Sunday, July 15, 2007

Soothe Sore Throats

A sore throat frequently signals the onset of colds or flu but they are not the only causes.

You do not have to smoke for your throat to be affected by tobacco fumes, but fortunately health authorities have become alert to the dangers of inhaling other people's smoke. Smoking in public places is now banned in many countries and has almost become public health enemy number one!

Some unfortunate people are more prone to sore throats than others. They should seek a job where the atmosphere is free from fumes, which might be a pretty tall order. It is much easier said than done, because with the increase in traffic, petrol and diesel fumes are almost everywhere.

Air conditioning, considered a boon by many, can be quite the opposite for others, whose throats become sore from the dry atmosphere, that starts them coughing and wheezing. Your throat might be considered as your first line of defense, and if it gets sore it's trying to tell you something is amiss. Either the first signs of an impending infection or simply that the atmosphere is contaminated with pollutants.

Fortunately there are various herbs, which are useful in treating sore throats, including:

Echinacea, Garlic, Sage, Liquorice, Thyme,
Marshmallow, Rosemary, Bilberry

Beneficial herbs can be used in a variety of ways, such as in tinctures, teas or as a gargle. A spoonful of honey can make the medicine go down, and can be added to any of the preparations.

As mentioned sore throats can indicate that a cold or flu is coming on. In other instances their cause might be fairly obvious, but if they become persistent or prolonged, something more serious might be the cause, and a visit to the doctor is recommended.


natural health

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Natural Health - Prostate Gland

Although prostate problems occur frequently in older men, it is possible that a natural health lifestyle may assist as a preventative measure. Unfortunately, many men are unaware about what the prostate gland actually does.

The prostate gland produces fluids present in semen. It is located under the bladder, and although only about the size of a pea at birth, it develops to become the size of a small plum in young adults.

A natural health lifestyle is thought to reduce the risk of getting prostate related problems. There are some foods that are beneficial, including tomatoes and pumpkin seeds. Therefore, it is a good idea to find out from your dietician, or from reading natural health magazines, which other foods are helpful in this respect.

There are many sedentary workers, whose jobs require them to sit down all day, working with computers or whatever. Too much sitting can exert pressure on the prostate gland. If you follow a natural health lifestyle, you will be aware of the benefit and enjoyment that getting plenty of outdoor exercise can bring.

If you have a sit down job it is good practice to get up and walk about as much as possible at break times. Enlightened managements are aware that regular breaks from VDU's are necessary. So if you use these breaks wisely you will not only rest your eyes, but also take the pressure off your prostate.

Drinking sufficient water is not everybody's cup of tea! However, it is vital to promoting your natural health. How much is sufficient is the subject of conflicting recommendations. Between one and two litres per day is what you should aim for. That equates to between six and eight glasses, and is easily manageable if spread over the course of a day. It will be a great help to cleansing and detoxifying your system. Some people with urinary problems, including those associated with the prostate, tend to drink less than they should, but that may only exacerbate their condition.

It is rather odd that prostate health is denied the publicity it deserves, but a natural health lifestyle should make you less likely to become afflicted. You will be aware of the best way of remaining healthy, from reading natural health books and magazines, and heeding their advice.

Please remember that prostate problems are a serious complaint requiring medical attention. So if they do arise despite your precautions, consult a doctor without delay.


natural health

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Natural Health Medicine - Common Colds

The winter season is the time when common colds are most prevalent, although summer colds can be just as distressing. People get wet, or cold, start shivering and a lurking virus is ready to strike. However, many people strengthen their defences by taking natural health medicine, to boost their immune systems, knowing that prevention is better than cure.

They find that natural health medicine not only increases their resistance to infectious colds, but if they do succumb, they are not as severely infected. The viruses don't seem to take as much of a hold as they do with those who are run down, and have not taken preventative action.

The distress of common colds and related infections is bad enough, without the side effects that chemical concoctions can induce. This is why natural health medicine is much preferred, because it is generally free of side effects. It is derived from natural herbs and plants that assist in protecting you in a more gentle way.

If you include natural health medicine, as a part of your natural health lifestyle, you should not need to resort to chemical preparations to cure your cold. In fact you are less likely to catch a cold in the first place.

Some people seem especially prone to common colds and associated afflictions. It can be a repetitive misery, but the cycle could quite easily be broken with natural health medicine. It must be worth a try!


natural health

Monday, July 02, 2007

Natural Health - Eye Care

In the modern world, both at work and at play, your eyes are bombarded with artificial light. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider natural health eye care, to offset the considerable eyestrain, that can result from the effects of batteries of fluorescent lights.

So, what can natural health eye care offer tired eyes, to reduce the consequences of artificial light? There are herbs, which are thought to be beneficial. For instance, you could lie down for a short period, and cover each eye with a warm chamomile, elderflower, or fennel teabag.

It might not be a good idea to do this in the office, as colleagues might consider such behaviour rather odd, if not downright indulgent, if carried out in the staff room or rest area. You never know though, it could catch on because sometimes, if you think about it, accepted behaviour is the oddest! Your eyes are just about the best double act there is, and will serve you well with your due consideration to natural health eye care.

