Saturday, December 20, 2008

Vegetarian Diet Best For Unhealthy Americans

The high cost of health care, particularly company-sponsored health care, is one of the reasons for the USA's current economic crises. It has been suggested, in some quarters, that a move towards a vegetarian lifestyle, with less dependence on meat, including burgers and the like, could stop the rot.

It has recently been announced, that the American automobile industry is to get an injection of more than $17 billion, to help them stay in business. President George Bush has publicly stated that it would be unthinkable to allow the industry to collapse. General Motors have suggested that one reason the company is in trouble is the high cost of employee health care. They have intimated that the enormous cost of doctor's bills, and hospitalization, together with prescription drug costs is prohibitive. Apparently, it all adds up to require loading around $1,500, on to the cost of each vehicle produced.

The problem is that the work force is so unhealthy, due to some considerable extent to poor diet. It could help if the advantages of vegetarian style food were better promoted. Around two thirds of the population are overweight and about 24 million suffer from diabetes, and there are many other preventable afflictions. Associated health care costs are phenomenal, and it seems apparent that if the nation as a whole could be persuaded to get involved in healthier lifestyles, people would be happier, and their employers more globally competitive.

A few individuals have come to realize the benefits of a vegetarian based diet. If they haven't done so already it is to be hoped that top managers will follow their example. They are in a unique position, to influence those who work for them to embark on healthy lifestyles, and a good place to start would be with their diets. They don't need to be too severe to start with, because a few vegetarian meals are better than none. It should not be too difficult to demonstrate that people who eat sensibly are less liable to fall ill.

It is all a matter of how these things are put across, but communication is supposed to be the thing that top managers are good at. If they were encouraged to think about it, most people would prefer to stay healthy, and in the process help the organizations they work for remain viable. The trouble is they are not often encouraged to think about it, so they don't, and they put on weight instead. They may foolishly believe that vegetarian food is no sort of alternative to a 'proper' meal. For many, it is only a matter of time before they succumb to one of the many illnesses that are related to poor diet and lack of enjoyable exercise. Unfortunately the companies they work for suffer too, as they strive to meet the upward spiral of health care costs.

The captains of industry would have a much better chance of staying afloat if they concentrated a bit more on the health and well being of their employees. A move towards a vegetarian lifestyle, at least in part, would seem a good place to start to improve the well being of their workers, and possibly company balance sheets at the same time. There may seem to be not a great deal you can do in times of economic downturn. But if a new way of thinking about eating produced a healthier workforce and vibrant company, it should be worth a try.


natural health

Friday, November 14, 2008

Chocolate Antioxidants

Chocolate can be good for you but choose wisely because the darker it is the more antioxidants will it contain. So as a rule of thumb, plain chocolate contains more antioxidants than milk chocolate and white chocolate contains hardly any.

Of course, even with dark chocolate, moderation is the key. However, that is true of most healthy foods. Just because they are rich in antioxidants doesn't mean that you should gorge yourself! Nevertheless, it is good to know that something as delicious as chocolate can actually do you good, when sweets in general are not so highly thought of.

Antioxidants are known to assist in preventing a range of serious diseases, so it is a good idea to include foods that contain them in a healthy diet. There are many berry fruits that are rich in antioxidants and again a similar rule seems to apply as with chocolate. Generally speaking the darker the color of the berry the more antioxidants they contain. So blueberries, blackberries and the like are ideal. They could perhaps be combined with a little grated dark chocolate to form the basis of an interesting sweet course!

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Try to choose dark chocolate that has a minimum of 40% cocoa bean content and you won't go far wrong. All too often some people consider sensible healthy diets to be dull and boring, but of course they couldn't be more wrong.

All chocolate lovers need to remember is that a small amount consumed on most days could do you good. Try to avoid the blended kinds, such as milk chocolate, and stick to the antioxidant rich darker varieties. Just don't forget that dark chocolate is the real thing that can be safely included in a naturally healthy diet.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blackcurrants offer Hope For Alzheimer's Disease

Continuing research in Scotland gives hope to Alzheimer's patients. Along with many other fruits, blackcurrants are rich in antioxidants, that are useful in helping to keep a range of serious illnesses at bay. It seems that darker colored fruits such as blackcurrants, blueberries, blackberries, bilberries, amongst others, are particularly beneficial.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

It is reported that the Scottish Crop Research Institute, who are internationally recognized for their expertise on blackcurrants, have been funded to the extent of one million Euros, in a joint project with Kuopio of Finland. Eventually they hope to produce a range of blackcurrant snacks, as a useful preventative and treatment for Alzheimer's. There researches are to be applauded, because any development that can assist towards alleviating the burden of this dreadful disease, will be internationally welcomed.

If you would like to read an interesting article concerning this issue please Click Here, 'The Herald - Web Issue 3304'.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack Obama Undeterred By Dog Allergies

Barack Obama, the President elect of the United States has said that one of his first priorities will be to obtain a puppy for his daughters. He went on to say, that he would have to carefully choose an appropriate breed, as one of his girls is allergic to dogs.

There are many people who are allergic to pets, and it has been estimated that about one in six are allergic to dogs and cats. Allergies are associated with many other animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, and some farm animals, although not to the same extent. It doesn't mean that people who are allergic to dogs should never take one as a pet, because they don't all suffer to the same extent. Similarly some dogs produce more allergens than others, which is why choosing a suitable breed is important.

Because pets are so popular, there are many shops and books and other places, where a vast amount of information can be obtained on many issues, including guidance for those who are allergic to dogs. There are also lots of vets who cater for domestic pets, and who are qualified to advise on allergy related issues. They could be consulted on such matters as hypoallergenic dog breeds, and the best way of minimizing any potential hazard. If the allergy problem of a particular person was severe, they would probably advise against them keeping a dog. But where allergy symptoms are relatively mild they may recommend sensible precautions.

Animals are a part of growing up for millions of children, and there is little doubt that in there own way they can be therapeutic as well as reliable and lovable. Because they require a certain amount of exercise, dogs also induce their owners to take long and short walks, which would not be the same without their faithful friend. They almost become a part of the family, and there are many who would miss out that word 'almost'. So we can only hope that Barack Obama and his family derive as much joy from their new puppy, as other dog lovers all over the world.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Rosehip Tea and Syrup

Progressing into November sees a virtual avalanche of leaves falling from the trees, and lots of other plants beginning to look worse for wear as autumn takes a hold. However, there is still one burst of reddish color to be found in the hedgerows, belonging to rosehips that are a traditional source of nutrients, particularly vitamin C.

These days, fruit of all kinds is plentiful and it is not difficult to obtain sufficient vitamin C, often called the sunshine vitamin. In fact citrus fruits, such as oranges are obtainable all year round at reasonable prices, as are other fruits from many parts of the world. This has not always been the case, and during the Second World War when merchant vessels were in peril, supplies to the UK and other countries almost dried up. Some people were able to turn to the hedgerows, and seek out the rosehips that grew in profusion.

It has been reported that one cup of rosehips contains as much vitamin C as forty oranges. Therefore, it is not difficult to gauge its usefulness as a natural medicine, useful in warding of colds and flu, as well as assisting in building up immunity to other afflictions. Fortunately, the days when merchant vessels were threatened are long gone, and the increase in airfreight and travel has been a revolution. Many of the hedgerows remain, although some have succumbed to modern farming methods, and there are plenty of rosehips still to be found.

