detoxification enzymes in the body.
* Presence of too many toxins in the modern world.
* Poor nutrition and unhealthy diets. *Increased constipation.
* Loss of equilibrium of bowel flora.

* Presence of beta-glucuronidase, which is an enzyme that reverses the detoxification process, thus leading to an increase in the amounts of bodily toxins.

Due to all these factors, the natural process of body detoxification can take a severe beating, which is why it is essential to get body detoxification support. In order to optimize the body detoxification process, you may need to do several things including:

* Go on a detoxification diet.
* Take natural nutrients and antioxidants which support the liver detoxification process.
* Undergo various therapies for colon detoxification.
* By simply doing one thing and not doing the other, you will not be able to detoxify your body effectively.

For best results regarding body detoxification, it is recommended that you seek professional help. A natural health expert will advise you about the best combination of body detoxification therapies, depending on your individual needs and interests. You will thus not need to rely on a single product which may or may not benefit you, but will have the finest resources at hand for optimum body detoxification and good health.

Copyright 2006 Nabil Khoury
About The Author
Dr. Nabil Khoury is a medical doctor. He practices integrative medicine combining allopathic medicine and natural health. Visit his website natural health and longevity bible at to learn more about natural antioxidants at

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mineral Makeup - Natural Makeup for a Healthier Skin

Mineral Makeup - Natural Makeup for a Healthier Skin
by: Dr Bianca Tavares

Mineral makeup is nothing new. In fact the Egyptians were using it over two thousand years ago. However it's now back at a makeup counter near you bringing with it freshness, convenience and a much healthier skin.

As a doctor I know what damage some traditional makeup products can cause the skin if worn over time for prolonged periods without adequate cleansing. So the advent of mineral makeup to the cosmetic counters is a major breakthrough in healthy living and skincare.

Mineral cosmetics have their basis in ground-up minerals, including various metal ores and iron oxide. Being natural, they are allergen-free and contain no chemical dyes, added preservatives, fillers, perfumes, oils or talc - or other ingredients commonly found in traditional makeup products.

Mineral makeup contains only pure mineral pigments in concentrated form. Due to their concentration they perform the functions of concealer, foundation and powder - and incredibly all in a single application which binds to the skin so well that very little touch-up is required as the day progresses.

After mineral makeup is first applied - and this can be done very simply with a brush - the skin might appear a little powdery, but after a short time you will find that it is taken up very well by the natural oils within the skin. And incredibly, you'll find that by nighttime your face will look just as fresh as it did in the morning when the makeup was first applied, without shine or streaks.

Mineral makeup's purity means that it works well with most skin types and you will find that it adds a day-long youthful sheen to your skin. But it also possesses several other benefits:

Mineral foundation powders also contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that act as a reflective coating which blocks the harmful effects of the sun. In addition natural forms of Vitamins A and E are regularly added which have anti-oxidant benefits and also help prevent photo aging of the skin.

Since synthetic dyes, perfumes and preservatives are avoided in the composition of mineral makeup, there is little risk of skin sensitivity to the ingredients, resulting in a considerably reduced risk of longer-term allergic reactions.

Mineral makeup can be applied quickly and easily with a brush or sponge, and when applied to clean moisturized skin, it doesn't smear or run. To immediately do away with the initial powdery effect, all you need to do is mist your face lightly even with ordinary water.

Due to it's day-long enduring qualities, mineral makeup is not only ideal for those with hectic lifestyles, but it has also found favor in the film and tv industries. Plus, it is often provides a great solution for many with existing skin problems, such as those caused by burns.

Now let's take a look at the cost. If you are used to cosmetic counter prices, you aren't going to be totally shocked. However, you should also consider the savings you can make by using mineral makeup. What would you normally put on your face before venturing out in the morning? After a moisturizer, how about a primer? Then there are concealers, foundation, blusher, creams, powder… However when using mineral makeup, after using a moisturizer, you'll find that many products which were once a part of your daily regimen, now become totally redundant. So the overall savings could be quite significant. And think about the time saving too!

Modern mineral makeup represents a major advance not only in cosmetics but also in skincare and your overall well-being.