There are other herbs that you might find useful in administering natural health eye care. They include, decoctions of marigold and marshmallow, for bathing your eyes. Your herbalist or natural health supplier will be able to advise you about suitable preparations. There is nothing more precious to you than your eyes, and it is always advisable to seek qualified advice, and to make regular appointments to see your optician. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the effect of artificial lighting, that come under the umbrella of natural health eye care.


natural health

Friday, June 29, 2007

Natural Health Medicine - Children

Natural health medicine can assist children to resist infection by boosting their immune systems. In turn this may assist them to combat the germs carried by other children, or if they do catch something it could help them to nip it in the bud.

In addition to being effective in strengthening a child’s resistance to illness, natural health medicine is usually free of unpleasant side effects. Therefore, it helps children to stay healthy in more ways than one. Not only are they less likely to be affected by illnesses, but also if they are unfortunate enough to be smitten, natural health medicine assists in promoting a speedy recovery.

It is always distressing for parents of children who become ill, as well as for the children themselves. Those parents who have discovered the benefits of natural health medicine are in a better position to help their offspring stay well. Children frequently recover quickly from minor ailments, but may do so even more speedily with the help of natural health medicine.

Although sick children can quickly recover, parents are concerned that illnesses can spread to brothers and sisters. This is why natural health medicine is important to the whole family. It can help to ensure that any temporary incapacity does not become prolonged.

Of course children rely on their parents to look after them, and they are even more dependent when they are unwell. Fortunately there are natural health medicines for children as well as adults. Natural health medicine for children is just one of the ways that proper care can be administered. It is good that we live an age when help and advise is freely available for child related matters. Undoubtedly children are our future, so it is in our best interests to look after them and protect them from illness.


natural health

Natural Health Care - Dogs

If you want your dog to remain your best friend for as long as possible, you should provide him with the natural health care that a best friend deserves.

As a child depends on its parents a dog relies on it's owner, and takes upon itself a similar position, to those who are genuine dog lovers. In short your dogs well-being is dependent on you. In addition to requiring the best natural health products, your dog will require to be kept up to date with necessary vaccinations, against potentially dangerous dog diseases.

Dogs can benefit from natural health care, pretty much as humans derive benefit from a natural health lifestyle. Natural dog products can be just as good for your canine friend, as those produced for humans can be beneficial to you.

There is surely no more faithful friend than a dog who will affectionately accompany you and support your requirements. He does not ask that much in return, other than regular exercise that will also assist you, and sufficient food to satisfy his requirements. Whilst he may not be totally discerning with regard to his diet, there is no doubt that he will benefit from natural dog food.

Natural dog care requires you to get him the best natural dog products available. Your vet will be able to assist you in making the correct choices. There are also a multitude of dog publications containing lots of useful information.

No matter what you do it is obvious that your dogs life will normally be shorter than your own. Therefore, you owe it to him to support his relatively short life with as much natural dog care as he requires.


natural health

Natural Health Magazines - Diet

There are natural health magazines that can assist with the information required to change to a beneficial natural health diet. Some of these natural health magazines provide comprehensive information on achieving the best diet for your personal requirements.

Commonsense dictates that you should take care of yourself, if you don't want to get run down, to the extent of being unable to enjoy life through preventable illness.

Natural health magazines are an excellent source to determine how particular foods affect the body. In this sense they are a guide towards knowing which are the best foods to eat. A natural health diet is but a part of a natural health lifestyle.

The best natural health magazines contain information not just about natural health diets, but also what is required to promote your general health. Through reading these natural health magazines you will become aware of which foods are safe and recommended to suit your own health aspirations. They will also guide you with regard to other health issues such as the benefits of regular exercise, and the latest trends in the natural health field.

There are an expanding number of people who are interested in natural health diets, and they are becoming increasingly knowledgeable. Therefore, natural health magazines need to be up to date, if they are to meet the requirements of their informed readers, who are already aware of many of the benefits of a natural health lifestyle including diet.


natural health

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Acne - Natural Health Cure

If you suffer from acne, you may consider that it is one of the worse conditions to be afflicted by. Because of the unpleasant scarring, that can follow an acne attack, it is understandable that many sufferers become desperate, and embark upon a path of seeking one form of treatment after another. In many instances this hectic spiral is unsuccessful, and only adds to the distress.

As with other skin conditions, acne will respond to the right treatment. It is better to consider just which acne treatments are successful. You may draw some relief, from knowing that you are not the only person who has been afflicted by this distressing complaint, but there are many others who have dealt with the problem successfully.

You should be aware that acne is curable if it is treated by using the right products. It would be nice to think that a miracle quick fix was available, but effective treatment will take time and commitment. In this respect natural health treatment should serve you well, and the most significant thing you will need to know is your skin type, to avoid wasting your money on unsuitable products.

It may be as well to state again that an effective treatment for acne will require a committed, proactive approach. Bearing this in mind, and using natural health treatments, you should be able to eliminate acne the natural way. It would also be as well to remember, that natural health remedies are less harsh than chemical concoctions. Therefore, they will minimise side effects and limit the possibility of allergic responses.

Your proactive approach, including natural health treatment with natural health ingredients, offers the best that nature can provide to cure acne. These methods will enable you to feed and nourish your skin, and assist you towards a pain free cure.