Rosehip syrup is more of a commercial proposition, and perhaps best left to the experts to concoct. However, rosehip tea is easy to make, and merely involves boiling a few of the hips in a little water and straining the liquid. It may be sweetened with honey, or cinnamon as has been used traditionally. It is necessary to strain the liquid and to remove the seeds and any hairs that may be present.

There was a time when children used to open rosehips and use the hairy seeds as a form of itching powder. They would pop it down the shirt or blouse of an unsuspecting friend, and take some delight in watching them scratch. It was all fairly innocent, but these days there would probably be health and safety implications attaching to such unusual forms of play.


natural health

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Relax With Lavender

It has been reported that there are more working days lost through stress related conditions than anything else. There are so many people, in so many occupations, who for one reason or another can't relax, or may suffer from sleep deprivation.

There are various ways of combating stress, but perhaps a gentler approach is more sensible than trying to fight it, and what could be more gentle than lavender? This aromatic plant has been used for ages past, and lavender has gained a sound reputation as an aid to relaxation and inducing sleep.

Please Click Here to visit the Aromatherapy Advice Web Site

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using aromatic herbs and plants therapeutically. Plants such as lavender are considered to induce a state of relaxation, craved by those who have become stressed out, often due to the pressures of modern life. Many people have to commute to work, by public transport, or by private car. At peak periods that is not only stressful, but also exceedingly demanding in terms of the extra time it requires.

By the time they arrive home some people are understandably agitated, which may lead to restlessness and difficulty in sleeping. When they arrive home, they could find that a warm bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil added to their bath water, assists in dispelling the cares of the day. It might just allow them to unwind sufficiently to enjoy the rest of the evening.

All too soon it is time to go to bed and recharge, to prepare for the labor of the following day. Some people sleep more readily than others, but there those who sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil onto a tissue and place that near to their pillow so that they may inhale the vapors as they drop off to sleep. Lavender essential oil is highly concentrated and it is not recommended that it be allowed to come into direct contact with the skin, or near the eyes. However, placed near your pillow it could just instill a feeling of well-being that is a useful precursor to a good nights sleep.

Lavender essential oil is readily available and it is not expensive. There are lots of people who would testify to its effectiveness, in helping to ease the burden of stress. A sensible amount of care is required, because direct application to the skin or ingestion could be harmful, but is quite unnecessary for relaxation purposes.


natural health

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can Antioxidant Elderberries Defer the Aging Process?

Elderberries are very commonly found in English hedgerows but are they properly named. The elderberry is rich in a compound known as known as anthocyanin, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants assist in combating afflictions associated with an excess of free radicals, including a range of degenerative diseases, and may even defer the aging process. Therefore, might the elderberry more properly be considered as the youngerberry? That certainly is food for thought!

English hedgerows also play host to blackberries, which along with many other berries are rich in antioxidants. But the wild blackberry has always been more popular than the elderberry, possibly because it is more amenable to making pies and jams.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.

Elderberries are good for making wines and cordials, and it seems a pity that they are not held in higher regard, and often left to whither and die. Elders frequently grow into quite sturdy trees and are still extremely plentiful. Blackberries, on the other hand are not as profuse as they once were, simply because many hedgerows have succumbed to modern farming methods. That is not to say that they have disappeared but they do not seem to be as plentiful as elderberries.

Red wine has been publicized as being a useful antioxidant, and if that is true there is no reason why wine made from the elderberry, which is also known as the English grape, should be less so. The process of making the wine is not difficult, and using elderberries follows similar procedures to making other fruit wines, about which many good books are available. As with any alcoholic drink the trick is not to overdo it, but if elderberry wine, or cordial is packed with antioxidants, it seems a very pleasant way of taking a little natural medicine.


natural health

Monday, October 27, 2008

Antioxidant Rich Purple Tomatoes - Issues

Purple tomatoes, rich in antioxidants, have been developed at the John Innes Center in the UK. As these are genetically modified products they may not be welcomed by the natural health fraternity.

It is suggested that one purple tomato is as rich in antioxidants as a spoonful of cranberries. That may be so, but why then not stick with the cranberries, or similar fruits that have not been genetically modified?

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Seemingly, the argument postulated by those who are pro genetically modified food, is that many people do not eat the a recommended minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day, to assist in maintaining good health. However, most of those who are interested in natural health do make sure that they consume at least the recommended minimums. Moreover, as far as it is possible they determine that their intake is from natural sources.

Other critics, who relate genetic modification to factory farming, are not happy about these developments. It is a controversial subject, but one about which everybody should have the right to make up our own minds. Consumers should always be given a choice, with clear labelling, specifying whether food had been genetically modified being a legal requirement.


natural health

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Free radicals are unstable molecules. that seek to make up for their imbalance by 'stealing' electrons from stable molecules which in turn causes them to become unstable. If this process becomes excessive serious health implications may result from a sort of chain reaction. Remember, it is an excess of free radicals that are a health hazard because a limited amount are required to assist with normal body processes.

Excess free radicals are a significant cause of degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables contains antioxidants that are able to assist in preventing such afflictions. Fortunately, antioxidants seem to be all good, with no downside, which is one of the reasons so much emphasis is attached to including five portions of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet. More than five portions is better still, and in normal circumstances will increase the intake of antioxidants.

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site

Insofar as antioxidants are concerned fruit and vegetables are what to aim for, but some contain far more antioxidants than others. Berry fruits have gained an excellent reputation, with blueberries and tart cherries, for example, being near the top in antioxidant content. However, we all have our food likes and dislikes, and there is no need to impose blueberries on those who don't like them, as there are so many delicious fruit and vegetable alternatives.

The deadly diseases associated with free radicals are more likely to occur if people smoke than if they don't. Smoking and other pollutants will increase free radical damage, which is another good reason for smokers to stop. However, there are many other poisonous aspects of tobacco smoking, with free radical damage being but one of the many health hazards associated with this insidious pastime.


natural health

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Become a Vegetarian Gradually

There is no need to become a vegetarian overnight! As admirable as that might be, old habits die hard, and for those who wish to introduce themselves to a new and better way of life, an all or nothing approach is not the best way forward.

As with anything else worthwhile, becoming a vegetarian is better undertaken as part of a plan. For instance regular meat eaters usually partake of a mix of red meat and white meat. Therefore, a sensible approach would be to cut out red meat first for a predefined period, before moving on to chicken and the like. There are so many wonderful vegetarian dishes, and lots of books and magazines with a myriad of recipes. Stopping gradually affords the opportunity to experiment with your vegetarian diet to see what you actually like.

Please Click Here to visit the Vegetarianism Online Web Site.

Your local library will contain lots of books about vegetarians and vegetarianism. They are frequently written by devotees, who also advise on the nutritional benefits, as well as the tastiness of various foods. If you didn't know already, you will quickly learn that far from being boring, a vegetarian diet is interesting, and far more concerned with the true meaning of nature.