About The Author
Dr Bianca Tavares is a medical consultant with wide-ranging experience and interests in both traditional and complementary medicine and health care.
She has a particular passion for disseminating quality medical information to the people who matter - the patients - and acts in an advisory capacity to numerous journals and health related web sites. Her writing about makeup and cosmetics can be found regularly at
This article is copyright by Dr Bianca Tavares. It can be reprinted freely online as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.


natural health

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Natural Health for Pets: Nutrition for Dogs, Cats and Birds

Natural Health for Pets: Nutrition for Dogs, Cats and Birds
by: Anna Fox


Mix 1/3 raw vegetables (any except onions, which can be toxic to dogs), 1/3 cooked grains (white rice or pasta are acceptable, but whole grains or brown rice are preferable), and 1/3 raw meat. Add a splash of oil and serve - it's that simple!

* Note that measurements are given as proportions rather than amounts, as serving sizes will vary considerably depending on the size of your dog.

Raw bones are also recommended once a day, especially marrowbone or kangaroo tails.


Unlike dogs, cats are almost exclusively carnivorous, and will do well on a meat-only diet. Give your cat raw meat, fish (whitebait is the perfect size for cats, and very inexpensive), or organic chicken. Feed in small portions twice a day, and remember to remove uneaten food before it spoils.

When allowed to go outside, cats will normally supplement this diet with herbs and grasses, which, apart from self-medicating, also supply nutrients that are not present in meat, such as chlorophyll. Therefore, it is especially important to supplement the diet of indoor cats who are not permitted to go outside with a good vitamin-mineral supplement.


Birds should always have a good mix of different grains and seeds as well as fresh water available. I also recommend giving birds some raw fruit and vegetables daily. It's nice if you can give them some access to fresh grasses as well.

Some birds, especially parrots, will happily eat a whole apple or another fruit if you just cut it in half. Others need the fruit and veg to be chopped or pureed on the food processor. Be guided by what your birds like, but please, stick to foods that are naturally eaten by your species of bird!

Never give your chickens "layer pellets" as they are made with fish and meat meal - that is, ground up fish, cow and chicken bones - about as far from a natural diet as a chicken can get! Chickens' diet should consist mainly of wheat, other grains and seeds, fruit and vegetables, grasses, any insects and worms they can capture. Look for "wild bird seed" in your supermarket - it's great to mix in with their wheat and they love it! If you are able to let them out, even if for only a few hours a day, then do so! They will always return to their "coop" by sundown.

What now?

Whether your pet is healthy or has a health problem, try the natural diet recommended above first. Most animals will get better within a few weeks and will not need futher treatment. If problems persist, you can send me your questions and I will email you back (I try to respond to all emails) and also publish your question and my answer in the next article. Comments, follow up questions and pet status updates can be sent to You can also visit my website at

About The Author
Anna Fox is a natural therapist who uses nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, bioresonance, and a number of other natural therapies to help pets (and their human companions!) get over their illness and stay healthy for life. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Psychology (with Honours) degree from the Australian National University and Certificates in Bioresonance Therapy and in Small Business Management. She is currently working towards an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy.


natural health

Natural Health for Pets

Natural Health for Pets: Nutrition for Dogs, Cats and Birds
by: Anna Fox

Pet Health

Pets today suffer from allergies, skin problems, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, liver and kidney failure, and other serious illnesses. These conditions have been exacerbated by the tainted foods we feed our pets, and the lack of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients in their diets. Commercial grade pet foods may contain harmful additives and processed grains, instead of high quality proteins. These foods weaken the immune system, providing the environment for disease to gain a foothold.

Improving your pet's health is relatively simple. It is a matter of feeding your pets natural, whole foods, and ensuring a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients is achieved. I recommend the following basic diets for dogs and cats, try them and watch your best friend grow healthier and happier before your very eyes!

All animals

If you have the means to feed your pets organic foods and filtered water, please do so! Organic vegetables can be grown cheaply and with little effort in your own garden, and I'm sure there's a GSW Class on how to do it, as well as the GSW Gardening Club.

The easiest way to prepare vegetables is to use the pulp left over from juicing. I like my carrot, apple, beetroot and celery juice in the mornings, and there are plenty of nutrients left in the pulp to keep the dog and the birds healthy as well! If you don't drink juices (you should, they're great for you!), you'll need to use a food processor, as they should be chopped up quite finely.

For meat-eating pets, try to get game meats, as they are generally leaner and free of all the hormones and antibiotics that are present in commercially grown meats. Also keep in mind that diced meat is better than minced. Here in Australia, many pet shops sell frozen diced kangaroo meat in 1kg packs (and 15kg boxes) at very reasonable prices.

Always add a good colloidal or crystalloid vitamin and mineral supplement and some high-grade Omega 3 and 6 oils.