Natural Health Products that you will need to treat acne include face washes and facial scrubs, cleansers, toners, and natural day and night creams. Of course to eliminate your acne you will need to persevere, but a complete cure should be well worth the effort.

A daily routine will assist you in your objective to cure acne. Combine a systematic approach with natural health remedies, and your persistence will pay off.

It is understandable that your self-esteem may have suffered a set back, prior to successfully treating your acne the natural health way. However, overcoming the problem will have made you stronger in other ways. With your confidence restored you may consider that natural health products can assist in more ways, than just curing acne, and seek the full benefit of a natural health lifestyle.


natural health

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Natural Health And Healthy Foods

If you are ready to break an established habit, and substitute natural health food for junk food - let the battle begin! It will require considerable endeavour, because you will have misled your taste buds, and your digestive system, into believing that fast food is the best. Now, you must go into reverse, and persevere to establish healthy foods, as your meal ticket to natural health.

Natural health foods - spell it out! They are natural, organically healthy, and they contain little or no preservatives. They are low in harmful fats, but rich in natural nutrients. Therefore, changing your diet can soon have beneficial side effects, including weight loss, and improved digestion.

You may seem to be hungry initially, as you purge yourself off refined food fillers, but this will die down, as your bodily systems improve and realize that they have been duped. The hunger will subside with your intake of natural health foods, including delicious fresh fruit and vegetables. You will become stronger, as your immune system responds, to your new natural health life style.

You will notice changes, not only in your physical body, but also in your moods, as health foods impact upon your total wellbeing. It is no longer hard to continue, as you realise that health foods are making you so much better. It is no longer necessary to reverse, but to change to fast forward and build upon what you have started.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Natural Cure For Midnight Cramps

A pleasant dream can be abruptly terminated by an attack of cramp, such as frequently affects the calf muscles. If the pain is not too severe, you may be able to alleviate the problem, by stretching the foot upwards towards the knee. If it is more serious, you will not need to be told to get out of bed, but will leap out semi-automatically!

You will need to walk round the bedroom until the pain subsides. Depending on the severity of the attack that may take some time. What you are seeking to do is to soothe away the cramp by pressing a foot against a solid surface. Thick pile carpets mask the curative effect of a solid floor, so you may have to move elsewhere to seek the intended comfort of a harder surface.

Although your untimely departure may appear disturbing, or even amusing, to those with whom you share a bed, these midnight excursions are not conducive to nights of bliss. Fortunately there are natural preventative, and treatment measures that you can try to limit or eradicate cramp attacks.

When muscles go into a spasm, as happens in cramp, it can be due to a low calcium level, and deficiency of other vitamins. Therefore, include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Be aware that there are a number of useful herbs that can help. They include:

For massage: coriander, ginger, and rosemary

To increase calcium level: wild oats, thyme, and parsley

Infusion/Teas: yarrow, elderflower, and peppermint


natural health

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Natural Health - Headaches - Prevention and Cure

Most people get headaches at some time, with a significant number suffering regular and severe headaches. There are plenty of 'over the counter' painkillers available for headaches, but many people prefer to seek natural health alternatives.

Even people committed to a natural health lifestyle, cannot totally avoid the stress that can induce headaches. They can try to do so, by knowing what to do, to interrupt a build up of stress before headaches result. Something fairly simple could be all that is required, to stop headaches interfering with your natural health.

For instance if you feel that tension is building up, you could take a few deep breaths to diffuse the situation before headaches occur.

You should realise that it is natural to retain a sense of humour, and unnatural to become too serious. That is not to suggest too much frivolity in the work place, but a smile can often achieve more than a grimace in achieving objectives, and relieving headache provoking stress.

Getting enough sleep is essential, not only to promoting your natural health, but also to avoiding stress and related headaches. Please note that it is getting enough sleep that matters, because too much sleep can be counterproductive and may actually cause headaches. Overtiredness and stress are significant causes of headaches, and if they combine more severe or persistent headaches could result. Natural sleep and natural health are preferable alternatives.

Exercise can be a stress buster to assist in preventing headaches. Of course, regular exercise is vital to your natural health, and should be a major part of your leisure time. Prolonged close concentration, as required of many sedentary workers is not natural, but could be stressful and headache inducing. Their employers are obligated to provide regular breaks. Employees should take advantage to walk away from their computer screens. Even a toilet break could be used to break the cycle of concentrated endeavour, and associated headache! Longer walks, or other light exercise in the open air, are advised for the lunch break, to de-stress and avoid the distress of headache.

Despite all their precautions most people will still get headaches sometimes. Many will resort to 'over the counter' chemical concoctions but remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! If you know what causes your headache you can take steps to prevent it.

Some foods trigger headaches in some headache sufferers. In the interests of your natural health, such foods should be excluded from your diet. You are the best person to know which foods are best suited to promoting your natural health, so if headaches follow eating a particular food, even a natural health food, cut it out. Coffee may result in caffeine dependency, and headaches could then result from too much or too little! There are natural health alternatives such as fruit juice or even good old plain water! Alcoholic drinks may cause a problem, and if taken to excess will cause more than just headaches!