The Internet is a marvelous source of information for vegetarians as much as anybody else. The last time I typed in the word 'vegetarian' in the Google search box, there were over 46 million pages returned. That should be more than enough for a lifetime of research! Of course you can search for 'vegetarian diet', or some similar phrase, if you want to narrow the searches down to particular aspects of vegetarianism.

Strangely there are some people who think that a vegetarian diet will stifle their dining out possibilities. They couldn't be more wrong, as all good restaurants provide vegetarian alternatives, prepared by chefs who know what they are doing. There are some great specialist vegetarian restaurants, but they are a choice and not an absolute necessity.

There is every reason to become a vegetarian and no obvious disadvantages. Meat has been linked to various afflictions and ailments, and there is the plight of the poor animals, which have the right to a normal life expectancy. So please give vegetarianism a try, and you will soon realize that feeling better about yourself, and all living things, is a worthwhile bonus.


natural health

Food Allergies On The Increase In US Children

Recent reports confirm that the number of children suffering from food allergies in the US is increasing. There are a whopping 3 million kids affected which accounts for about 1:26 of the child population.

The number of children with Peanut allergy, which is one of the most common allergies, has doubled in recent years. It is not known why such significant increases have occurred but one reason may be that parents are more alert to allergy related problems.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Research suggests that between 2 and 3 percent of Americans will contract a milk allergy at some time in their lives and that a lower percentage will have a problem with eggs. It is fortunate that many young allergy sufferers do not carry the problem through to adulthood.

It has been discovered that children who have food allergies are more prone to other allergy related conditions, including respiratory problems, eczema and asthma. There has also been a dramatic increase in the number of children hospitalized with allergic disorders, with more than three times the number of cases reported in the last decade.

Reports are not clear about the reason for food allergy increases, but it is good to know that research is continuing, and that many parents have become better at recognizing the symptoms, that enables them to seek specialized advice.


natural health

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

De-stress With Aromatherapy

Stress related illnesses are a scourge of modern society and are responsible for many days absence from work. In fact stress is very difficult to avoid, and in a competitive world a small amount may even be necessary. However, when stress becomes excessive, it may become unbearable, and manifest itself in other physical and mental afflictions.

One excellent method of de-stressing is using aromatherapy, which relies on the use of essential oils. These oils are concentrated extracts from numerous plant sources, and as natural as a walk in the garden or through a pine forest. The aromatic oils are so convenient and transportable because a little goes a long way.

It is the easiest thing in the world, to sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils of aromatherapy, onto a tissue or inhaler, and then sit back and enjoy the vapors. This is a wonderful way to relax, and if you do it sufficiently often, it will recharge the batteries, that have become stressed out.

Stress is brought about in a variety of ways. It may mean that sufferers are not taking enough time to recover from their daily exertions. Close concentration as required by people who work on computers and the like, can drain the system. It is unwise not to inter-disperse periods of intense activity with periods of rest. It can become difficult to switch off, which is when aromatherapy can be so helpful.

If possible take your breaks some place where there is a little peace. Sit down with your tissue at the ready; add a few drops essential oil and drift away from the perils of continued and intense concentration. There are so many oils to choose from that your are sure to find one, or even a few, that are particularly suited to you. If you get used to doing this you will look forward to such times, which of itself will reduce workday stresses. Once you have identified your own favorites you will be surprised at how quickly they can help you to relax.

A relaxed worker is usually more efficient than a stressed worker, and it should not be long before you are thanking aromatherapy for helping you to balance and enjoy your days.


natural health

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Linda Lewis - UK's Sexiest Vegetarian

It has been reported that Linda Lewis, who had an enormous hit with Bleeding Love, amongst others, has pulled out of a big store promotion because of her vegetarian beliefs. It is always good when somebody is able to demonstrate the strength of their convictions, and when a star of Linda's standing does so it can but help the vegetarian cause.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Miss Lewis it against all form of animal cruelty, and a fine role model for vegetarianism.

An extract of the BBC article is shown below:

"X Factor winner Leona Lewis pulled out of opening the Harrods winter sale last year because of her vegetarian beliefs, it has emerged.

The 23-year-old, who is firmly against animal cruelty, cancelled her public appearance at the department store in London because it stocked animal fur.

Harrods said it was told she cancelled 'due to a scheduling clash'.

Lewis, who scored a huge hit with Bleeding Love, was recently voted the UK's sexiest vegetarian.

'I'm totally against animal cruelty,' she said at the time. 'I don't have clothes, shoes or bags made from any animal products.'

Various reports have suggested Lewis had been offered £1 million to attend the event."

Please Click Here to read the complete story Lewis axed Harrods event over fur.


natural health

Thursday, October 09, 2008

St John's Wort As Good As Prozac!

A recent report in the Daily Mail contains information about further research into the use of St John's Wort for treating depression. Extensive studies carried out at the Center for Complementary Medicine in Munich, found the herb to be as effective as Prozac.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

This is not the first time that researches into St John's Wort have substantiated its effectiveness in treating depression. Its popularity in the UK can be gauged from the two million people estimated to use it. It is very popular in other countries as well, including Germany, where it is commonly prescribed, by medical practitioners.

St John's Wort may effect the action of other medicines, and those who are taking anything prescribed by their doctors, are recommended to seek his advice before taking the herb. In fact it is always wise to discuss the matter with your doctor, in the first instance, to help you reach a decision with regard to whether it is right for you.

If you would like to learn more about St John's Wort , Please Click Here to read the complete story The Prozac in a plant.


natural health

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Allergies - Caesarean Babies

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

A recent report in the Philippine Daily Inquirer suggests that allergies are more likely to occur in children delivered by Caesarean section. At a time when around a quarter of all babies born worldwide, are by Caesarean section, mothers are being cautioned against this procedure, unless there are emergency or medical reasons.

The report goes into considerable detail about the reason why such children are more prone to allergies, explaining how their immune systems may be compromised.

It is widely understood that there are also significantly more risks to women, from Caesarean births, than normal deliveries. Therefore, this is a timely report that will be of interest to many women and their families.

Please Click Here to read the complete story Allergies Likely In Caesarian Babies.


natural health

Allergen Block Offers Hope to Millions

The month of September begins the fall, and starts the 'allergy season' off in earnest. At this time of the year millions of Americans are affected by allergens, such as plant pollens and mold spores.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

There is hope that this year might not prove so miserable for so many allergy sufferers. There is a new product, that has been invented by a New Jersey Engineer, who was motivated to help his allergy suffering daughter. Allergen Block, as the new product is known, has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration.

Allergen Block seemingly stops airborne allergens from progressing through the nasal passages. It is an over-the-counter product, developed without unpleasant side effects, that works using simple but proven scientific methods.

There is a fascinating report about Allergen Block, in the IndUS Business Journal, which also contains useful information about allergies in general.

Please Click Here to read the complete story Innovative Allergy Combatant.


natural health

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Food Allergy Sufferers

The number of people suffering from food allergies is increasing on a worldwide basis.

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

There are so many people who have to be careful what they eat, as just one bite of something they are allergic to, could have serious implications and in the worst-case scenario, could be fatal.

The most common allergens are peanuts, other nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy and fish, but even some fruits and vegetables can trigger reactions in some people. Food additives may also be responsible for creating problems for others.