Aged garlic extract, various herbs, enzymes, spirulina, bee pollen and kelp can also be added either on a regular basis or as needed, to ensure the highest level of well-being for your pet.

What now?

Whether your pet is healthy or has a health problem, try the natural diet recommended above first. Most animals will get better within a few weeks and will not need futher treatment. If problems persist, you can send me your questions and I will email you back (I try to respond to all emails) and also publish your question and my answer in the next article. Comments, follow up questions and pet status updates can be sent to You can also visit my website at

About The Author
Anna Fox is a natural therapist who uses nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, bioresonance, and a number of other natural therapies to help pets (and their human companions!) get over their illness and stay healthy for life. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Psychology (with Honours) degree from the Australian National University and Certificates in Bioresonance Therapy and in Small Business Management. She is currently working towards an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy.


natural health

Monday, October 16, 2006

What Are The Natural Healthy Properties Of Flaxseed?

What Are The Natural Healthy Properties Of Flaxseed?
by: Rachel Gillespe

Flaxseed oil, which was cited by Hippocrates as a medicine, is recently making a comeback in popularity as modern man has discovered the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. Nutty flavored flaxseed oil is highly concentrated with this heart healthy unsaturated fat. Some of the benefits of Omega 3 acids include its positive effect on high blood pressure, the immune system, inflammatory disorders, and some cancers. Flaxseed oil has also proven beneficial in treating in treating eczema.

Both the seed and oil variety of flax are heart healthy due to the Omega 3 fatty acid. This type of fat is important to the development of cell membranes and the regulation of blood pressure. It also has a positive effect on lowering the body's bad cholesterol levels and might even lower the chances of blood clotting thus preventing heart attacks.

Flax seeds themselves have even more health benefits than the oil. These seeds have a hard shell and are slightly bigger than sesame seeds. The seeds contain fiber, protein, minerals, B vitamins and lignins. Lignin, a phytonutrient, is believed to have anti cancer properties, especially, estrogen linked varieties such as breast cancer. Lignins are also noted for their antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal abilities.

Flaxseeds are high in fiber which can be taken regularly as a natural laxative and help prevent colon cancer and ease the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This type of fiber is also believed to be beneficial for those struggling to maintain their blood sugar levels.

Women may also benefit from adding flaxseeds and flaxseed oil to their diet as there are some studies that suggest it assists in promoting natural ovulation as well as having a positive effect on hormones which eases pre-menopausal symptoms.

After reading about some of the benefits the flaxseed offers one may be interested in ways to incorporate them into their diet. First, keep in mind that the seeds need to be ground to experience their health effects; otherwise they just quickly pass through and exit the body. Also, flaxseed oil, like all other oils high in essentially fatty acids is not meant for cooking with. The heating process has a negative effect. Simply add the oil to foods once prepared such as vegetables and pastas.

As mentioned, the flaxseeds can be ground much like flour and therefore can be baked into many foods, including breads, muffins, and pancakes. As the flaxseed has increased in popularity it can also be found in ready to eat cereals and bars. Or, one can simply grind the seeds and toss them on salads, vegetables, etc.

One caution is that some people may be allergic to flaxseeds.

About The Author
Rachel Gillespe is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including


natural health

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Make Sure You Don't Catch a Cold

As long summer days give way to autumn, the common cold season will soon be here again, so what can we do to protect ourselves?

When it is colder outside there is a tendency for people to spend more time indoors. This encourages common cold and other viruses to spread from person to person. One infected person can soon infect another - and another - and another, and so on, until pretty much everybody is infected, but it doesn't really need to be that way.

There are more than a hundred viruses that can cause the common cold, which can probably manifest itself in as many symptoms. These range from runny noses to more serious implications including sore throats, headaches, blocked passages and general debility.

Most people will get a cold sometimes, whilst some will go from one cold to another, with little respite. Some will feel only a mild effect whilst others will become quite poorly and be temporarily incapacitated.

So what can we do to protect ourselves from this annual onslaught? As with most afflictions, prevention is better than cure. A healthy lifestyle will help to build up your immune system and diet of course is important. You should include the recommended five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day all the time, and not just start to do so when you feel unwell. Your aim should be, not to get unwell in the first place. It is obvious that you should not smoke, but you should also strive to avoid smoky atmospheres. Take a break from the central heating by getting out in the fresh air, and taking a brisk walk. Regular exercise is good for you and will also reduce stress which can affect your resistance.