There are herbal remedies that may assist with headaches. They include meadowsweet, lavender, peppermint, chamomile and others, that may be used to make teas or tinctures. Seek the advice of your herbalist or natural health practitioner before relying on a particular natural health cure.

Headaches are a very common but distressing complaint. You should be aware that occasionally they could be symptomatic of more serious conditions. Therefore, if you have a particularly severe or persistent headache consult your doctor. Look after yourself and take notice of what your body is trying to tell you. For your natural health's sake just listen!


natural health

Monday, June 11, 2007

Natural Health Diets And Supermarkets

You would think that in affluent western countries people would benefit from a naturally healthy diet. Unfortunately, that is frequently not the case, and there are many individuals who are obese and anything but naturally healthy.

To a large extent, we are what we eat and you cannot be naturally healthy from a deficient diet. So what does a healthy diet comprise of?

Fruit and vegetables are available in abundance, and they are the pillar stones of a naturally healthy diet. However, they are not always as they seem, and what was once considered to be natural may no longer be so, as more and more agrochemicals are included in farming methods. The term that is increasingly used to indicate that food has been grown naturally is organic. To be classed as organic, fruit and vegetables should have been grown in a natural way, and be free from chemical additives. Food produced without unwanted chemicals will more readily assist those requiring natural health, sustained by a natural diet.

Naturally healthy food is the raw material from which the body obtains various nutrients, and vitamins, necessary to its healthy existence. Supermarkets are modern phenomenons that provide what people want to buy! They have more recently concentrated on providing healthy wholesome food, as well as convenience alternatives.

Western governments have become alarmed at the general level of obesity, and it's detrimental effect on natural health. They have produced guidelines to facilitate naturally healthy eating, and to alert people to the dangers of becoming overweight from poor dietary consideration. Are the supermarkets listening?

To some extent the supermarkets have taken this advice on board. They can only sell what people want to buy, but as government campaigns get the message across, they respond with more natural health products, in support of natural health diets. They have to do so to remain competitive, and hopefully the upward spiral of demand for natural health food will continue.

Supermarkets are enormous businesses, with colossal turnover, that employ many thousands of staff. As well as economic considerations they have a social responsibility, that can perhaps best manifest itself by aiming to improve natural health on a national scale.


natural health

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Natural Health Lifestyle Means Less Wrinkles

Wrinkles are connected to an ageing process that a natural health lifestyle may hold at bay.

Including a sensible diet, as part of a natural health lifestyle will assist in keeping wrinkles away. For instance omega-3 rich foods will help in keeping the skin moist, to deter wrinkles from forming. Oily fish such as mackerel, trout and salmon are such foods. We are talking about fresh varieties, as the canning process destroys much of the value, although tinned sardines are a useful addition. Combined with fresh salad, so called oily fish, could be at the centre of delicious recipes to complement your natural health lifestyle, and assist in keeping you wrinkle free.

Your natural health diet will assist with keeping your weight under control. If your weight is prone to wild fluctuation, it may not always have time to recover from sagging to stretching, and wrinkles could result.

You should be guided by your natural health lifestyle, to limit your exposure to excess sunlight that is one of the major causes of wrinkles. It is sensible to cover up by wearing light clothing and to protect your face with one of the broad brimmed hats, such as are available in a variety of styles. Through your natural health lifestyle you will appreciate that you should protect your eyes from strong sunlight. Therefore, a good pair of sunglasses are essential, and if you choose the wrap round style, they will not only protect your eyes, but also the surrounding area. Crows feet are really small wrinkles that can be prevented in this way.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Can A Natural Health Lifestyle Assist ME? - Part 1

Why ME, is what anybody suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyetis, might ask themselves. After all ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as it is also known, can descend like a dark debilitating cloud, even upon those who previously enjoyed good health. It is possible that changing to a natural health lifestyle could assist.

The medical profession has not always been helpful, and even now, there are doctors who are reluctant to admit that ME exists. It is regrettable that, as yet, there are no tests to confirm a diagnosis, but in the absence of other causes, the symptoms are clearly indicative that something serious is amiss. Such symptoms include muscle joint pain, headaches, nausea, depression, an inability to concentrate, and physical depletion. In these circumstances, a natural health lifestyle may help guard against the continued onslaught that could result in those afflicted, becoming overwhelmed and chronically fatigued.

To understand how to recover from ME, you need to know what caused it, and you could then attempt to reverse the process, which could include adapting to a natural health lifestyle. It is not unusual for the symptoms to arise after a viral infection, such as influenza. In such cases it would seem that even after the virus has been eliminated and seen off, the body does not fully recover but remains in a state of depletion. Any further stress compounds the problem, and an array of symptoms results. These are not the normal problems that occur after an illness, but something much more pronounced that seems to continue indefinitely.

So what can you do? Therein lies a clue, because unless you are fortunate enough to have a doctor who recognises, and therefore has experience of dealing with ME, it must largely be a case of what you can do to help yourself. It seems that ME is a modern dis-ease, that may respond favourably to a natural health lifestyle.