Of course people are not always aware that they may be allergic to a particular food, until after they become ill. Therefore, it is essential that sufferers find out as much as they can about their own allergy in particular and the whole subject of allergies in general.

There are many good sources of information about allergies. A recent article in the Canadian GlobeLife Health is informative and up to date.

Please Click Here to read the complete story New Rules Offer Security To Food Allergy Sufferers.


natural health

Major Cholesterol Survey

It is interesting to note that as the national cholesterol awareness month draws to a close. many Americans are making the effort to manage their own cholesterol levels.

A significant survey of over 10,000 Americans, has produced some interesting results. These included the number of times participants had their cholesterol levels checked.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.

Many of those taking part in the survey said that as well as taking their doctors advice they were also taking some form of action on their own. A substantial percentage were eating a low fat diet, whilst others were consuming recommended oat based products.

Herbal remedies, such as garlic, flax seed oil, fish oil were popular. A lower percentage were drinking red wine, but hopefully, not in too copious quantities!

It's good to find such encouraging results from a substantial and meaningful survey. The first line of defense, in protecting your natural health, must include looking after yourself.

Please Click Here to read the complete story 10,000 Americans in Cholesterol Health Check.


natural health

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cherry Juice - Cheery News

It has been reported that one glass of cherry juice contains more antioxidants than over 20 portions of fruit and vegetables. It is well known that antioxidants offset free radicals, which if left unchecked can lead to serious diseases, including cardiovascular problems, cancer and also lead to premature aging. In fact, it was established in a recent television documentary, that people who live the longest, frequently take antioxidants to the extent of 6000, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) units per day.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.

It seems that all cherries are not equal and do not have the same effect. Maximum benefits are obtained from Montmorency tart cherries that are grown in the United States. The cherries common to other countries, including the UK, are not nearly so rich in antioxidants as the US variety, which isn't to say that they are not a useful dietary aid. However, they contain only about a fifth of the antioxidants found in the Montmorency cherry juice, which is available from health food stores in other countries, under the name of CherryActive.

Tart cherries, which are otherwise known as sour, red cherries, or pie cherries are renowned as ingredients in delicious desserts. If Montmorency cherry juice is as good for you as recent studies suggest, it seems that it could be so uplifting as to be called 'cheery' juice! There is so much written about diets and supplements these days and some of it is hard to swallow! That does not apply to Montmorency tart cherries that seem to be readily available in a most palatable form. Some people feel guilty about following a main meal with a dessert, but recent research into tart cherries may have let them off the hook!


natural health

Allergy Testing News

There is no doubt that food allergies have increased significantly, in the last decade, but it is gratifying to learn that continuing research is working hard to combat the threat.

Please Click Here to visit the, Allergy-Check Web Site

Allergies are a real problem to all sufferers, but particular so to young children with less understanding of their condition. Research into ways of reducing the risks associated with testing procedures are welcome. In this respect the following report is very interesting:

"Right now, the only way to definitively diagnose a food allergy is to feed a child some of the suspected food at a hospital so they can get prompt treatment if they have a serious reaction.

But immunologists at Dalhousie University’s medical school are working with doctors at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax to devise a laboratory test that could identify allergies without exposing a child to risk.

In department head Jean Marshall’s lab, researchers can grow the mast cells involved in allergic responses, add serum from a patient’s body, introduce the food and watch what happens.

'If we develop a new diagnostic test here, it will get used here first,' she said in a recent interview. 'So it will impact on treatment very quickly.'

Rates of food allergies have increased substantially over the last 10 years, with the highest incidence in North America, the United Kingdom and Australia, Ms. Marshall said."

Please Click here to read the full article,Nova Scotia News -


natural health

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Mosquitoes

A very interesting article has emerged from the Malaysian National News Agency, regarding herbal ways to combat mosquitoes, and the diseases they cause.

It is reported that Dr Nor Azah and others, at the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, are looking into the use of herbs and spices as ways of repelling the insects. It seems that as insect behavior is significantly related to aroma, essential oils could be developed for use as insect repellents.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

Important research work is continuing with scent-producing plants, and it is fascinating for all who are interested in natural health to learn of such promising studies. There is a worldwide interest in aromatherapy, herbal remedies, and other matters concerning natural health, and it seems that these studies present another area where nature can spring to our defense.

An extract from the article is reproduced below:


Dr Nor Azah suggested the possibility of using herbs and spices, whose essential oils are able to repel insects, be used in insecticides,

This is due to the presence of monoterpenoids like limonene, citronellol, geraniol and citronellal that have been reported as having insect repellant properties.

'As aroma play an important role towards controlling the insects behaviour, essential oils can be used as insect repellents', she said.

From FRIM's research, a number of essential oils such as Cymbopogon nardus, Litsea eliptica, Melaleuca cajuputi and Cinnamomum spp demonstrates repellent properties against the Aedes agyptii mosquito.

She said essential oils from other plants, reported to be able to repel insects are that from geranium (Pelargonium citrosum), sandalwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) and Sweet Basil (Ocimum spp).

'There are other aromatic species that can be found in the Malaysian forest or that cultivated in parks for their medicinal properties and culinary reasons. Essential oils from these species are also preferred by the essential oil industry,' said Dr Nor Azah, who has been with FRIM since 1987."

Please Click Here to read the full article.


natural health

Monday, September 22, 2008

About Aromatherapy

As a name 'Aromatherapy', was first coined in the 1920's, by the French chemist, Rene Maurice Gattefosse. There are reports that after his arm was set ablaze in his laboratory, he plunged it into a nearby vessel of cold fluid, which as it happened to contain lavender oil. Much to his surprise the burn completely healed and there was no scarring. Thereafter, he devoted his life to studying aromatherapy, which is concerned with the use of essential oils, and related aromatic extracts from plants, leaves, flowers, and seeds, to therapeutically affect the body and mind.

Since those days, aromatherapy has become internationally recognized, as the art and science of using essential oils for natural healing, to assist the body's remedial processes. Defined as being a science and an art, with important health implications, those who practice aromatherapy must be professionally qualified. It is essential that they should take part in basic, and ongoing quality training, to meet the needs of the aromatherapy profession.

To find out more about the fascinating profession of Aromatherapy Please Click Here to visit the Aromatherapy Advice Web Site


natural health

Herbal Remedies Are Not A Quick Fix

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

Herbal treatment is not a quick fix or a magic bullet, but support for a natural health lifestyle. It is concerned with prevention as well as cure by creating a balance in natural health. Some herbal preparations assist with maintaining a balanced lifestyle, whilst others are most useful when imbalances do arise. In common with conventional medicine, expert guidance is vital, but it is accessible from a variety of sources including, personal consultation, libraries, natural health magazines, the Internet, quality newspapers and elsewhere.

Please click here, The New Straits Times Online to read a very interesting article.

"NO one would have expected a Mat Salleh to be one of the first to market Tongkat Ali in Malaysia, but that's what Benjamin Scott Drewe did.
More than 10 years ago, this Australian herbalist registered one of the first lines of Tongkat Ali products in Malaysia.

Drewe, who has lived in Malaysia for more than 20 years, says he's been attracted to the study of herbs since his teenage years.

'Growing up in an organic farm, it was easy to find my passion at an early age,' says Drewe, the managing director of Asia Botanicals.