If your diet is deficient in any way you might consider taking a multivitamin. Much has been written about how Vitamin C can assist in combating common colds. Although you should get sufficient from your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, you may benefit from a supplementary dosage, once an attack is under way. Some people consider Echinacea to be a successful preventative and treatment, whilst others have found blueberries and elderberries to be a natural help.

So, a well balanced diet, plenty of healthy outdoor exercise and avoiding getting overstressed should help you through the winter. By the way, do not forget to have enough sleep. But remember that by protecting yourself from the common cold, you will also be assisting in helping to protect yourself from less common, but more severe afflictions.


natural health

Sunday, September 17, 2006


As a pre-packaged food, to promote natural health, there can be nothing more satisfying than bananas. What is more, bananas are a source of instant energy. When tennis players are on court, playing an arduous match, it is bananas they turn to between games and sets, for a natural health boost.

Contrary to what some people think, bananas do not grow on trees. They are large plants or natural health providing herbs. Bananas are so versatile, and mix well with other fruits, as well as being delicious on their own. We are consistently being advised that we should eat five fruits and vegetables per day, and bananas fit in so well with this requirement.

Bananas health benefits include vitamins B6 and vitamin C, as well as being a natural health provider of fibre, magnesium, and potassium. There is little wonder that bananas are a favourite amongst sportsmen and women. The public at large find bananas are easy to digest to provide a natural health alternative snack to manufactured sweets.

Fortunately there are few people who are allergic to the ubiquitous bananas, which seem to be generally safe for infants as well as adults. Sometimes bananas are the first solid food introduced to a babies, to become established as part of their natural health diet. It seems that parents seldom need to ask their offspring if the would like a banana twice! Always assuming that there are any left when they have had their share!

So, if promoting your families natural health is on the agenda, as it most certainly should be, don't forget to include bananas which have so much to offer.


natural health

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

St John's Wort - Not for Every Body!

St John's Wort is sometimes known as a miracle herb because it is used for so many afflictions.

Traditional Chinese medical practitioners have used St John's Wort for over 4000 years. It has more recently come into its own in the West as a treatment for mild to moderate depression. Some people take St John's Wort as a natural alternative to Prozac, and in Germany, where St John's Wort is an approved treatment, it outsells Prozac by about 10:1.

Until recently it was thought that the hypericin content of St John's Wort was responsible for its antidepressant effect. However, more recent studies are inconclusive, and it is not known exactly how the herb works in alleviating depression. What is certain is that there are millions of people, all over the world who are taking St John's Wort and reaping benefits. Because of the herbs popularity, research studies are widely available, and excellent books have been written with up to date information.

Researchers continue their endeavours to discover the secret of St John's Wort, but to its many beneficiaries, why it works is not as important as that it does work! Moreover, it seems that although its therapeutic effects are best known in the West for treating depression, it is useful for many other conditions. Herbal healers have used St John's Wort to heal the body from ancient times until the present day, noting its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Preparations for internal use include tinctures, infusions and most popularly, capsules. Ointments, creams and oils are available for external use.

Just because a product is natural does not necessarily mean that it is good for you. Even if it is it may not be good for everybody. Light skinned people, in particular should be aware that St John's Wort may react with sunlight to affect skin and eye problems. It has also been suggested that St John's Wort, as with some other preparations, can react with prescription and over the counter medicines. Therefore, if you are taking any other medicines, or have any doubt whatsoever about taking St John's Wort; consult your doctor, herbalist, or pharmacist beforehand.


natural health

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pineapples for Health

Boost your health with pineapple containing bromelain, which has excellent anti-inflammatory qualities.

Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains. Because of its anti-inflammatory effect it is useful in soothing muscles which are sore due to inflammation, and is said to be helpful in relieving rheumatoid arthritis. Fresh pineapple may also relieve indigestion, because the bromelain breaks down the amino acids bonded in proteins.

Because of its high vitamin C content, fresh pineapple can help to protect the body from free radicals. Many people take vitamin C to protect them from, or lessen the severity of colds and related afflictions.

It has been said that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, but this is certainly not true of fresh pineapples. They do not require added sugar because they are delicious on their own. Furthermore, it seems that the heat used in the canning process, considerably reduces the bromelain content, so stick to fresh pineapples, and you won't go far wrong.


natural health

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sleep and Natural Health

Sleep deprivation can be a killer, so make sure you are getting your share, otherwise your health will suffer.