Can A Natural Health Lifestyle Assist ME? - Part 2

It is true that ME was at one time also known as 'yuppy flu'. That was because it frequently, but not always, affected high achievers or those aspiring to be so. It is possible that some high achievers push themselves over and beyond others with lower aspirations. In such circumstances, and particularly after a setback such as a severe viral infection can induce, it is not surprising that fatigue can set in, and become chronic. It surely would be less likely to do so, in those who undertake a natural health lifestyle, to build up their immune systems.

So, in the absence of an enlightened medical practitioner, how can people with ME help themselves? Strangely, there may be some obvious answers. If you are chronically fatigued it makes good sense to decide on how you can improve your well being, with a natural health lifestyle. Resting and relaxing are two of the ingredients, needed to offset severe tiredness. Unfortunately, they could be misconstrued as a waste of time by the relentlessly ambitious.

Resting does not usually mean taking to your bed, although it can mean just that in extreme circumstances. More generally it means proceeding calmly, unhurriedly, and at a sensible pace. For example, a natural health lifestyle could assist you to replace intense concentration, with calm consideration, that could help in achieving your objectives.

People suffering from ME, do not usually have the same intensity of symptoms all of the time. Not for 24 hours per day every day. Therefore, at such times as they feel somewhat better, they should avoid situations that will drive them back into the abyss of fatigue. This could involve doing something different, or something peaceful, or therapeutic, such as a natural health lifestyle could provide.

Can A Natural Health Lifestyle Assist ME? - Part 3

It would require a conscious effort to consider your actions, and decide not to start flogging yourself, just because the symptoms of ME had temporarily subsided. If you did charge headlong back into the fray, you would soon become run down, and encourage the symptoms to return with a vengeance. Better to continue with a natural health lifestyle, and see whether periods of relative comfort could be extended.

In the ME sufferer, the immune system, and general resilience to illness, have been compromised. A natural health approach to the condition might very well assist, and at least could do no harm. A good detox could be a sound way to start. There are many publications advising on how a detox might be achieved, but an easy way is simply to drink at least two litres of water per day, for two or three weeks.

If you felt that a simple detox had assisted you, as part of a natural health lifestyle, you would know that you were on the right track. ME is not something you were born with, but something that was triggered by factors outside your control. It could have been a viral infection, or stress piled upon stress, or whatever.

Please be assured that there are many people who have recovered, including those who have learned to manage ME and not allow it to be in control. What is for sure is that ME is a real illness, but in some instances the outlook can be greatly improved by undertaking a natural health lifestyle.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Herbal Remedies - Bites And Stings

There is a downside to everything, even warm summer days and nights. As the temperature creeps up millions of insects will hatch, presenting both a nuisance and possible danger from insect bites and stings. As with most things prevention is better than cure.

Although it is tempting to disrobe to catch as much sun as possible, there are good reasons why you should be careful. Not only would you subject yourself to an overdose of potentially hazardous ultra violet light, but you would more readily attract the unwanted attention of insects, including wasps, bees and midges. So the sensible thing to do is to wear light clothing, to cover up, and not to present yourself as a target and possible meal to the insect world!

Lavender is a natural alternative to chemical preparations for treating insect bites. You could obtain lavender oil from a retail source, or learn how to prepare your own, as lavender is easy to grow, and lavender plants might assist also in keeping some insect pests out of your garden. Although some insects avoid lavender it has the advantage of a pleasant aroma, that human beings find pleasant.

Garlic is well known for its culinary uses, but it may also assist those who take it to resist insect bites. Insects don't seem to like the smell. Crushed garlic is useful for treating mosquito bites and bee stings. Once smitten, lavender oil can also help in treating stings, as well as being a deterrent.

Plaintain, also known as ribwort, and pig's ear, is a common weed that can be found growing in lawns, and even driveways. It can be useful in treating insect bites, and in an emergency the plaintain leaves could be chewed to mash them up, and spit out to use as a poultice.

Insofar as flying insect are concerned, wasps are possibly public enemy number one! At times wasps seem to sting, for the sheer joy of inflicting pain on humans. Again lavender oil is a recommended natural treatment, but at the wasp time of the year it is obviously better to avoid getting stung. The advice regarding covering up should be heeded. You should also be alert to where wasp's nests might be situated. Multiple wasp stings, are much more serious than an attack by a lone wasp. So if you see many wasps in close proximity, give them a wide berth.

Some people may be allergic to particular stings and bites, from the likes of wasps and bees. Bees though, seem not to be naturally aggressive, and do not normally sting unless provoked. There are reports of people who have been stung suffering from anaphylactic shock. This could cause a severe reaction and even prove to be fatal. Fortunately such occurrences are rare, but it is better to be safe than sorry, and if any reaction from a bite or sting seems particularly severe medical attention should be sought, without delay.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Help From Natural Health Magazines

As we all become more educated about health, more and more of us are turning to natural health magazines for cheaper, healthier, and realizable ways of improving our health.

Natural health magazines cater for our needs by offering practical advise on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will read that staying healthy is far cheaper than continuing to try and survive on junk food, with little or no nutritional value. If you follow the advice, you will end up consuming a healthy diet at less cost, as you will not waste money on heavily-processed junk.

You can also find natural health recipes, that will stimulate your appetite while feeding your body the sort of food, that will maximise your energy levels, and increase your resistance to illness.