'I take pride in building people's trust in herbs. Herbal remedies are based on scientific research.
'Things have changed since 'Grandma's days'. Today we use science and technology to show the mechanism of herbs.'"

Please Click Here to Visit my Website


natural health

Allergies - Something In The Air

There was a very interesting article in 'USA Today' about allergies, and some of the environmental causes, including global warming:

"If you have respiratory allergies, you have an environmental problem: There's something in the air that makes you sniffle, sneeze, stuff up or wheeze.

And growing evidence suggests your problem may be linked with the biggest environmental problem of all: global climate change."

"We've got really good evidence now that environment matters," says Jay Portnoy, a Kansas City, Mo., allergist and president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. "Just taking a pill is not going to solve your problem."

Mark Dykewicz, chief of allergy and clinical immunology at St. Louis University School of Medicine, agrees: "Allergen avoidance is Job One."

Allergens are the things that trigger symptoms: the pollens and molds outside; the dust mites, molds, pet dander and insect droppings inside. Different people have different triggers and need different environmental control strategies.

Many are common sense: If pollen bothers you, check daily counts (at and stay inside with your windows closed when they peak. If you go outside, shower before bedtime.

Avoiding indoor trouble-makers takes more work. But research suggests it's worth the bother, if sufferers take multiple steps. "Doing one thing isn't enough," Portnoy says. Measures that may help:

•Control dust mites by keeping indoor humidity below 50%, putting mite-proof covers on pillows and mattresses, washing bedding in hot water, removing carpets from bedrooms, using products that kill or deactivate mites and using a cyclonic vacuum cleaner or one with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. Room air cleaners with HEPA filters also can help.

• Reduce indoor mold by finding and repairing leaks and making sure bathrooms, basements and kitchens are well ventilated.

• If you can't part with a pet that causes allergies, at least keep the pet out of your bedroom."

To read the full article please visit:

Big culprit for allergies? Evidence points to global change -


natural health

Pine Bark - Natural Health Antioxidant

Pine bark extract has long been known to be a powerful antioxidant, which has been used in folk medicine in many different countries. More recently it is marketed as Pycnogenol® which has been found to be among the best antioxidants along with vitamins C and E.

It seems that Pycnogenol is particularly good, as it also prolongs life span of vitamin C in the body, making it even more valuable.

You may be aware that antioxidants are nutrients that are present in some foods, chiefly fruit and vegetables. They protect the human body from oxidation, or free radical damage, that can result in serious diseases.

It has been established, that the best antioxidants help to protect against some of the worst health problems known to mankind, including heart disease and some forms of cancer. It is in everybody's health interests, to have sufficient amounts of the best antioxidants in their diets, to support a healthy lifestyle.

Pycnogenol is obtained from the bark of the French pine, Pinus pinaster, which is native to the Atlantic coast of France and beyond. Teas containing the pine have been used by generations of Europeans, and it is used in Asian medicine as well.

It seems that there are many flavonoids in Pycnogenol that assist with the antioxidant process. It is considered to be a valuable natural health supplement in respect of which there has been a great deal of research. Studies are continuing to delve even further into its usefulness in promoting natural health.

Please Click Here to visit the Antioxidants Advice Web Site


natural health

Hay Fever On The Increase

Please Click Here to visit the Allergy-Check Web Site

Recent figures suggest that more people than ever are suffering from Hay Fever.

Allergic Rhinitis, or Hay Fever as it is more commonly known, has increased by a third during the period 2001-2005.

Researchers have suggested, that the increase is partly due to an increase of awareness by doctors, and also to a real increase in the actual condition.

The real figures may be even higher, because many sufferers self-medicate and do not consult their doctors.

To read the full report please visit:

BBC NEWS | Health | Hay fever allergies on the rise


natural health

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Natural Health and Blackberries

One of the great joys, for families in late summer in Great Britain, is to go blackberrying. It may not be quite so popular as it once was, but that is a pity because blackberries are a wonderful source of natural health.

Blackberries are among the best sources of antioxidants of any fruits, and that alone makes a blackberry picking expedition more than just worthwhile. Moreover, these delicious berries are also rich in vitamin C, and about a half a cupful, provides the recommended daily requirement.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site.

On a blackberry picking expedition many of the plumpest berries are devoured before reaching the collection basket. They are so delicious that you hardly need to be told that they are doing you good. It's not sneaky to eat a few, because you would need to be strong willed, or even silly to resist the temptation. At peak times there are plenty for all, but perhaps less these days, when some hedgerows have given way to more expansive farming methods.

Of course blackberry picking is not restricted to simply picking, or eating the fruits. It involves a trip to the countryside, which might be nearer or farther depending on where you live. However, the opportunity of breathing in lungfuls of fresh air, whilst engaging in the supremely satisfying endeavour of gathering the fruits, is immensely rewarding.

You usually arrive home with far more blackberries than you have eaten. They are available for superb home made jams, or wonderful pies, either on their own, or mixed with other seasonal fruits such as apples. You will be reminded of your excursion to the bramble bushes for weeks to come, as jam is not called a preserve for nothing. Blackberry time exemplifies what natural health is all about. Fresh air, natural food, and outdoor exercise are basic ingredients of healthy living.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Monday, September 15, 2008

Natural Health Is Common Sense

Natural health and common sense are essential components of a happy life. The ingredients are good food, plenty of fresh air, enjoyable exercise and enough sleep. If you only concentrate on these four requirements you will soon score quite highly in the natural health league.

Good food doesn't have to be expensive. If you make sure that you are getting sufficient fruit and vegetables, a minimum of five helpings per day, you will be on the right track. You should incorporate a modicum of healthy exercise into your sensible diet by growing some of your own food. Fruit and vegetables are not difficult to grow but can be so much more satisfying than those you purchase from the supermarket.

You may have a decent sized garden that allows you to develop a vegetable plot, but if you haven't you could think about trying to get an allotment. Where there's a will there's a way, as they say, and your endeavours could pay huge natural health dividends.

Some people may not sleep very well, but a bit of digging and forking is conducive to helping out in this respect. Its not only an excellent way of relaxing exercise but a great way of getting away from the stresses of working days. In fact it is tiring without being tiresome, helping to ensure that when you retire sleep is assured.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Monday, August 25, 2008

Green Tea Diet Appraisal

Green tea diet has been popular, for many thousands of years in Asia, where it is highly regarded for its health benefits. More recently it has become popular in many other parts of the world, including Western nations although some of its claimed health advantages have not been fully validated.

There is no doubt that green tea diet contains powerful antioxidants, and that in itself might be sufficient reason for many people to consume it. Many others believe that it has assisted them with their weight loss programs, and if that is the case it is easy to monitor insofar as individual progress is concerned. In fact as far as losing weight is concerned the scientific evidence for green tea diet is good,

As with any diet, the best way forward is not to rely entirely on a single supplement as a sort of magic bullet, but to include green tea diet as part of a total fitness schedule. Surely the idea of a diet is not just to be slimmer but to be fitter as well.

So, it seems that green tea diet is certainly a supplement to consider because some of its health benefits have stood the test of time. It is a natural product, and its growing international popularity may be due to its lack of the harmful side effects, associated with some contemporary products.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site, for further information about green tea, and many other natural health considerations.


natural health

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Health Advantages of Dual Action Green Tea Diet

There are many health advantages to be obtained from Dual Action Green Tea Diet. If you want to increase the efficiency of your weight loss program then reading up about Dual Action Green Tea Diet, should be one of your priorities.