Coffee, tea, and even cocoa, contain caffeine and are not a good idea at bedtime. On the other hand, a nightcap containing tryptophan, such as milk, can assist in the production of hormones that encourage sleep. Try milk on its own, or mixed with other natural products, such as your favourite herb or honey.

It has been estimated that the average amount of sleep required for replenishing the mind and body is eight hours. Studies have shown that those who regularly have less than six hours sleep, have a higher mortality rate than those staying in bed longer. So either don't go to bed too late, or don't get up too early! Cultivate a routine around about eight hours sleep, as part of your natural health program.

The time to solve your problems is during your waking hours, when you are alert, so don't take them to bed with you. Don't just switch off the light when you go to bed, but switch off your brain as well. There are all sorts of ways that you can do this, such as meditating, or reading a chapter from an enjoyable book. The television news is not a good idea to go to bed on. If you go to bed with bad news on your mind, you will not rest. Disasters are bad for your health!

A comfortable night's sleep, in a comfortable bed, in a comfortable room is really all you need for a flying start the following day. So do not neglect your comfort zone. Include it as part of your natural health lifestyle and you will reap the benefits.


natural health sleep

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Is Beauty Only Skin Deep

It is often said that beauty is only skin deep. Obviously this is an overstatement, because true beauty exudes as much from within, and is just one of the rewards of a natural health lifestyle. Care of the skin though, should be included as a part of your total fitness program.

Diet is important in skin care. Fried foods and saturated fats should be eliminated, in favour of fruit and vegetables, if greasy skin is to be avoided. Stress can bring about hormonal changes, due to increased adrenal gland activity, which can exacerbate a greasy skin problem. You should be aware of your stress levels and, where possible, make adjustments to your lifestyle to bring about reductions.

Not all fats are bad for you or your skin, and you should ensure that your intake of essential fatty acids, (EFA's) is sufficient, which can assist with flaky skin problems. Fish is an excellent source of EFA, and should be regularly included, as part of a healthy diet. Nuts and seeds will also help, and could be included at breakfast, or even as a healthy snacking alternative!

Collagen has been the subject of frequent press reports, usually when used in cosmetic injections, for the 'benefit' of famous people. The growth of new collagen can be naturally encouraged by an adequate intake of vitamin C in your diet. Fruit and vegetables are the best natural source, and are a tonic for your skin, as well as sustaining your general health. Smoking is known to inhibit the absorption of vitamin C. Therefore, it's bad for your skin as well as being bad for your total well being.

Our lifestyle choices do much to influence our natural good health, as evidenced by a healthy, glowing skin, reflecting inner health and beauty.


natural skin beauty

Monday, August 14, 2006

Arthritis - Alkaline Foods Alleviate Acidity Problems

Diet is important to arthritis sufferers because acidic foods can make the pain worse, through a build up of acid crystals in the joints.

Some foods, which might normally be considered part of a healthy diet, can best be avoided by arthritis sufferers. Citrus fruits, and related fruit juices fall into this category. Fortunately there are plenty of natural healthy alternatives, such as cranberry juice, which is generally thought to be beneficial. Pineapples and pineapple juice are also reported to be satisfactory. Tomatoes though, should be avoided, and replaced by the abundance of green vegetables which are available.

Think about substituting red meat with chicken, and include eggs and dairy produce in your diet. Always remember that too much of anything can be harmful, but by replacing acidic foods with alkaline alternatives, you will have made a big step in the right direction.

Whilst on the subject of diet you should remember that it is as important for arthritis sufferers, as anybody else to drink plenty of water. Several glasses a day should be your minimum, and a fine way to help cleanse the system of impurities. Generally, tap water is as good as any other, and much cheaper than the bottled varieties.


natural health

Are You Getting Your Oats?

A healthy diet does not have to be an expensive diet!

Oats are an inexpensive way, of starting the day, with a breakfast, that can assist in controlling blood cholesterol levels. They are also an excellent source of soluble fibre, and a general aid to digestion. Include them in your diet, and you should find that you have less of an urge to snack, as they release energy slowly into your body. Think of them as a nutritious, tasty, appetite suppressant, and you will soon feel the benefit that other people will see!

You may find that as you become less inclined to snack; your bonus is in controlling your weight. So not only do you feel better but also you look better. Of course no one food is sufficient to keep you naturally healthy. However, the inclusion of oats, as a regular, if not daily part of your diet, will help to keep you fit.

If ever the question arises as to whether you are getting your oats? You will be able to reply, in the affirmative, and explain how you feel so much better for it.


natural health