The detrimental effects of an unhealthy lifestyle are all too obvious in today's society. Heart attacks and obesity are becoming far more common causes of illness and premature death.

A more natural approach to your own health will help you to avoid such problems. The advice you get from natural health magazines, is generally easy to follow, and designed specifically to cater for people who have busy lives with little time to work out complex dieting requirements.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Improve Your Life With Natural Health

Following a natural health program is a good way to start to improve your life. It is never too late to incorporate natural health into your life style.

It is natural for you to want to improve your life by keeping healthy, and also require your body to perform, both internally and externally, to its optimum capacity. Natural health will assist your body processes, and make it easier to resist any invading germs or viruses.

Natural health supplements are preferable to drugs, which may have to be prescribed, if you do not provide the natural health your body craves. Drugs may assist you to fight an illness, but they could have damaging side effects. Therefore, you should strive to strengthen and maintain your immune system, to act like a policeman and keep foreign bodies out. Prevention is always better than cure, and a natural health life style will do much to improve your life, and assist your immune system to remain strong.

Chemical medicines may alleviate symptoms faster than natural health supplements. However, the natural health supplements complement the healing process, to help protect your body from repeat attacks. They contain not only vitamins, but other natural ingredients as well, including iron, zinc and calcium. By reading your natural health magazines, and natural health books you will be aware of your own requirements, and purchase whatever supplements you know will beneficial to you, in your quest to improve your life.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Do Natural Health Tonics Ensure A Long Life?

Finding a routine that will best suit your body's health requirements can be hard. This is why it is so important to thoroughly investigate all possibilities before you start.

Whatever you decide to do, it is usually a good idea to include improving your diet, and minimising the amount of processed food you eat.

You can also incorporate natural health tonics into your natural health lifestyle. These are there to help you reach and sustain your health objectives. You will be astonished at the improvement in your energy levels.

Natural health tonics also assist you to clear toxins out of your body and strengthen your immune system.

With natural health tonics, you only get the best of nature. If your life is hectic and you need to be constantly ahead of the competition, natural health tonics can be a real help.

Natural health tonics will provide the regular boost you require when you have to eat on the go and keep working. They help you when your body's supply of energy and general health is depleted, due to the lack of time to look after yourself properly.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Natural Health Medicine And Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you may be constantly concerned about your developing baby's health, and worry about your own as well. Natural health medicine can help in achieving the goals that are vital to the health of you both.

Medical practitioners often advise caution to pregnant women in choosing the type of medications that they take. Consequently, many women prefer natural health medicine, to treat any sort of illness that occurs in pregnancy, and you might consider following their example by using natural health medicine at this time.

Natural health medicine could assist both you, and your baby progress to a desirable state of natural health, and eliminate the unpleasant side effects associated with some chemical medications. However, it is important if you contract any illness, that you always consult your doctor, prior to buying any medicine, including natural health medicines.

Ask your medical advisers advice on using natural health medicine, that assists in dealing with the discomfiture, that may happen in pregnancy. If you follow this path, you should prevent your baby from being at risk, because taking medicine containing natural ingredients, might be still be unsuitable for your unborn child.

All pregnancies are unique and have specific requirements, with which you should acquaint yourself. It is always nice to know that you are doing your utmost to ensure your baby’s good health.

Tried, tested, and recommended, natural health medicines will be able to provide assistance for both your own, and your baby’s requirements. They will help your immune systems, to continue working hard to protect you both, as your baby develops.


natural health

Natural Health And Beauty

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but natural health and beauty are indivisible, in that natural health reflects a special sort of beauty. If you are healthy you possess a certain glow, which exudes a beauty of its own.

It is unlikely that your hair, skin and nails are excluded from your natural health routine, because you will want to look your best, as well as feel your best. A natural health life style will ensure that these external attributes are in good condition. Nevertheless, you will want to manicure your nails, condition your hair, and use natural preparations on your skin, so that you appear as healthy and as beautiful as you feel.

Following a life style, that includes natural health practices, will help to ensure that you are healthy inside and out. You will be able to enjoy all kinds of natural food that will assist in strengthening your immune system, internal organs and skin. Your knowledge of health and beauty matters will extend your total interest in your own natural health.

Natural health and beauty involves a state of inner tranquillity. It brings contentment and happiness, which seems to be saying, that if you are healthy inside it will show on the outside. As your natural health and related appearance improve, the whole concept of natural health and beauty will become increasingly meaningful and worthwhile.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


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Can a Natural Health Lifestyle Enhance Your Sex Life?

Sex is a significant factor in your adult life, and in a relationship, it can consolidate or break your bond with your spouse over the years. Maintaining your sexual prowess will require stamina and energy, and looking after yourself, through natural health, will help you boost such requirements.

To ensure that your relationship flourishes you must first concentrate on improving yourself. By taking care of your own needs, you will be better able to manage the relationship and its needs. In this respect you cannot really look after anybody else, unless you practice what is in your own best interests.

A natural health lifestyle helps to keep you well enough, to be able to improve your sex life. Certain foods have an aphrodisiac effect, which will benefit your sex drive. Also, when you are happy and contented you will not be distracted, but will be more able to perform better in bed. Worry and associated problems can overshadow other matters, and if such pressures are taken into the bedroom, they can strain sexual relationships.