It seems that Dual Action Green Tea Diet is able to assist, even when you cannot find time to attend the gym as often as you might like. It is a recommended dietary supplement that can assist with transforming body fats into energy, that in turn can help with muscle building.

There are many people who want to exercise greater control over their appetites and this is something that Dual Action Green Tea Diet can help with. Apparently it contains antioxidants that are useful as appetite suppressants. This is something that can offset hunger spasms and thereby assist with controlling calories.

As Dual Action Green Tea Diet has a lower caffeine content that many other diet drinks, side effects associated with caffeine are largely avoided. There seems little doubt that it can assist in supporting a healthy lifestyle. If you want to learn more about this valuable health supplement, Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site. which has information concerning Dual Action Green Tea Diet, and many more natural health tips.


natural health

Monday, August 11, 2008

Green Tea Is A Remarkable Beverage

It is not always the case that dieting includes your favorite beverage, such as green tea, but it can happen.

For thousands of years green tea has been a preferred beverage for many Asians, who also cherish its reported health advantages. More recently, studies were undertaken by Swiss and American scientists at the University of Geneva. They concluded that antioxidants, present in green tea, were able to stimulate thermo genesis, or fat metabolism, as it is otherwise known. Consequently diets that included sufficient green tea were considered to be useful in reducing weight.

Further studies were undertaken in China, to substantiate green teas weight reducing capabilities. They also wanted to find out whether green tea could assist with reducing cholesterol. Their tests confirmed that green tea could significantly reduce cholesterol levels, which further enhanced its reputation in natural health circles.

From the above studies, it can be assumed that green tea is useful for treating obesity. Green tea also contains catechin polyphenols that are believed to impede the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases. These enzymes are concerned with the storing of calories into fats in the body. Through its reaction with such enzymes, green tea may reduce fat concentration, which may support its use in preventing obesity.

Green tea is a remarkable beverage that is considered to benefit health in a number of ways. More recently it has been discovered that it can also help in preventing damage due to ultraviolet light radiation. There are many people who have switched from more traditional teas and other beverages to green tea. It may be something of an acquired taste but when you consider its reported health advantages there is everything to gain from giving it a try, and seemingly nothing to lose.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Monday, July 21, 2008

Smoking Is Not Natural

Continuing the theme, on our anti smoking month, it is true that smoking can damage your looks as well as causing serious internal diseases.

The following image, from the Want To Stop Smoking web site, suggests how quickly your good looks can deteriorate if you continue to smoke. Of course, the real health problems associated with smoking are a range of serious diseases, but there are many people who will be more inclined to want to stop smoking, if they are made aware of how it may affect their looks. It seems that it could virtually turn their lives upside down!

If you really want to stop smoking - you can. The Want To Stop Smoking web site is there to help you and you will find some helpful advice within the web pages from which an extract is printed below:

Methods to Stop Smoking

There all sorts of ways to stop smoking and they differ in success rates depending on the people involved. There are some who prefer to reduce the amount they smoke before they stop smoking completely, while others are adamant that "cold turkey" is the only successful route. Many smokers are helped with nicotine replacement products such as patches, lozenges, inhalers, and gum. Some of these aids may be available on prescription, depending on whereabouts in the world you live.

Additionally, there are lots of alternative methods to help you to stop smoking, such as aromatherapy to promote feelings of tranquility and peace, acupuncture (insertion of special needles into meridian centers of the body), meditation to induce feelings of calmness and peace, programs like Nicotine Anonymous (comparable to the better known and highly regarded Alcoholics Anonymous), and hypnotism to strengthen your resolve to stop smoking.

There are so many choices, that it is difficult to know the best method to suit you, which depends on several factors. If you think about it, you know yourself better than anybody. So consider what is the most difficult obstacle in your desire to stop smoking. It could be overcoming your emotional dependence on tobacco products. On the other hand it might be beating withdrawal symptoms, or just coming to terms with a bad habit that your are now determined to see off once and for all.

Please Click Here to visit the Want To Stop Smoking Web Site.


natural health

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Natural Health - Nothing Worse Than Smoking!

There is nothing more alien to a natural health lifestyle than smoking. However, there are many natural health enthusiasts who are ex smokers. Similarly, there are those who may have friends or relatives who still smoke, but would like to stop to pursue a healthier life.

The 'Want To Stop Smoking' web site has lots of useful information for people, guess what, who want to stop smoking! The web site is continuously being expanded, and is a good source of information, as you can see from the following extract.

"Smoking Can Also Affect Your Looks

Is it possible that anybody can read this and not want to stop smoking? Well, you are not always aware about what is going on inside you, so what about the damage smoking can do externally - to your looks!

Smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles. This is because smoking decreases the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels of vitamin A. In fact smokers begin to look old before their time so consider the animated graphic and..............."

Readers of this blog who have family, friends, or acquaintances, who are trying to stop smoking, may wish to recommend the Want To Stop Smoking web site. Please be forewarned, that in some instances shock tactics have been used. Unfortunately, there are times when such an approach is necessary, because after all smoking really is a shocking habit, and one of the biggest health hazards around.

Please Click Here to visit the Want To Stop Smoking Web Site.


natural health

Monday, July 14, 2008

Natural Health - Super Green Tea Diet

Historically, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung is credited with having been the first person to discover the many benefits of green tea. Legend has it that when he was boiling some water, leaves from an adjacent plant dropped into his pot. The result was the highly respected herbal drink, known as green tea that is now internationally recognized.

Green tea was highly regarded in Asia for thousands of years before Westerners became fully aware of its benefits. Eventually they did so and Natures Bounty, who are America's biggest manufacturer of quality vitamins and related health goods, produced Super Green Tea Diet. They claim that Super Green Tree Diet can assist with boosting energy, and also promoting weight loss when combined with the right diet and suitable exercise.

It is claimed that a Super Green Tea Diet capsule facilitates workout and diet. It seems that Super Green Tea Diet can help to burn calories by promoting sugar and fat metabolism. Research shows that the catechin polyphenols, present in Super Green Tea Diet, supplements interact with other antioxidants in the process of thermogenesis, which is related to the burning of body-fat and increasing metabolism.

To read the complete article, and many other interesting articles concerning natural health matters, Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba

It is thought that using ginkgo biloba may provide considerable natural health benefits. It is acknowledged to be a herb with the medicinal capacity to treat various afflictions. The Chinese have used ginkgo biloba extracts for centuries to treat a range of health problems. They have used ginkgo biloba for treating lung congestion, asthma, to increase blood flow for general longevity. There are many other reported benefits of using the herb, and the Chinese, amongst others, believe healing is properly attributed to ginkgo biloba extract.

It has been reported that Germany recently approved the use of ginkgo biloba extracts for Alzheimer’s patients. This seems to confirm a widening of support on the advantages of ginkgo biloba, particularly as it has become popular in France as well. The popularity of ginkgo biloba in both these countries is mainly due to the treatment of memory related problems, anxiety, depression, headache and dizziness.