A natural health lifestyle, will assist with your body's internal and external functioning. Natural health training positively influences your body and through combining natural health food you get the body you want. You get to know which food is most appropriate for your sex life, and all of this can make the sexual union, mutually beneficial.

This will create harmony in the partnership and lead to a more productive relationship. The natural health lifestyle not only benefits your bedroom activity, but also your entire life. Reading natural health books, or magazines, can be informative and help with your love life.

A natural health style can give your sex life a boost, and fan the flames of passion in your bedroom. This should do much to guarantee a continued and loving relationship, which is so significant to a successful union.


natural health

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Aspirin - Natural Friend or Synthetic Foe?

Almost everybody has used aspirin at sometime in their lives. Not that many are aware, that for hundreds of years a related concoction, from the bark of the willow tree, has been used to counteract pain, inflammation, and fever.

During the mid 19th century, organic chemists worked with willow bark, and the flower buds of the plant spiraea ulmaria, so called because its fruit consists of small spirals twisted together. From the botanical name spiraea came the word Aspirin, (meaning from spiraea). It was from spiraea, commonly known as meadowsweet, that salicylic acid was first discovered and from which aspirin was later synthesized.

During the 1890's Felix Hofmann, of the Bayer Company in Germany, produced a new medicine, which he called Aspirin that was then patented and manufactured by Bayer. So aspirin, the most successful medicine in history was born, and initiated what has become the powerful pharmaceuticals industry. Bayer realised that it had a major discovery on its hands, and circulated information to 30,000 doctors. Although aspirin was marketed initially as an anti-inflammatory preparation, for people suffering from rheumatism, it soon became extremely popular as a general painkiller.

Although there have been times when aspirin has fallen out of favour, it has recently been hailed as a life saver, in preventing blood clots and strokes. Even more recently aspirin is being recommended as a preventative measure against bowel cancer.

In a way, aspirin makes it difficult to entirely separate complementary alternative medicine, from allopathic medicine. Aspirin has been developed from a substance that occurs naturally, in the plants from which it has taken its name. Edward Stone, a vicar from Chipping Norton, in Oxfordshire, England, was a mid 18th century pioneer of using willow bark, and prepared a paper for the Royal Society, in London. It is reported that his interest in using willow bark stemmed from the ancient 'Doctrine of Signatures', indicating that the cause of a disease offers a clue to it's treatment. He seemed to believe that because the willow tree thrived in damp and wet conditions, where fevers abound, it offered such a clue! That may add a natural dimension to aspirin becoming the most popular medicine in the world!

It is interesting to note, that in the USA alone 40 million pounds of aspirin, is produced each year. That equates to about 300 tablets per year for every member of the population. If that seems like an overwhelming endorsement, it most certainly is not. A connection has been shown between aspirin and Reye's syndrome (RS), a rare disease that attacks the brain and liver, primarily of children, including teenagers. The Surgeon General of the Unites States says parents should not give aspirin, or products containing aspirin, to children under the age of 19, unless prescribed by a doctor.

Even in adulthood, aspirin is not safe for everybody. It can increase the chance of bleeding in the stomach and intestines, and it has been reported to cause a small increase in some kinds of stroke. It is always wise to consult a qualified medical practitioner before embarking upon any form of self-medication. So please err on the side of caution.

There are preparations available from herbal sources, prepared directly from white willow, that are not considered to have the side effects that aspirin can induce in some people. Therefore, if you have any reason to believe that taking aspirin could be harmful to you, these alternatives are worthy of discussion with your doctor, herbalist, or pharmacist. As indicated earlier, it is in everybody's best interests to consult a qualified medical practitioner, before deciding on what is best suited to assist in maintaining their own health. In any event the unequivocal advice, is not to give aspirin related products to children, including teenagers.


natural health

Depression - St John's Wort

Depression is an exhausting illness characterised by feelings of despair, gloominess, and hopelessness. In turn depression can lead to being unable to cope, both mentally and physically, through severe tiredness and inability to concentrate. Regrettably there are many sufferers who strive to carry on, but without treatment depression can last for months or even years.

Fortunately we are now living in more enlightened times, and depression is no longer stigmatized as a form of illness that afflicts only those who are emotionally insecure. Help for depression is now readily available, and if it does not clear up fairly quickly, sufferers should consult their doctor who will sympathetically assist.

The trick is not to allow depression to take hold, because if it does increasing exhaustion, and feelings of inadequacy will help it on its way. Sometimes it might be possible to nip depression in the bud, simply by taking a break. If exhaustion is at the root of your depression, taking time out will allow you to replenish your nervous energy, and overcome severe tiredness. A holiday, in different surroundings could be just the tonic you need to lift your spirits, and stop depression in its tracks.

There are reports of many people who have been able to treat less severe depression themselves. In the United Kingdom, the herb known as St John's Wort is one of the best selling herbal preparations, available from health shops. In Germany, where the herb is apparently a medically approved treatment, it is more widely used than Prozac.

It was thought that the hypericin content of St John's Wort was responsible for its antidepressant effect. However, more recent studies are inconclusive, and it is not known exactly how the herb works in alleviating depression. What is certain is that there are millions of people, all over the world who are taking St John's Wort, and reaping the benefits. Because of the herbs popularity, excellent books are available, with up to date information.

It has been suggested that St Johns Wort, as with some other preparations, can react with prescription and over the counter medicines. Therefore, if you are taking other medicines, or have any doubts whatsoever about taking St John's Wort for depression, consult your doctor, herbalist or pharmacist beforehand.

No matter what else you do please do not be afraid to seek help for depression. You are not on your own so the situation is rarely as bad, as you, or anybody else suffering from depression imagines it to be. With a proactive approach it can easily be beaten and held at bay. Help is readily available so never despair. Discuss your depression with your doctor your relations, or your friends. They will all be willing to help and you will be surprised at how soon you will 'beat the blues' and feel well again. It’s a bit like a maze initially, but once you know your way in, rest assured, you can find your way out.


natural health

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Losing Weight With A Natural Health Diet

If you are overweight, but have decided to live a natural health life style, you will have to deal with your weight problem. Lots of people have recently used fad diets, with mixed results. Even so the importance of controlling your weight gets a lot of media coverage, so you are constantly being reminded of this natural health requirement.

It is not easy to fit a regular period of exercise into your life, when work and other considerations make heavy demands on your time. Weight loss supplements are sometimes advertised as being available to assist with weight loss, but may omit to emphasise that regular exercise is vital to your progress.

You must also adjust your diet in the knowledge that food is fuel, and any intake surplus to your requirements, will be stored as fat. Therefore, you should be careful not only about the nature of your food but also of the quantity. You will require to know which foods contain saturated and hydrogenated fats, and seek out natural health alternatives. There is an abundance of these natural health foods available, including delicious fruit and vegetables. Mother nature will provide if you will only listen to, or read, what she has to tell you!

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Read Natural Health Books

Acquiring natural health books, can assist in your quest for natural health, and help you to become better informed. When you read about the success of other people following the natural health route, you will be inspired to continue, and determined to emulate their success.

It can be difficult to bring about change in your life, but you should try to make the process as enjoyable as possible. Natural health books, will assist you in cutting through the plethora of information, to discover what is right for you. They will provide a deeper understanding of what natural health is all about, and you may find, that these natural health books, are compulsive reading.

Constantly failing to get healthier can often be disheartening. Sometimes, all you want to know is how you will personally benefit from getting healthier. Reading natural health books will assist.

Natural health books will contain information on all the significant things that you will need to know. You can then take a practical approach to improving your health, with the knowledge that you have learned from experts.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Natural Health Cure for Acne

If you have acne, you might think it to be one of the worst afflictions that you could suffer from. Considering the acne scarring that comes later, it is not surprising that many people find themselves desperately trying one product after another.

The good news is acne is curable with time and dedication, and that with the right product, acne treatment can meet all your requirements.

Natural health treatments are among the best. All you have to do is to know your skin type. This should help prevent you from buying products that are not suitable for your condition.

It is imperative to remember that there is only one way to treat acne permanently; that is to be to be proactive!

Using natural health remedies, you will be able to remove your acne the natural way. With the limited side effects that natural health remedies cause, you will be pleased to know that you should not break out in any allergies.

Natural health remedies, with their natural ingredients, are there to supply the best that nature can provide. They will work to feed and nourish your skin, while, at the same time, providing you with the painless treatment you deserve.

To read the full article please click to visit the Natural Health For All Web Site.


natural health

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Origin and Study of Aromatherapy

The term ‘Aromatherapy’ was first used in the 1920’s, by the French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse. It is recorded, that after his arm caught fire in his laboratory, he plunged it into the nearest container of cold liquid, which just so happened to contain lavender oil. Amazingly the burn completely healed, without scarring. Thereafter, he devoted his life to the study of aromatherapy, which defines the uses of essential oils, (EO’s) and other aromatic compounds from plants, to beneficially affect the mind and body.

From such early beginnings, aromatherapy has become internationally well known, as the science and art of using essential oils for natural healing, protection, and relaxation. Because it is both a science and an art, with wide reaching health implications, aromatherapy practitioners must be properly qualified. That is to say that they should undergo initial and continuous training in the requirements of the aromatherapy profession.

Fortunately there are many excellent training establishments and resources available, to enable aromatherapy students to reach the necessary high standard. It is vital that those who aspire to qualify are fully aware of the complexity of the subject, particularly with regard to the safety and well being of those being treated.

There is no substitute for education and experience in the quest to train as an aromatherapist. As with any intensive study, there are no easy short cuts, but there are many excellent facilities available, to assist with becoming qualified, in this most naturally interesting and rewarding of careers. Ideally aromatherapy students should progress towards a recognised diploma or degree in the subject. First class resources include:

College courses up to and including Associate Degree Level.

Training Schools

Home Study Courses

Online Training

It must be emphasised that aromatherapy is a broad subject, requiring in depth study to qualify, with ongoing development from appropriate resource training or professional body. Therefore, becoming qualified, as an aromatherapist, requires hard work on the part of the student, who should empathise with those seeking treatment. It offers a most satisfying career to people of a caring nature, who wish to assist others towards natural health. Upon qualifying the endeavour required should be matched by the sweet smell of success.


natural health