Ginkgo biloba is one of those herbs that are always in the news for one reason or another. There are several pages on the 'herbal remedies for all web site' providing lots of information about the herb. There is information about its origins, its uses, its international reputation and much more besides so Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


ginkgo biloba

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo biloba and ginseng

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo biloba and ginseng

Ginkgo biloba and ginseng are considered to be two of the most valuable herbs. They have been used for thousands of years particularly in China.

There are a number of similarities between ginkgo biloba and ginseng. Both have been used as medicinal herbs for thousands of years. They are both considered to be useful for improving the memory, and for the treatment of many bodily ailments. Ginkgo biloba and ginseng are internationally regarded for their medicinal value. It is believed that ginkgo biloba and ginseng may, improve mental and physical capacities, stimulate the central nervous system, and help the body to combat stress. Combining, ginkgo biloba and ginseng, has been found to be useful in assisting with memory loss especially when the condition is age related.

Both ginkgo biloba and ginseng have been widely used in Europe and Asia. They are of significant commercial value, and influence related industries because of their medicinal value. Although there are similarities, a number of noticeable differences are also recognized between ginkgo biloba and ginseng.

Panax ginseng and ginkgo biloba have been considered to be a panacea for illness, but unlike ginkgo biloba, ginseng is considered more of a preventative treatment."

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba Herb

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba Herb

Ginkgo Biloba Herb

The ginkgo biloba herb is obtained from ginkgo trees. Geological research considers that the tree has existed for 150-200 million years. Chinese monks nourished the tree and ensured its availability up to the present day. Ginkgo biloba herb is revered in China and has been administered to treat numerous afflictions for a thousand years or more. The herb was introduced to Europe in the 18th century. At this time, ginkgo biloba herb is a commonly used drug in Germany and France.

Due to ginkgo biloba herb’s popularity, it attracted considerable interest amongst science specialists who subjected it to much research. In this respect, more than 300 studies have been conducted on the herb in the last 30 years to test its remedial capacity.

Ginkgo biloba herb is used in China to treat lung congestion, vertigo, asthma, and a number of neurological and circulation conditions. Ginkgo biloba herb contains two groups of substances: flavonoids and terpene lactones. Terpene lactones contain ginkgolides A, B and C, bilobaide, quercetin and kaempferol. Research suggests that Ginkgolides can control asthma, anaphylactic shock and allergic inflammation.

Furthermore ginkgo biloba herb increases blood flow to the brain and in all blood vessels. Also oxygen levels in the brain, which make up 20% of the body’s oxygen, increase in the process.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba - Memory

Herbal Remedies - Ginkgo Biloba - Memory

Ginkgo Biloba Can Improve Memory

Ginkgo biloba has many uses and one of its most significant advantages is improving the memory either short or long term.

Ginkgo biloba for memory has been used in different areas of the world for many thousands of years. As a living fossil, the oldest tree in the world is a source of medicinal herbs as well. Extensive use of ginkgo biloba commenced in China about 5,000 years ago. It seems that people over the age of 50 are increasingly using ginkgo biloba for memory.

There is commonly held notion that taking ginkgo biloba for memory can counter memory lapses and even restore it.

Ginkgo biloba contains flavenoids and terpenoids considered useful for memory related problems. These two significant constituents of ginkgo biloba for memory are considered to have favorable effect on the brain. This is why ginkgo biloba is known as a brain tonic. Flavenoids can control free radicals that if unchecked can result in premature aging and dementia.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Friday, June 27, 2008

Natural Health - Chinese Green Tea

Natural Health - Chinese Green Tea

Chinese Green Tea and Heart Health

Chinese green tea is believed to stimulate blood flow throughout the body. Also, because it contains caffeine the drink is thought to stimulate the heart and facilitate blood flow through the blood vessels. Additionally the Chinese green tea is considered to assist thought processes and mental clarity.

Polyphenols, which are a naturally occurring antioxidant in Chinese green tea, are believed to combat the ravaging and injurious effect of free radicals. So the tea helps to preserve well-being, and boost resistance to a number of ailments. You will not only feel better, but also look better because Chinese green tea can help preserve the skin and maintain bright eyes.

Drink Chinese Green Tea and Live Longer!

It is thought that Chinese green tea not only assists with general health but also with longevity, and it would be difficult to argue that if you look after yourself, you are likely to live longer too.

Although there has been some skepticism regarding the benefits of Chinese green tea, it has been difficult to dismiss the claims of serious researches, which have tended to support its disease prevention capacity.

Please Click Here to visit my Website and read the full article.


natural health

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Eucalyptus

Herbal Remedies - Eucalyptus

The eucalyptus tree is found in Australia and Tasmania, but is renowned worldwide. It has leathery leaves, containing glands that secrete its uniquely flavoured oil. Eucalyptus trees soon grow to great heights, reaching 300 feet. Although they produce timber they are much more famous for their aromatic oil, which has medicinal, industrial and aromatic applications.

Eucalyptus oil has disinfectant and antiseptic properties, which combined with its unique aroma, make it particularly suitable as an inhalant for respiratory infections. It is a popular, soothing self treatment for coughs, colds, influenza, bronchitis, sinusitis, and related conditions. Eucalyptus oil is frequently used with steam, in a large bowl, to use as an inhalant, by an inflicted person, who uses a towel over the head, to direct the vapours to the nasal passages. Eucalyptus oil is a natural product, and seems to provide considerable benefit, if used for long enough periods of 15 minutes or so per session.

Eucalyptus is not limited to the alleviation of reparatory disorders but has many other medicinal attributes. These include anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic qualities, useful in the treatment of rheumatism, skin ulcers, urinary infections and wounds.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Bilberry

Herbal Remedies - Bilberry

The reputation of the bilberry, as a healing herb, was reinforced by the Royal Air Force bomber pilots, during the second world war. They found that there night vision was improved if the food they ate, prior to their night bombing raid contained bilberries. Afterwards tests seemed to show that bilberry is a good antioxidant, that can protect cells in the eyes and elsewhere, from free radicals.

Researchers, encouraged by the RAF pilots claims, investigated further. They found compounds known as anthocyanosides, which are thought to improve blood flow to blood the eyes. Such compounds, found in bilberries also help with collagen, that aids healthy connective tissue.

Bilberries have been used by European herbalists for a thousand years or more, as a treatment for numerous ailments, including kidney stones, diarrhoea, and urinary tract infections. Bilberries also contain tannins, useful for treating sore throats, and mouth conditions.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Monday, June 09, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - Evening Primrose Oil

Herbal Remedies - Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose originated in North America, but was introduced into Europe in the 17th century. Because the wild primrose only opens its yellow petals in the evening, it is apparent why it is known as the evening primrose. The less common alternative name of evening star is due to the petals emitting phosphorescent light at night.

Evening primrose oil has become well known for its anti-inflammatory and other healing properties. Its power is derived from its seed oil which contains gamma-linolenic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid.

Gamma-linolenic acid is not unique to evening primrose oil, but with 7-10 per cent fatty acid content, it is a major source. Because of this high content evening primrose has real health benefits, because when taken internally, gamma-linolenic acid is converted into prostaglandins, which help to assist body functions.

Evening primrose oil has been found to be extremely helpful for treating PMS and other menstruation problems, as well as endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts. Also its anti-inflammatory properties appear to help with other associated conditions including premenstrual breast problems.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - St John's Wort

Herbal Remedies - Herbal Remedies - St John's Wort

St John's Wort is sometimes known as a miracle herb because it is used for so many afflictions.

Traditional Chinese medical practitioners have used St John’s Wort for over 4000 years. It has more recently come into its own in the West as a treatment for mild to moderate depression. Some people take St John’s Wort as a natural alternative to Prozac, and in Germany, where St John’s Wort is an approved treatment, it outsells Prozac by about 10:1.

Until recently it was thought that the hypericin content of St John’s Wort was responsible for its antidepressant effect. However, more recent studies are inconclusive, and it is not known exactly how the herb works in alleviating depression. What is certain is that there are millions of people, all over the world who are taking St John’s Wort and reaping benefits. Because of the herbs popularity, research studies are widely available, and excellent books have been written with up to date information.

Researchers continue their endeavours to discover the secret of St John’s Wort, but to its many beneficiaries, why it works is not as important as that it does work! Moreover, it seems that although its therapeutic effects are best known in the West for treating depression, it is useful for many other conditions.

Please Click Here to visit the Herbal Remedies Web Site and read the full article.


natural health

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Natural Health - Natural Health Spa Relieves Stress

Natural Health - Natural Health Spa Relieves Stress

Because of their busy lifestyles many people feel a need to relieve stress, and what better way could they set about it than by visiting a natural health spa?

Fortunately, workers at whatever level they are employed are entitled to reasonable time off, by way of holidays. If they have a stressful occupation, they would be well advised to replace one or more of their routine holidays, with a stay at a natural health spa. This would relieve stress and rejuvenate them, so that they were properly refreshed before returning to work.

Many people have seen the benefit that a friend or colleague has derived from a visit to a natural health spa, to the extent that they have sought details so that they may book a visit for themselves. They have learned that natural health spas provide treatment to bring about complete relaxation, and relieve stress.

All the treatments available at a natural health spa are designed for your well-being. So that not just your physical body but your whole self benefits. Initially you may feel a little guilty at being looked after so well. But you should not think of yourself as being pampered, but as being involved in a program to relieve stress that has accumulated over a period. Think of it as a safety valve to let off steam, and reduce the pressure that can occur from living a busy life.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Natural Health Nutritional Supplements

Natural Health Nutritional Supplements

Natural health nutritional supplements are formulated to assist your body. There are times when we are all subject to additional pressure. If circumstances arise that place an extra burden on your body's resources, it is good to know that there are natural health nutritional supplements available to help you. They will enable you to cope with the extra load, and prevent you from becoming run down.

As a part of your natural defenses, your immune system will do its best to protect you from the unseen enemy, comprised of bacteria and viruses. If you can strengthen your support with natural health nutritional supplements so much the better. If minor illness is allowed to take hold, serious complications may arise. It is necessary to protect your vital organs, if they are to serve you well, by nipping minor illnesses in the bud before they develop into something worse.

Have you ever noticed that when you feel better, you also look better. Natural health nutritional supplements can help that inner radiance to shine through. If you feel under the weather it shows, not only in your appearance but in your performance as well.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Monday, June 02, 2008

Natural Health Institute

Natural Health Institute

A natural health institute can provide you with a break to restore your vitality. There are times when you need to get back on track, and a natural health institute may be just what the doctor ordered. It is more likely that you will have to do the ordering yourself, but your doctor could hardly disapprove if the outcome was an improvement in your health.

If you have become run down, for no discernible reason of your own, a complete change, such as a natural health institute can provide, may bring about a transformation. Sometimes it is not just necessary to get away, but to get away to somewhere totally different. A natural health institute could be the answer, not just as a change, but to completely change and rejuvenate you.

There are times when you can derive real benefit from professional assistance. The services provided by qualified staff at a natural health institute, are carefully chosen, to meet the requirements of their patrons. There will be instruction in relaxation techniques, and other methods to revitalize and rejuvenate the system.

There will be opportunities to find out about health foods, and professional assistance with a detox, if that is considered necessary. A healthy diet is vital to your well-being.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Natural Women's Health

Natural Women's Health

That women are different to men goes without saying! Some would say better than men, but that's an argument we don't want to get into here. More importantly we want to consider what natural women's health is.

Natural women's health is a way of life for women who want to remain healthy. It is obvious when you think about it, but many women do not seem to have the time, or the inclination to consider its implications. They have children to care for, meals to cook, houses to look after, and probably a husband as well!

Of course, in these enlightened times women are classed as equals, and they are not downtrodden as they once were. In some instances though, the equality might not be as meaningful as it sounds. Mothers are something that fathers cannot be, and children do rely on their mums for an awful lot. Therefore, natural women's health is not only important to the woman of the house, but to the whole family.

When women become pregnant they are feeding two, at least! So it is vital that natural women's health focuses on nutrition and healthy food. It is particularly important during this time, for both the mother and her unborn child, to receive the nutrients they need. If they do not then the happy event, may not be such a happy event. Mother and baby must come first.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site.


natural health

Friday, May 30, 2008

- Natural Health Medicine

Natural Health Medicine:

Plants have been used in natural health medicine, almost since the birth of mankind. The secret of medicinal plants was passed down through the ages, and a form of herbalism was practiced long before it developed as a profession.

The main purpose of natural health medicine is to strengthen the immune system, to assist the body to look after itself. The significant difference between allopathic medicine, and natural health medicine, is that orthodox medicine seeks to cure a medical condition, whereas natural health medicine is recommended as part of a natural health lifestyle, to act as a preventative measure.

Natural health medicine has little or no side effects. Synthetic preparations are sometimes derived from plants, but as they may contain only a single constituent, they could lack some of the benefits that the whole herb could provide. This is thought to be one reason for unpleasant side effects.

The old adage, that prevention is better than cure, is particularly true of a natural health lifestyle, supported with natural health medicine. It is an unfortunate fact, that many people are more prone to disease because of their unhealthy lifestyles. Surely it would be better to try to avoid becoming ill in the first place. It stands to reason that poor diet, and little exercise, will not build up a healthy resistance to bacteria and viruses.

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natural health

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Natural Health Stores - Online Natural Health Stores

Natural Health Stores - Online Natural Health Stores

Natural health stores are a bit like an Aladdin's cave except that instead of being filled with precious stones, they are filled with precious life sustaining commodities. There is so much color in all the jars and containers packing the shelves, that on closer inspection contain just about everything there is to maintain good health.

Fortunately many natural health stores have online shops, so it is possible to purchase your requirements without leaving home. The online natural health stores have colorful catalogues that you can browse through. They cater for most needs, from vitamins and supplements, to natural health medicines and tonics. There is so much to choose from in support of a natural health lifestyle.

Whether you shop online, or by a personal visit, you will find your natural health store a mine of information. If you visit the store personally you will be able to discuss your requirements with trained assistants. Some of the established online natural health stores have interactive menus on their web pages, to assist you in relating your requirements to particular products. It may simply be a matter of convenience, and that you use the actual natural health store when you are in the vicinity, but go online to make your purchase at other times.

Please Click Here to visit the Natural Health Web Site


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